Parallel « Development « Spring Q&A

1. C# Task Parallel Library and NHibernate/Spring.NET

I have been using Spring.NET and NHibernate for some years and I am very satisfied. However, I was always playing around with multi threading, Reactive Extensions and eventually Task Parallel Library ...

2. Need to call three webflow states in parallel

We are facing serious performance issues in our application. We need to send three different requests to our backend, when we are using webflow and we are sending them one by ...

3. Parallel processing of a single item with composite processors

Parallel processing of a single item with composite processors Hello All, This requirement might sound a little unusual but my scenario is like this - I have multiple items, each of ...

4. Parallel ItemWriters

Hi guys , i have this kind of problem : Have an itemReader to read from xml -> process the data with itemProcessor-> ->first itemWriter should insert data into DB ->second ...

5. Parallel processing of XML files

Parallel processing of XML files Hi, I am new to spring framework and spring batch framework as well. I am working on project where I need to develop design using spring ...

6. Running parallel steps on multiple hosts

Hi, I have a batch job with some parallelization. Is it possible to dispatch parallel processes with spring batch to remote hosts? Flow of desired events: 1: start job 2: when ...

7. ItemProcdessor / parallel execution

ItemProcdessor / parallel execution HI ALL i would like to implement a parallelExecution for my ItemProcessor. My batch consists of - jdbcItemREader which will read two columns from a db table ...

8. Polling multiple directories in parallel

Polling multiple directories in parallel Hi Please provide your ideas for a robust and clean design for the following need. There are 5 different folders, each representing an inbound data type ...

9. input data partioning for parallel run

input data partioning for parallel run After reading Spring Batch use cases from the web site, I see that Spring Batch is supposed to support parallel processing of chunks. I guess ...

10. Example for parallel processing

hi, I need to run a job concurrently within a single JVM (Later in multiple jvm's). I would appreciate if anyone tell me how to achieve that. Also please provide an ...

11. step in parallel

Out of the box, there isn't anyway to process multiple steps simultaneously. You could put all 5 steps in separate jobs and launch them in parallel though.

12. Parallel downloading of files from FTP servers

Hi, I am new to spring integration. We are currently using commons-vfs to download the files from the FTP servers and sometimes we need to download more than 20 files. Right ...

13. parallel processsing

hi I need to read many files....the processing of these files can be done independantly. How can I do parallel processing with the help of Spring batch? Any samples are provided? ...

14. Parallel Processing?

Parallel Processing? I have a question about achieving parallel processing: What is the recommended methodology to do so? I see there is the repeat template but based on the documentation, this ...

15. Bug in ItemWriteListener with Parallel step

Bug in ItemWriteListener with Parallel step Hi, I think have to find a bug with ItemWriteListener with parallel step. Below the configuration of my step : Code:

16. AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests and running test cases in parallel?

AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests and running test cases in parallel? Is there any special setup that needs to be done to run Transactional tests in parallel? (via testNG's @Test( threadPoolSize ) ), and while ...

17. Problem implementing parallel steps using simpleAsyncTaskExecutor.

Hi, We have a set of data set of about 471, want to read, process and write in chunk of 10. so that this can be done in different threads parallely. ...

18. Modeling two dependent parallel steps

Modeling two dependent parallel steps I have a process that seems like it could be solved nicely with spring-batch but I haven't been able to find an example which shows how ...

19. Parallel processing strategies - SB1 vs SB2

Parallel processing strategies - SB1 vs SB2 Hi all, I'm having the problem of probably just not understanding the concepts and differences of Spring Batch 1 and 2 properly. Although I ...

20. Parallel Execution Example

Parallel Execution Example Hi, We're trying to complete a POC on Spring Batch and unfortunately don't have a lot of time. What we'd like to do is a simple (somewhat) job ...

21. Parallel Partition Error

Hi, I am using Data Partition Parallel Processing Strategy. I have used a Proxy Reader which delegates the data to the STAX Reader, when i am configureing the skippabe exceptions and ...

22. Race condition with parallel requests

SecurityContextHolder.clearContext() doesn't alter the value of the SecurityContext. It just removes it from ThreadLocal storage. So it shouldn't affect the value in the other thread. The authentication won't be null because ...

23. Working with two parallel forms on same view page

Working with two parallel forms on same view page Hi, I have a page which shows a parent/child relationship on UI. Basically I have a Campaign class which have instances of ...

24. Unable to run parallel step using

Unable to run parallel step using Hi, I am newbie with spring batch. I am using Spring Batch 2.1.3 in my current project. I have use to rum two ...