BindException « Exception « Spring Q&A

1. BindException - Global error with nested path

BindException - Global error with nested path Hi all, I'm using the BindException class to validate some POJO, and retrieve ObjectError/FieldError to do some user readable message. I'm encountering a situation ...

2. Accessing BindException within a custom view

Accessing BindException within a custom view I've implemented a custom view that extends the AbstractView class, and I need to be able to access the BindException from that view in cases ...

3. Unit testing with BindException

Hi, I'm writing a unittest for a view class that generates a xml structure of the command object. This xml structure also contains possible binding errors. Right now I have a ...

4. Address already in use: connect Address already in use: connect I have a spring app running from eclipse. I have two computers running the same app. With one I get the above exception. The other ...

5. petclinic experts: How does the BindException gets resolved

In the petclinic example, if I try to add a pet I am asked to provide the birthdate of the pet. If I submit an empty date field I get an ...

6. HttpInvokers and serialization of BindException

HttpInvokers and serialization of BindException Hi, I have a situation where i want to send a BindException object through a HttpInvoker; This BindException class implements Serializable so this should work fine. ...

7. How to remove an error from BindException

How to remove an error from BindException Hello there, I am having a problem that's driving nuts!!! I have a form that gets submited with a few parameters. Some of this ...

8. status.errorCodes doesn't match BindException.getAllErrors()

status.errorCodes doesn't match BindException.getAllErrors() In my SimpleFormController I have: protected ModelAndView processFormSubmission(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object o, BindException e) throws Exception { System.out.println(e.getAllErrors()); return super.onSubmit(request, response, o, e); } which returns ...

9. BindException and url

BindException and url Hi, I am working on a file upload module, I have 4 input field and a file on html form. It works great, but I noticed on thing. ...

10. BindException typeMismatch String Long SFC

BindException typeMismatch String Long SFC I'm using SimpleFormController and am getting a BindException and a typeMismatch when the springframework attempts to convert a string having numeric content into a Long. The ...

11. BindException

BindException Hi there, When I attempt to validate a form submission I am receiving the following error: "Could not instantiate class [org.springframework.validation.BindException]: no default constructor found; nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.springframework.validation.BindException.()" ...

12. How to get BindException reference inside my Aspect?

Hello, I am using Spring Aspect to trap any Exception while onSubmit(Request,Response,CommandObject,BindExcept ion) inside a SimpleFormController. The aspect is configured to act on proxy object for org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller, so my methodInvocation object ...

13. BindException errors lost

BindException errors lost Hi, I have a Controller than extends the SimpleFormController. I have then overridden the onSubmit method as shown below @Override protected ModelAndView onSubmit ( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ...

14. How to get specific error from the BindException via jstl

From memory you are basically assigning a global message to the commnad object. To see the error message in JSP try for example

15. bindexception and command object in URL

bindexception and command object in URL Hi there, This seems like a fairly common problem, but the forum search engine won't let me include URL in the search and so I'm ...

16. bindException thrown to the browser instead of being reported to bindingResult objec

bindException thrown to the browser instead of being reported to bindingResult objec Hi everyone. I use spring mvc 2.5 with annotation controllers with jetty. I have an object model class containing ...

17. Address already in use

Hi, While starting Jboss, i got the exception " Address already in use" . Jboss started and application working fine. but in log file it showing this exception. can anyone tell ...

18. Cannot caught BindException

Oct 31st, 2008, 11:57 AM #1 yfmoan View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Sep 2004 Posts 129 Cannot caught BindException Hi , l cannot caught org.springframework.validation.BindException ...

19. Question about using 'BindException.addError()'

Question about using 'BindException.addError()' Hi all, I have problem to show error messages on the jsp page. Mein code looks as follow: "" Code: public class MyController extends BaseCommandController { ... ...

20. Address already in use Address already in use I have a problem I have been struggling with for a good part of a day: Code: Jun 2, 2009 3:10:18 PM getPrincipal WARNING: No ...

21. Cannot find the class file for org.springframework.validation.BindException

Please help for this error: The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for org.springframework.validation.BindException. Fix the build path then try building this ...

22. BindException

Hi iam facing exceptionbinding in spring iam new to spring please help me out org.springframework.beans BeanInstantiationException Could not instantiate bean class [org.springframework.validation.BindException]: No default constructor found; nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.springframework.validation.BindException.

23. How to handle BindException ?

Code: @RequestMapping(value="/",method=RequestMethod.POST) public String adicionar(@Valid Cliente cliente, ModelMap model) { cliente.setUsuarioRegistro(UsuarioLogado.getUsername()); try { this.clienteService.salvarCliente(cliente); } catch (ErroBancoDados e) { model.addAttribute("erro", e.getMessage()); } return ""; }

24. How to use BindException

How to use BindException Hi All, I am stuck with my problem. I need to make some change into an existing spring mvc app written in spring 2.5 but I cannot ...

25. Clear all BindException errors

Hi guys, i used a simpleformcontroller and created spring portlets. i had used BindException errors for displaying of the errors. now, for one particular condition i have to clear all the ...

26. [Rant] Spring failing to bind empty form value to primitive java type [BindException]

As the title said. If have in my POJO variable int a; If I dont set it on my form explicitly to 0 I am getting binding exception. Can anyone explain ...