Undo « Development « Spring Q&A

1. Undo & modify function    forum.springsource.org

Hi, 1) If I made a mistake in the roo commands like the following, how do can I undo the entity creation: com.springsource.roo.pizzashop roo> entity --class ~.domain.Topping --testAutomatically 2) If I ...

2. Undo support in command framework?    forum.springsource.org

Has any thought been given to undo? The logical place for undo support, to me anyway, would be the command framework. Provide a way for commands to undo themselves, then provide ...

3. Rever/Undo command    forum.springsource.org

NOTE: Title should read "Revert/Undo" not Rever/Undo If I execute a command (any command... entity --name xxxxx for example), and I realize I executed the command with some mistake (misspelled name ...

4. Custom finder code. How to avoid undo managed    forum.springsource.org

Hello I wonder how I can do the following properly... I created a finder, which requires a Converter. I need it customized. I tried different things and worked when moved it ...