profile « Development « Spring Q&A

1. Profiling a Java Spring application

I have a Spring application that I believe has some bottlenecks, so I'd like to run it with a profiler to measure what functions take how much time. Any recommendations to ...

2. Absurd size and quantity of byte[] while profiling

I have been having an out of memory problem with one of my webapps and fired up Eclipse's TPTP to find it. I was shocked to the that the biggest offender ...

3. Maven 3 different profiles - Spring propertyPlaceHolderConfig cannot use value from pom file

I'm having some problems with maven 3 and getting to load the right .properties file. What I want to achieve is the following: With mvn -Plocal i want to load the, ...

4. What is the best way to profile the spring container to learn how to optimize its start up time?

I have an application that is getting fairly large, and the Spring start up time is about 20 seconds. For production use, this is fine, but for development, this is a ...

5. Error implementing profiles in servlet-context.xml

Hi, I'm trying to implement profiles in my servlet-context.xml file using Spring 3.1, but I'm getting an XML error when I try to define the transactionManager bean in the code below. ...

6. Possible to denote two environments with @Profile?

7. spring 3.1 'profile' attribute conflicts with existing custom namespace attribute.

spring 3.1 'profile' attribute conflicts with existing custom namespace attribute. Hi all, I just updated from spring 3.0 to 3.1.RC1 and I discovered an unpleasant side-effect of the new Environment/Profile feature. ...

8. Spring 3.1: How to disable a @Profile?

Is there a way to disable a bean profile which is enabled by default? Use case: We have a web app with a bunch of message queues and corresponding endpoint beans. ...

9. Spring Profiles not working when configured thru

Spring Profiles not working when configured thru Hi, I tried to use Spring Profiles concept using Spring Versions 3.1.0.M1, 3.1.0.M2, 3.1.0.RC1, 3.1.0.RC2. All are working fine when used with @Configurable ...

10. Profiling Spring

Profiling Spring We are using JProfiler on our application and picked up some interesting performance information on Spring. In general, performance is good. However, here are two hotspots: Name,Time(ms),Invocations BeanWrapperImpl.(),22067,160134 BeanWrapperImpl.getNestedPropertySeparatorIndex(ja ...

11. File upload with low memory profile

Hi everyone, did someone manage to stream the uploaded files into something (maybe a file) instead of loading it completely into the memory? I am looking for a spring based solution. ...

12. Profiling tools for methods in a class

You also have a link in the spring home page to one article written by Adrian Colyer which have a very good example of using JamonApi with Spring to monitoring, i ...

13. I don't understand these xml profile of petstore-servlet.xml

I don't understand these xml profile of petstore-servlet.xml Hi! I don't understand these code below,Could you explain for me please? Thank you! **********************************************

14. Profiling a Spring application

Profiling a Spring application Hi all, I am trying to profile a Spring application using Eclipse TPTP but the only stats I get are related to Spring classes. I can't get ...

15. support for profiles or personalities

support for profiles or personalities Hi, I'm trying to convert an existing spring-style framework XML to use Spring. However the current method has a properties file to set "personalities" such as ...

16. eclipse profiling and spring

Hi there, I've tried to profile a spring based application using the tptp-plugin for eclipse. But everytime I run the java application within the profile-mode I received an NoSuchBeanDefinitionException. When I ...

17. Profiling a Spring app using Rational Application Developer

Profiling a Spring app using Rational Application Developer If I use the profile option of RAD to run my tests, in order to get code coverage statistics, I get: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionSt oreException: ...

18. Profiling Framework

Hi, I'd like to know what you guys think of this little profiling framework I've come up with. It uses JMX and I can imagine many more JMX based bells and ...

19. Profiling of View processing?

Hello everyone, I'd like to profile the processing time of my views. Is it possible to intercept view processing for this purpose? I am using Spring 2.5 MVC. Note that interception ...

20. IntelliJ IDEA code formatter profile

In, it says that IntelliJ IDEA code formatter profile used by Spring developers is forthcoming. We've been waiting for a long time and it's been missing. It would be great ...

21. Activating several test profiles (Spring TestContext Framework's @IfProfileValue)

Hi there! I'm trying to use the Spring TestContext Framework to do some test categorization. I've got some tests that look something like this: Test A Code: @IfProfileValue(name="integrates_with",value="web-service" ) public class ...

22. Autowiring happens before profile evaluation

Autowiring happens before profile evaluation Hi, I have a set of tests that are annotated with IfProfileValue in order to enable/disable them depending on the test context. These tests require the ...

23. Partial login until profile is completed

Partial login until profile is completed I have a use case in which a user with valid credentials must supply missing profile information to complete the login. A scenario might be: ...

24. ContextConfiguration: load location based on execution profile

I am not sure whether this is the right approach, but I hope someone here can give me a pointer. We are using the test context framework with JUnit 4, so ...

25. Generate profiles

What about ROO generate a specific set of profiles for say "dev" and "prod" or is there a recommended way (especially when using the configuration methods of the EL) to do ...