ApplicationContext « EJB « Spring Q&A

1. Where should I keep the Spring applicationContext.xml in an EAR

I have service classes which are deployed in an EAR with no WAR or Web apps. In what folder structure should I ideally store the applicationContext.xml? Currently we load it as

Resource ...

2. Sharing a applicationcontext file among multiple war modules in an EAR

Sharing a applicationcontext file among multiple war modules in an EAR Hi, I have a web application where i have some service classes and DAO classes. I am using spring for ...

3. Shared ApplicationContext betwee both web and ejb containers

Shared ApplicationContext betwee both web and ejb containers Hello all, I have a common problem (it must be!), but I can't seem to find an actual soluton. My application consist of ...

4. ApplicationContext never cleanup with EJB

ApplicationContext never cleanup with EJB Hi everybody, I'm currently working with ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator with my EJB to share my Spring application context through all my EJBs to make sure all my bean ...

5. applicationContext.xml Spring+Ejb

applicationContext.xml Spring+Ejb What is wrong in my applicationContext.xml file??