Annotation « EJB « Spring Q&A

1. Something like EJB wiring in Spring for non EJB's

I've noticed recently that spring can wire up my ejb's for me if I annotate the ejb with @Interceptors(SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor.class). I've never actually done this so don't know the details. I was wondering, ...

2. @Async annotation within an EJB Container

@Async annotation within an EJB Container Hi All, It is disallowed to manage threads outside the EJB Container. Therefore I wondered whether we could use the @Async annotation within the EJB ...

3. Spring support for @EJB annotations: example?

In blog post's+Comprehensive+Annotation+Support/b1z6v it seems to be suggested that there is now support for @EJB annotations in Spring. I am assuming that that means that somehow the Spring container can ...