EmptyResultDataAccessException « Exception « Spring Q&A

1. EmptyResultDataAccessException not caught    forum.springsource.org

Shouldn't my catch block catch the EmptyResultDataAccessException exception? It isn't. try { Taxonomy existingTaxonomy = retrieveTaxonomy(); entityManager.remove(existingTaxonomy); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { log.info("No taxonomy was found. " + ...

2. queryForObject EmptyResultDataAccessException    forum.springsource.org

queryForObject EmptyResultDataAccessException When I run a queryForObject which returns 0 rows I get a org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessExcep tion. At the moment I am running the query in a try/catch and if there is ...

3. EmptyResultDataAccessException    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I use the JdbcTemplate to queryForInt() and queryForList() This is working fine when resultSet is not empty, if ResultSet is empty then throw org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessExcep tion: Incorrect result size: expected 1, ...

4. Exception translations in 3.0.0.RC2 + EmptyResultDataAccessException    forum.springsource.org

Exception translations in 3.0.0.RC2 + EmptyResultDataAccessException Hi I've just upgraded from 3.0.0.M4 to RC2 and noticed that my Repository (@Repository annotated class) is now throwing org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessExcep tion: No entity found for ...

5. EmptyResultDataAccessException does not get translated to AuthenticationException    forum.springsource.org

EmptyResultDataAccessException does not get translated to AuthenticationException Hi, I am using Spring 2.5.6 and Spring security 2.0.5. We are using Siteminder as an external authentication service. I have successfully integrated it ...