maven 1 « Development « Spring Q&A

1. Where should I put application configuration files for a Maven project?

I'm using the Maven Application Assembler plugin to generate stand-alone executables from my Java project. The application reads in configuration files, including Spring files. The Application Assembler plugin has ...

2. Maven 2 assembly plugin clobbers some META-INF files

I'm using the Maven 2 assembly plug-in to build a jar-with-dependencies and make an executable JAR file. My assembly includes Spring, and the CXF library. CXF includes copies of META-INF files spring.schemas ...

3. Maven and Spring

Hi i am studying Spring In Action 2.0 and i am new to maven. I am walking through the chapters and codes but i i got following error when i imported ...

4. Spring custom namespaces with Maven

I wrote my own custom namespace for a Spring based project I'm working on. The project is built with maven, and I'd like to put my xsd files in the resources ...

5. Spring - Ways to include a jar which itself is using Spring in a Spring project

I need to use some 3rd party jar in my project. The project is a Spring project and the jar is also using Spring. Is there a way by which I can ...

6. If I work in Java but I don't like the bloatyness of Spring and Maven-based projects what work should I try to get into?

... I really like extreme programming and get the sense that the Java community is moving further and further away from direct feedback, simple design and object-oriented programming. I love the sense ...

7. Building arbitrary ditributions from Maven Project containing several and optional modules

first of all: my Maven knowledge is limited so please bear with me. ;-) I have a simple Maven Project currently consisting of three modules. The module containing the core of ...

8. downloaded the petcare application, help with running it

I downloaded spring's petcare application from their svn repository. How do I go about loading in an editor and running it? It has a pom.xml file, and I see references to eclipse. ...

9. What is the best way to parameterise a Maven script to switch between Spring configurations?

What is the best way to parameterise a Maven script to switch between Spring configurations? I have Maven building a WAR file for a web app. I have alternative spring configurations ...

10. Spring ContextLoader fails to find applicationContext.xml

I've been working alone on a project for a long time and now another developer joined so I wanted to set up the project on his machine from SVN. We are ...

11. setting -source to 1.5, it is set to 1.3 apparently

I am using eclipse, with maven2 plugin. I am trying to setup a simple annotations based spring 3 mvc web application. So I went to RunAs and clicked on 'maven build', I set ...

12. Which maven dependencies to include for spring 3.0?

I am trying to do my first project with Spring 3.0 (and maven). I have been using Spring 2.5 (and primer versions) in quite some projects. Nevertheless I am kinda confused, ...

13. how do I add apache commons logging using the maven2 with eclipse?

I can't seem to find apache common logging when using eclipse w/maven2 plugin. I need it for spring3 mvc apparently.

14. maven deploy goal failing

I am using eclipse with maven2 plugin. When doing a Run-As -> build with a goal of 'deploy' I am getting this error:

Error message:org.codehaus.plexus.component.configurator.ComponentConfigurationException: Class 'org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository' cannot be instantiated
I'm not sure I ...

15. Spring 3.0.0 dependencies download with Maven

I'm just transitioning from .NET to JAVA and have to start JAVA project with Spring 3.0.0. and Hibernate. Can someone please explain to me step_by_step how to download spring dependencies with Maven. ...

16. Trying to create spring project with maven

Hello everyone I was just going trough spring tutorial, and I thought its old I'll think something better on my own. For starters how do I start spring ...

17. Maven + SSDM Build and Runtime Environment Automation

Preface: My Company, like most, has several run-time environments and several release versions which themselves are composed of different versions of various jars. For example, let us consider release versions 1.1, ...

18. spring - @ContextConfiguration fail to load config file in src/test/resources

I've tried to load the spring config file in src/test/resources classpath with the following abstract class:

public class BaseIntegrationTests {

I have the applicationContext.xml file in src/test/resources but spring cant load it. Thank you. ...

19. Unbelievable: Cannot cast from class X to its super class

I'm encountering a very weird problem with Spring (3.0.1.RELEASE), TestNG (5.11) and Maven Surefire (2.5). I have a test class that extends a Spring helper class for testNG so that test context ...

20. How to use a Spring config file in a Maven dependency

In dependency A I have the following:


21. How to figure out which jars are needed?

How can I systematically determine which jars I'll need, and thus should include in my pom.xml file (I'm using maven as my project management tool)? When learning spring, to keep things ...

22. Spring maven libraries

I would like to know why some of the libraries are not released during a normal release cycle. For example, from while spring-core have 3.0.3-RELEASE, spring-remoting and spring-jmx were ...

23. Application context invalid in maven test

Upon running 'mvn test' I get the following error(s):

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load ApplicationContext ... Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException: Line 14 in XML document from class path resource [applicationContext.xml] is ...

24. Spring-samples don't understand the templates

Could please anybody explain to my how the templates work ? Can't find any info about it, there is no README, nothing. Is it supposed to be some kind of maven ...

25. springTestContextBeforeTestMethod failed in Maven spring-test

I try to setup a project with spring-test using TestNg in Maven. The code is like:

public class AppTest extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {

    public void testApp() ...

26. How can I create Spring web project with Maven in Eclipse?

I tried to make project by selecting Archtype Web Application from Eclipse create new maven project. But when I created a new java Class to project sources folder, it didn't contain ...

27. Simple Spring-Maven HelloWorld -> appContext.xml not found?

I am having some difficulties with the simplest maven-spring app. Actually, BeanFactory does not find the appContext.xml file, despite it is located in the resources dir and copied properly into the ...

28. Yet another "unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler" error

I'm creating a stand-alone Sava application with Spring, to handle the JDBC access. The application works fine on every test and I decided that I need a jar to be deployed ...

29. JUnit tests pass in Eclipse but fail in Maven Surefire

I have written some JUnit tests using JUnit 4 and spring-test libraries. When I run the tests inside Eclipse then run fine and pass. But when I run them using Maven ...

30. why these functionalities i am missing,thought i have the correct spring 3.0 jar

I am learning spring by reference documentation of 3.0 and i wanted to test the below functionality but these are not available..

  1. @PostConstruct
  2. context.registershutdownhook
P.S.: I am ...

31. Unable to read TLD "META-INF/c.tld"

there's this issue with JSTL I'm stuck with for the past couple of days. Any help is appreciated. Tomcat 6.0.28
Eclipse: Helios pom.xml :


32. Simple Maven2 Classpath Issue

I have a straightforward Maven2/Spring project. Locally in Intellij all the tests run fine, however on the build server (Hudson), the application context won't start because test-context.xml can't be found on ...

33. Test-resources of dependecies not in classpath?

I have a multi module Spring project that I set up using Maven:

my-root (pom)
    - my-logic
    - my-webapp (depending on my-logic)
    - ...

34. Problem starting Spring application from Java

I am able to compile and start my Spring project using Maven:

mvn -e  clean  compile  exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=de.fraunhofer.fkie.tet.vmware.manager.Test
However, when i assemble all jars in a single file using the ...

35. Where do Spring configuration files go in a maven WAR module?

I've looked at a bunch of sample project and I can't seem to tease out a common best practice. I've seen Spring bean files sometimes go in the web-app/WEB-INF ...

36. How do I run the test cases in a non-web-project I have imported into my Spring web project?

This package has a class - - with test cases defined. I have imported this entire project into a larger Java web project (Spring 3) in Eclipse controlled by ...

37. Copy gdata jars to root dir: `WEB-INF/lib` or to subdirs: `WEB-INF/lib/gdata/blogger/2.0`, etc?

I'm using Google's gdata library. I installed it in my local Maven repository because it is not available from Maven Central using a pom. I want to move it to my WEB-INF/lib ...

38. How to extend/customize a WAR with another project

We have the following scenario with our project:

  • A core web application packaged as a war file (call it Core project).
  • The need to "customize" or "extend" the core app per customer (call it ...

39. How to copy dependencies into WEB_INF/lib folder in Spring project with Maven?

I have a Spring MVC project in Eclipse Galileo. Its depenedencies are specified in pom.xml. When I type mvn eclipse:eclipse, depenedencies are specified as links in Eclipse build path. But when I try to ...

40. Why maven do not "add" all dependencies? (on spring example)

I add sprig dependency to my maven pom.


41. To create Java project with Spring persistence using Maven?

Is it good idea to create Java project with Spring persistence using Maven? What maven archetype to use? AppFuse is seemed to be freezed.

42. Maven plugin to validate Spring configuration?

Does anyone know of a Maven plugin that can be used to validate Spring configuration files? By validation, I mean:

  • Verify all beans reference a class on the build path
  • Verify all bean ...

43. When using Spring and Maven, what is the best way to deploy the code to the server?

I have a project that uses Spring. Every time I deploy, I run the maven goal "package", which runs all the tests and creates the war file. Then I manually use ...

44. Creating Pluggable Project with Maven

I'm currently working on a maven java web application project that I'm required to extend to add extra functionality but without changing the original code base. So the web application should ...

45. How to figure out the jars that the dependencies in the maven's pom.xml depend on?

I am very interested in how I can find out what are the jars that the dependences in the maven's pom.xml depend on. I am used to doing the adding of ...

46. Spring Context issue while running unit test

I am running some unit tests using Spring and Mockito. I have configured the mocks in the springcontext.xml as follow:

<bean id="featureEndpoint" class="org.mockito.Mockito" factory-method="mock">
    <constructor-arg value="" />
My test class is ...

47. writing hessian serivce

I am new to Spring and Hessian and never used them before. I want to write a small Hello World Program which clearly shows how this service works. I ...

48. What is correct version or jackson for spring?

I am using jackson converter (MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter) to consume and produce json data from spring controller. But while invoking controller throws following exception.

Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.codehaus.jackson.type.JavaType.isConcrete()Z
 at ...

49. Spring Context wildcard in unit tests

We have a project setup here which uses Maven profiles quite extensively. We're using Spring, and although we mostly have an annotation-based configuration there are a few XML configuration files needed. These ...

50. Compilation failure Spring, Maven And WebSphere MQ

I'm back here with a question, i want to compile my Spring, Maven and WebSphere MQ project with the following command

mvn clean install
When I'm doing that a get a compilation failure. ...

51. Divide Spring configuration across multiple projects

we have quite a few projects that use the same codebase (backend code). Just the frontend tends to be different. We decided that the best approach would be to seperate backend and frontend ...

52. Where is javascript variable 'Spring' defined in spring webflow?

I am using spring webflow, my page got the following error:

Spring is not defined
Spring.addDecoration(new Spring....entId:'proceed', event:'onclick'})); 
I am wondering where is javascript variable Spring defined in spring framework. I am using ...

53. Using Spring's spring-instrument java agent with JBehave in a Maven enviornment

I'm using the spring-instrumentation javaagent to enhance JPA classes with loadtime weaving. This works well in Junit with Maven, and JBehave executing from the command line with JUnit. Sadly, I ...

54. spring-webflow - maven problem

I am trying to build a simple webapp that uses spring webflow. I am having trouble retrieving the webflow dependency (I'm using maven 3).


55. Spring-Autowiring happens after @BeforeClass when running test with maven-surefire

I have some problems with dependency injection (Spring autowiring) and maven-surefire. The following test works without problems when run in eclipse with TestNG: The service-object is injected, then the @BeforeClass-method is called.

public class ...

56. Maven - Dependency problem with '${spring.version}'

when i use:


57. Maven incorrectly advising newer dependency version (3.0.5.RELEASE to 2.5.6, spring)

I just ran

mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
on my project to check for latest version numbers. Here is some of the output:
[INFO] The following dependencies in Dependencies have newer versions:
[INFO]   javax.mail:mail ......................................... 1.4 ...

58. Idea to avoid that spring.handlers/spring.schemas get overwritten when merging multiple spring dependencies in a single jar

I got the error Unable to locate NamespaceHandler when using context:annotation-config running (java -jar) a jar assembled by the maven-assembly-plugin and containing my project and all its dependencies. As other people correctly ...

59. Maven WAR dependency - cannot resolve package?

I have a war dependency:


60. Imported maven project but can't see jsp in WEB-INF in eclipse

I checked out a maven project, the directoruy looks like this :

[src] inside this folder there is [java],[resources] and [webapp] folders. inside [webapp] there is index.jsp and [WEB-INF]. inside [WEB-INF] there is web.xml ...

61. Don't startup spring context in uni-test

I have web application on spring mvc and maven. When I execute "mvn clean install" I got nullpointerexception from some uni-test. It's happens because one of resource is null, but why ? Uni-test:



@ContextConfiguration(locations ...

62. Maven Spring jar packaging

We have created a jar(Spring project) which we are including using Maven in another Spring project (war) we can use this no problem if we include the required dependancies. If I ...

63. Maven / Spring: AopNamespaceUtils NoSuchMethod Error

Using Maven to build my project under windows works fine, but when I build it under Linux I get a NoSuchMethodError regarding one of the spring libs. I am guessing ...

64. How to solve "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" for Spring Data Maven Builds

I am trying to work with Spring Data and Neo4j. I started by trying to follow this guide linked to by the main site. In particular I ...

65. Maven dependency for whole org.springframework

How to set Maven dependency for all org.springframework ? I mean, how to do it in couple lines,instead of providing dependency for every module,e.g.:


66. Spring AppContext in Maven

I am using Maven for creating my project structure. The following is the way I am doing

  • Generate Archetype
  • Have the following modules - Ear, War and WarSource (I am deleting the src, ...

67. Maven with Spring injection

I am new to maven. When I try to build my project which has spring injection, im getting the following error:

Rule:InstanceVariableThreadSafety Priority:1 A class extending RequestHandler
or Action or SessionBean contains instance ...

68. How to get a file for Spring 3?

I have a bit of an issue with Spring 3 and it involves its dependencies or better said "their lack of...". When you download Spring 2.5.x for example you get ...

69. How to deploy spring-maven build with apache server

I would like to make Maven to be able to make production and development enviroment deploys with one click. I'm using Eclipse (eclipse-helios) and I have Maven plugin installed. My server ...

70. Maven with springsource - Compilation unit not on the build path of a java project

I've had this issue the past days and every time I try to edit a source file I get this message. I'm running springsource with maven and I've searched a lot on ...

71. How to import a Maven 2 project without help of IDE

I have not dealt with Maven 2 but am learning. I am going though Spring 3 in Action book and the source code has pom.xml for each project. ...

72. Spring 3.0 and Maven

I'm trying to configure Spring 3.0 with Maven. I've read In my pom.xml I've defined the following repositories:


73. How to add the source from another dependency in Maven?

I'm doing some tests with Spring 2.0.8. I've the following problem, all the source code is downloaded with the "spring" artifact, but is not attached by mvn eclipse:eclipse to the other ...

74. JSTL tags shown in browser

I have a Mavenized Spring MVC project that deploys locally or remotely (passing all tests) using the jetty plugin. However when I try to deploy the war file to a tomcat 6 ...

75. Buid Spring with ant install-maven-central create artifacts for version 3.0.5 but not 3.0.6-BUILD-SNAPSHOT

I try to build the spring artifacts from the svn source (branches/3.0.x) (*@see this blog: "Building Spring 3" -- see the foot note 1 *). Spring provides ...

76. Set filename of package generated by maven

I've got a pom.xml file which builds an Java Spring artifact to a war-file. The war-file-name for the example below is always artifact 1.0.war I want it to be just artifact.war because I ...

77. Maven and Spring = Unable to create application context: Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler

As per this question and this question, I'm getting the following error:

Unable to create application context: org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException: Configuration problem: Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace []
Offending ...

78. Spring in Action: 3rd edition: Chapter 1...Maven and the POM file

I'm getting this error while going through Spring in Action: 3rd edition: Chapter 1. I've managed to get the source code from the website to work. My IDE is STS. Thanks

[INFO] ...

79. spring loading context files with maven project

I use maven build in my application. I have package like:

1> src/test/java   // for Test application
2> src/main/java   // code 
3> src/main/resource  // resource files
at 1> i ...

80. Begginer problem with running spring simple example

I am trying to done that tutorial but I am stuck just before moment when Hello world should appear into my browser... In pom.xml I get: <finalName>ex1</finalName> so I ...

81. Can't use spring-modules-validation with spring 3

i have following pom file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

    <!-- Maven Coordinates(groupId,artifactId,version):define a unique location for a project 

82. TestNG test cases are not compiling when i do project -> clean

I am using Spring, TestNG, Eclipse, Maven, Mac OS Scenario is I am doing some changes in my test cases ( TestNG test cases ), Then i do Project -> Clean in eclipse Now i ...

83. Running tests using maven displays classpath problems

I am attempting to run some unit tests on my spring web app using Maven. The app installs and runs fine without tests. I receive this error in my surefire test ...

84. Spring Source: org.springframework.web source jar

Where can I find the source jar for springframework.web? I am debugging a project and would like to look at the code/set breakpoints, but the springframework.web.jar has no source attached. I've ...

85. Maven packaging with out test

I am new to Maven. I am trying to package my project. But, it automatically runs the tests. The tests insert some content in the database. This is not what I ...

86. Deploying a project using Maven

I have created a project in Eclipse and built it using Maven. I need to deploy my project to my Tomcat server after packaging the project. How can I do this? ...

87. Spring 3 , Spring Web Flow 2 dependencies problem

i am trying to use spring 3 with spring web flow 2 the problem is that i am using spring 3, and spring web flow 2 depends on spring 2 libraries so ...

88. Maven project worked before "clean install". Why?

I have two maven projects and both are working fine independently. I am able to create a jar file and run it from console as well as from eclipse. I copied over ...

89. Combine two maven based projects on two frameworks

I have two maven projects say MvnSpring and MvnGuice.MvnSpring is working on spring and hibernate frame works. And MvnGuice is working on google guice and mybatis. I need to combine both the ...

90. Stop Tests on first Failure with Maven/JUnit/Spring

I'd like Maven to stop trying to run my JUnit Spring tests when it encounters the first error. Is this possible? My test classes look like the following, and I run them ...

91. Spring 3 and MyBatis 3.0.4 / 3.0.6: MalformedParameterizedTypeException

I am trying to use Spring 3.0.5.RELEASE together with MyBatis in a Maven environment. I added the mybatis-spring dependency. This turned out not to work due to a MalformedParameterizedTypeException (a detailed ...

92. How to add reference of Mavenized Projects

I have two mavenized projects

  1. Project_A: Java Project
  2. Project_B: Java Web Project
Earlier, before mavenizing both projects, i had refrence(buildpath) of Project_A in Project_B. Now i have configured both projects with maven2. MY questions is, ...

93. configuration vaadin spring

iam busing developpe a project application (maven vaadin hibernate spring mysql) i did archetype-vaadin-clean project them i added the independency hibernate and spring them i added the configuration file of web.xml, vaadin-servlet.xml, hibernateDataAccessContext.xml, pom.xml ...

94. Spring bundlor analogs

I'm trying to create manifest file for OSGI application using com.springsource.bundlor plugin for maven, and have a lot of problems, so Could some one talk me there is analog to spring ...

95. Maven copying applicationContext.xml from src/main/resources to target/myproject/WEB-INF

At the moment, the default I think, it copies to

so when deploying it does not pick up the context. Also, i want to reference a server specific config file ...

96. classpath resource [spring/config/BeanLocations.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist

This is very weird, I have no problem to run the project in Eclipse but fail if run with java -jar xxx.jar (export to Runnable Jar ...

97. How to create test resources folder manually for unit test

the sample application i am working on doesn't have a resources folder in test, i don't know why, so i am trying to create the resources folder in test manually as ...

98. the scope of spring configuration xml files on different maven modules

Example: I have two Maven modules, module A contains the DAO classes for accessing the database and the module B is the service which depence on module A and provides methods for ...

99. How to find out which dependencies need to be included?

I'm fairly new to Java/Spring and am trying to put together a simple app which will include some basic CRUD operations and I'd like to use Hibernate for data access. I'm using ...

100. Different behaviour in Eclipse vs command-line Maven

Different behaviour in Eclipse vs command-line Maven Hi, I have an JUnit4 integration test that I execute either from within Eclipse, or from command-line using the maven failsafe plugin. In one ...