Ivy « Development « Spring Q&A

1. Ivy configuration for springsource repo    stackoverflow.com

I`m trying to set up ivy to get jars from the springsource repo. So far I have for my ivy.xml:-

    <dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.core" rev="3.0.1.RELEASE"/>

2. make ivy not to download sources and license files    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to configure ivy not to download sources & license files via ivy.xml ? I'm currently trying to use default ivy repos + spring repository. my ivysettings.xml is bellow:

<?xml ...

3. Why is Ivy unable to resolve spring-test dependency that is visible in my web browser?    stackoverflow.com

I have an ivy.xml that can successfully resolve all of its dependencies, except the following one.

<dependency org="org.springframework" name="spring-test" rev="3.0.2.RELEASE" force="true" conf="compile->test"/>
My ivysettings.xml has the following resolver:
<ibiblio name="maven" m2compatible="true" root="http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/"  ...

4. What is the correct Ivy resolver configuration to resolve Spring artifacts without using EBR?    stackoverflow.com

The Spring documentation states that there are four ways to get their artifacts http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.x/spring-framework-reference/html/overview.html#dependency-management. It also states that one should not mix repositories. It goes on to describe using ...

5. grails ant script can't find spring jars    stackoverflow.com

I am using the grails provided ant script to build my grails 1.3.6 application because our build server doesn't support direct integration with the grails build system. The ant builds run ...

6. Tomcat's javax.servlet and resolving dependencies with Apache Ivy problem    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Apache Ivy with Spring based project. I use Spring Enterprise Bundle Repository mostly. I run my project on Tomcat 7. The problem is that some dependencies, e.g. ...

7. How to exclude commons logging dependency of spring with ivy?    stackoverflow.com

I have a project build with ant using ivy for dependency management. I have no ivysetting file, but an ivy.xml with the following dependency (I want to use spring with slf4j ...

8. Grails dependencies or Maven    stackoverflow.com

I'm using STS latest version (2.7) and latest grails as well. After I created a freshly grails project in STS it freezes in the updating grails dependencies for a long time ...

9. Spring Framework dependency not resolved in Ivy    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to download Spring Batch and Spring Framework using Ivy, and I'm not getting very far. Dependencies in ivy.xml:

<dependency org="org.springframework.batch" name="org.springframework.batch.core" rev="2.1.6.RELEASE" />
<dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.spring-library" rev="3.0.6.RELEASE" />
<settings defaultResolver="chained"/>

10. maven vs ivy    forum.springsource.org

What does the Spring team think ? I have seen both maven and ivy files among spring projects' files, so.. how do I choose the dependency managing software ?

11. Dependency management with Ivy and Maven repo    forum.springsource.org

Dependency management with Ivy and Maven repo This is obviously not the correct forum to post this in, but really no other forum suits it either as far as I can ...

12. Ivy file for Spring    forum.springsource.org

Ivy file for Spring Hello, We are beginning to use Ivy in our Ant build scripts, and I'm wondering if anyone has an ivy file for Spring? The ones in ivy's ...

13. Using latest snapshot from Ivy    forum.springsource.org

Using latest snapshot from Ivy Hi! I am trying to use the latest snapshot (nightly build) in order to test the airline sample with more than one schema. See http://opensource.atlassian.com/proj.../browse/SWS-44 but ...

14. Using Ivy within Eclipse for Spring 2.1-M3    forum.springsource.org

15. Building spring modules - ivy conf outdated?    forum.springsource.org

Hi I have checked out the release-0_8 tag from CVS and am trying to build it. It looks like http://mirror.ibiblio.org/ is down but I have a fairly recent local mirror. I ...

16. Build paths in Eclipse - Ivy and OSGI    forum.springsource.org

Build paths in Eclipse - Ivy and OSGI In the old days in order to get a project to compile I've put dependent jars on its build path in Eclipse. Now ...

17. Are SpringSource going to standardize on Ivy/Ant or Maven 2 ?    forum.springsource.org

Are SpringSource going to standardize on Ivy/Ant or Maven 2 ? Having been tied too long to simplistic (and now problematic) builds in Eclipse with no real component repository (don't ask!) ...

18. Ivy dependency    forum.springsource.org

Prior to Spring security I used the below dependecy in Ivy. I tried it with version 3.0.0.M2 but it can't resolve ...

19. Using Ant / Ivy    forum.springsource.org

Using Ant / Ivy Is it possible to use Ant / Ivy as your build mechanism for Spring Roo projects? I know there is a JIRA for this, (JIRA 91), which ...