XMPP « Development « Spring Q&A

1. fire and forget compared to http request    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking for opinion from you all. I have a web application that need to records data into another web application database. I not prefer to use HTTP request GET on ...

2. Relation between MessageChannel and xmpp outbound channel adapter    forum.springsource.org

I want to define a XMPP channel adapter but I need to use simple element for it instead of . Usually a XMPP outbound channel adapter bean (type: ChatMessageSendingMessageHandler) need ...

3. Howto override the ChatMessageSendingMessageHandler in the xmpp namespace    forum.springsource.org

Are you using 'xmppOutboundParserOverrideBean' as a service-activator? Also, could you please explain your use case. The XMPP is relatively new module and what you trying to do on your own might ...

4. Possible Bug: How to ExtractPayload from Inbound XMPP Channel?    forum.springsource.org

Possible Bug: How to ExtractPayload from Inbound XMPP Channel? I'm trying to override the default behavior of the to not extract the payload (I need the original smack message). The ...

5. GTalk XMPP Config    forum.springsource.org

I am unable to successfully configure GTalk for XMPP Inbound channel adapter. If anybody could provide me a working example of the configuration, that would be great. Thanks in advance.