1. Configuring Spring to use EJB CMT forum.springsource.orgConfiguring Spring to use EJB CMT I am using jboss 3.2.4, spring 1.2RC1 and Hibernate 2.1.8. I have a Session bean which calls the DAO. I want to use the EJB ... |
2. EJB CMT Propogation issue forum.springsource.orgEJB CMT Propogation issue I have a stateless session EJB that uses one DAO (that extends JDBCDaoSupport). This DAO in turn, uses two StoredProcedure classes. Since the EJB method is under ... |
3. Pitchfork and EJB3 CMT (via @TransactionAttribution) forum.springsource.orgPitchfork and EJB3 CMT (via @TransactionAttribution) I am trying to use pitchfork for EJB3 testing (ie: JPA, @EntityManager injection, @EJB injection and CMT transactions on @TransactionAttribute boundaries, etc.). JPA and EJB ... |
4. Spring + EJB3 CMT --> OSIV or OEMIV? forum.springsource.orgSpring + EJB3 CMT --> OSIV or OEMIV? Hello. We are developing an enterprise application which uses Spring 2.0 in the web tier, EJB3 Stateless Session Beans for Services and Daos, ... |