ExceptionHandler « Exception « Spring Q&A

1. @ExceptionHandler doesnt work with ResponseEntity    forum.springsource.org

@ExceptionHandler doesnt work with ResponseEntity Hello I'm trying to return a Responseentity object inside my @ExceptionHandler method but it complains about IllegalArugment ? Anyone able to use this feature? Code: ERROR: ...

2. @ExceptionHandler ignoring in web.xml    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I have (web.xml): Code: 403 /403.html And: Code: @ExceptionHandler(AuthorizationException.class) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN) public void handleException(AuthorizationException e) { } I don't see the /403.html page though, all I get is the ...

3. @ExceptionHandler is never called    forum.springsource.org

@ExceptionHandler is never called It just doesn't work. Code: @RequestMapping("/formdata") @Controller public class FormDataRestBackendController { @RequestMapping(value="/{dedId}/{pageNumber}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public @ResponseBody List> listEntries( HttpServletRequest request, @PathVariable("dedId") Long dedId, @PathVariable("pageNumber") Integer pageNumber) ...

4. ExceptionHandler on method level.    forum.springsource.org

ExceptionHandler on method level. Good Morning, Is it possible to someone apply an exception handler to just a method rather than a full class? My controller class has Ajax and non-Ajax ...

5. Automate JackSON conversion in ExceptionHandler?    forum.springsource.org

Automate JackSON conversion in ExceptionHandler? Hi, I am writing a RESTful web service. All the outputs of the web service is currently in JSON format and I make use of MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter ...

6. @ExceptionHandler and AuthenticationExceptions    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I have an MVC controller with a @PreAuthorize annotation. If the authorization fail for whatever reason, I'd like to return a particular view. I was thinking of using an @ExceptionHandler(AuthenticationException.class) ...

7. Exception not seen by ExceptionHandler    forum.springsource.org

Exception not seen by ExceptionHandler Hi all. Im still new to the springframework and acegi. I have this problem. In my App I have a class that implements HandlerExceptionResolver to catch ...

8. the exceptionhandler isn't set for the chunkOperations in the applyConfiguration ...    forum.springsource.org

Why the exceptionhandler isn't set for the chunkOperations in the applyConfiguration of SimpleStepFactoryBean. For stepOperation it was set. I can't log and handle the ValidationExceptions or other Exception. And I don't ...

9. Error with ExceptionHandler    forum.springsource.org

Error with ExceptionHandler dispatcher-servlet java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.web.util.WebUtils.exposeErrorR equestAttributes(Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Ljava/lang/Throwable;Ljava/lang/StringV at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet. processHandlerException(DispatcherServlet.java:112 8) at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet. doDispatch(DispatcherServlet.java:896) at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet. doService(DispatcherServlet.java:807) at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.p rocessRequest(FrameworkServlet.java:571) at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.d oPost(FrameworkServlet.java:511) ...

10. ExceptionHandler Annotation: How to set HTTP response code?    forum.springsource.org

ExceptionHandler Annotation: How to set HTTP response code? I am building a RESTful service with the 3.0 M3 release. I am currently stuck on how to set the HTTP response code ...

11. ExceptionHandler Annotation Spring 3.0RC1    forum.springsource.org

Hi, i'm trying to use the @ExceptionHandler but the thrown exception is never reaching the annotaded method, simple it doesn't work. All other RESTfull controller, methods annotaded with @RequestMapping are working. ...

12. @ExceptionHandler not being invoked    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I'm working with the spring 3 release and attempting to use the new exception handling feature mentioned in Keith's recent blog. http://blog.springsource.com I have created an app the throws a ...

13. XML Marshalling from @ExceptionHandler Method    forum.springsource.org

XML Marshalling from @ExceptionHandler Method As per the ExceptionHandler documentation: The following return types are supported for handler methods: * A ModelAndView object (Servlet MVC or Portlet MVC). * A Model ...

14. @ExceptionHandler    forum.springsource.org

You need to use @Exception in each class that throws the exception that you are trying to handle. I haven't tried it yet but if a class extends another class that ...

15. Help: @ExceptionHandler configuration and source example    forum.springsource.org

Thanks for the link. Still have some questions: - I can have a method with @ExceptionHandler annotation in the @Controller class ? How this method will be invoked when an error ...

16. Returning JSON in an ExceptionHandler    forum.springsource.org

Returning JSON in an ExceptionHandler I am in Jetty (though I am not sure that's actually relevant). The objective is to return a specific HTTP error code (which is contained in ...

17. ExceptionHandler: How to return a JSON object?    forum.springsource.org

ExceptionHandler: How to return a JSON object? I am in Jetty (though I am not sure that's actually relevant). The objective is to return a specific HTTP error code (which is ...

18. @ExceptionHandler with @ResponseBody    forum.springsource.org

@ExceptionHandler with @ResponseBody I'm designing response structure as below. Code: @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public AdminModel getAdmin(@RequestParam String adminId) { ... return adminModel; } @ExceptionHandler(Exception.class) @ResponseBody public FailureResult handleException (Exception re, HttpServletResponse response) ...

19. @ExceptionHandler with multiple exception types    forum.springsource.org

@ExceptionHandler with multiple exception types Just wondering if there is a way to catch multiple, non-related exception types with the @ExceptionHandler annotation. For example, I would like to avoid copying roughly ...

20. @ExceptionHandler    forum.springsource.org

Hi All, i'm Using Spring MVC @ExceptionHandler to manage exceptions and i want to access the ModelMap Object used in the controller that throws the exception. I tried to pass it ...

21. Using @ExceptionHandler to return a Html View for Json request    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I am using Spring Rest to process JSON request and return a JSON response, all works fine. Now i want to return a html view to user in case JSON ...

22. Example of ExceptionHandler    forum.springsource.org

The following example uses a dummy Controller that throws unchecked Exceptions (ArrayStoreException, ArithmeticException) depending on the value of the parameter "class" 1. SpringController: Code: import java.io.IOException; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import ...

23. Using Spring3 @ExceptionHandler with FileUpload and SizeLimitExceededException    forum.springsource.org

Hi All, I am having trouble with catching and gracefully handling commons fileupload's FileUploadBase.SizeLimitExceededException or spring's MaxUploadSizeExceededException when uploading large files. From what I can tell these exceptions are thrown during ...

24. @ExceptionHandler for Ajax and non-Ajax    forum.springsource.org

@ExceptionHandler for Ajax and non-Ajax Hi, I want to add a centralized exception handling method for all controllers. However, since our application supports both Ajax and non-Ajax invocations, I have ran ...