Generic « Development « Spring Q&A

1. Spring IoC and Generic Interface Type

I'm trying to use Spring IoC with an interface like this:

public interface ISimpleService<T> {
    void someOp(T t);
    T otherOp();
Can Spring provide IoC based on the ...

2. How do I instantiate an Object that uses generics with Spring framework?

I have a class that looks like this:

class Dao<T>{
I want to do this:
new Dao<Student>();
from the Spring XML configuration. Can that be done? How?

3. Creation of generic type using Spring Config

How can I instantiate a bean with generic type using spring config

public class GenericService<T> 
Note that T is not the concrete type of a bean property. It is really just ...

4. Dependency Injection by type using generics - how does it work?

Using Spring, I can get all beans of a certain type that are currently defined using this:

private List<Foo> allFoos;
How does Spring do this? I thought type information of generics was erased ...

5. Calling generic method in application context

I'm trying to invoke this method in, but i'm having trouble getting the configuration right. Method:

public void AddRepository<TEntity>(IRepository<TEntity> repository)
   where TEntity : IEntity
   Repositories.Add(repository.GetType().Name, repository);
<object type="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.MethodInvokingFactoryObject, Spring.Core">

6. Java Generics Issue (w/ Spring)

I think I may be a victim of type erasure but thought I'd check with others here first. I have the requirement to do something like this:

public interface FooFactory {

7. How to EasyMock a call to a method that returns a wildcarded generic?

We're looking at switching to Spring 3.0 and running into problems with the intersection of Spring 3.0, EasyMock, and Java Generics. In one place, we're mocking a Spring 3.0 AbstractBeanFactory, specifically this ...

8. Can Spring's ObjectFactoryCreatingFactoryBean work with generics that refer to interfaces?

I'm using Spring's ObjectFactoryCreatingFactoryBean to retrieve a prototype scoped bean, as described in the Spring Documentation. Below is my applicationContext.

<bean id="exportFactory" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ObjectFactoryCreatingFactoryBean">
    <property name="targetBeanName">

9. Generic Dictionary containing Generic List values in Spring.Net

I have an object that contains a property:

public Dictionary<string, List<Hotel>> CityHotels { get; set; }
How do I use Spring.Net to configure this property? I tried doing this:
    <property name="CityHotels">

10. GSON and Generic types

I've come across a problem of using Gson library and generic types(my types and collections). However they have an answer how to solve this problem, I don't think it's appropriate to ...

11. Spring 3.0 Expression Langugage Java Generic Parameters

I'm using Spring 3 and I have a class with a static method with the signature<MyObject1,MyObject2> map). In my spring bean file, I have the following:

<constructor-arg index="1"

12. JUnit's method count counts compareTo method twice. Why?

I am working on a Java Springframework project and using JUnit4 to test it. My class implements Comparable and overrides the compareTo method. In my test, when I do

Class<myClass> m = myClass.class;
Method[] methods ...

13. Spring Problem with generic types

I've a Problem with Spring when using generics. The following code describes the problem pretty good:

public class TestInj<S> {
    S elem;
    public S getElem() {

14. Generics with Spring

I'd like to merge this two methods using generics, the only difference are the casting classes "ServicesBO" and "ServicesDAO". The name of the bean can be passed as a string parameter. ...

15. Is there a generic freemarker template for Spring Framework Config?

I am looking for a freemarker template that can mock-up a generic spring configuration by inserting values for mandatory/optional values. Here is an example to clarify what I am saying:

<beans xmlns=""

16. JAXB Marshall a Map structure of generic type

Following this example ( of Blaise Doughan that works, i am trying to generalize it to any type using generics. I obtained :

import java.util.*;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;

public class MyMapType<K, V> {


17. Generics and Converters

This is a strange one. I have a Catalogue entity, and in the file I have added this request mapping, the body of which populates a Catalogue with data from ...

18. Generic Types in generated classes

Hi, for my addon I need to work with generics but I have one problem. How can I create a class that looks like this? public class RooTable { ....} ...

19. Suggestions for handling XML requests with generic field names?

Suggestions for handling XML requests with generic field names? I'm developing a Spring 3 MVC app and I need to handle HTTP POST requests with XML in the following format: Code: ...

20. Factory Method with Generic Types

21. Why the Validator interface is not generic in Spring 3.0

While reading the reference documentation of Spring 3.0 I found the Validator interface. And I wonder why this interface is not generic. Can any body tell my why?

22. Generic Slave for Remote chunking

Generic Slave for Remote chunking Hi all, I'm trying to design a batch architecture based on spring-batch and JMS. I have read a lot about remote chunking and I have a ...

23. Generic Table Maintenance Framework

Generic Table Maintenance Framework Hi, I was looking at the possibility of building a generic table maintenance application. By generic I mean you would only need to use metadata either in ...

24. Bug: "no setter" error when Generics are used

Bug: "no setter" error when Generics are used SpringIDE reports "No setter found for property 'xxx' in class 'yyy' when class yyy is using a generic type: Example: public abstract class ...

25. How to use java 1.5 generics features

Moa, Most of Spring's code is written to run on Java 1.3 so you won't be able to take advantage of any generics features with most of Spring codebase. Some specific ...

26. Generic way of determing if there were any bind errors

Generic way of determing if there were any bind errors I have a requirement to put in some generic way for our pages to detect if there have been any errors ...

27. What is a "generic constructor arguments"?

What is a "generic constructor arguments"? Hi, what's a generic constructor Argument? I keep getting this Exception: Context initialization failed org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDepen dencyException: Error creating bean with name 'generator' defined in ServletContext ...

28. Create instance of jdk1.5 generic class in context?

Hi, Does spring support instantiation of jdk1.5 generics in the XML context file? i.e. should this work? I'm guessing not... but it would be really nice... for the ...

29. Displaying generic result sets on jsp ? {newbie}

Displaying generic result sets on jsp ? {newbie} Hi, I am new to Spring and would appreciate your advice on how I plan to implement a webapp with JDBC functionality. What ...

30. Any open-source based generic Notification Engine???

Any open-source based generic Notification Engine??? Hi All, We have a requirement to design a generic notification engine that can handle various types of notification such as: JMS messaging Email notification ...

31. inject generic type

32. How does spring handle generics?

How does Spring handle beans that use generics? For example, I can create a DAO object using generics: public class DataAccessObject> { .... } If my EmployeeService ...

33. Dependency injection and generics

Dependency injection and generics I'm having a problem with injecting a dependency into an implementation of a generic type. I'm getting the message: Code: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'bookServiceTarget' ...

34. generic ResultReader

generic ResultReader I need to execute a query and return the results as csv file. I was thinking of using the spring SqlQuery (and all the nifty framework stuff associated with ...

35. Spring support for java generics ?

Hi , I want to know whether spring supports java generics. I want to instantiate a bean like: Where denotes the type of objects my ...

36. Problem with SimpleRemoteStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean and generics

Problem with SimpleRemoteStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean and generics I am trying to use a Spring injected remote stateless session bean inside a POJO client. The business interface being used is as follows: Code: public ...

37. Spring and Generic Application Command Layer

Spring and Generic Application Command Layer Howdy All, I am new to Spring, but have heard many people speak of it highly and I would like to consider using it for ...

38. AnnotationTransactionAttributeSource and generics

AnnotationTransactionAttributeSource and generics Hi, let's consider the following example Code: public interface ViewTx { void update(T view); } public class MyViewTx implements ViewTx { @Transactional public void update(MyView view) ...

39. maven 2 generics issue

maven 2 generics issue I get this errors Compiling 6 source files to /root/workspace/tekframework/target/classes [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Compilation failure /root/workspace/tekframework/src/main/java/com/tek/common/persist/user/[25,18] generics are not supported in -source ...

40. generic error binding

generic error binding I'm trying to have one generic jsp page to be used by all command (domain) objects. The jsp page will generate javascript for each error found by a ...

41. Problem injecting Java 5 Generics Map

Aug 1st, 2006, 10:27 PM #1 jbisotti View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Aug 2005 Location Lexington, KY Posts 36 Problem injecting Java 5 Generics Map My ...

42. Exposing Velocity generic tool results in NullPointer

I'm trying to expose Velocity's generic ListTool... When i add a toolbox config location to the ViewResolver, however, i get the following nullpointer: Code: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity.VelocityToolboxView.createVelocityContext( My ViewResolver configuration; Code: ...

43. Generics

Generics Hi, I should mention I am very new to all of this and don't really know what I am doing. Does anyone have an idea on the following. I have ...

44. Blog about creating a generic Validator

Hi, I've blogged a little about how to create a generic Validator (a validator capable of testing any field or object). It's the second part of another entry dedicated to DWR ...

45. BeanWrapper trampling generics?

BeanWrapper trampling generics? I'm getting this problem in the web layer, but I think it's related to the container itself, which is why I'm posting here. All this is using Spring ...

46. Binding Generics fails after a few minutes run-time.

Please post some code, when doing so please use [ code][/code ] tags. Also probably there is something in your logging which gives more of a description please also post that. ...

47. Generic application and specific "overriding"

Generic application and specific "overriding" Hi, I work for a company that build customizable products. I want to use spring as an integration layer. i.e. : I have a generic application ...

48. Generic TypeConverter

Generic TypeConverter I have a class which implements TypeConverter Object convertIfNecessary(Object value, Class requiredType) by using reflection to find a constructor for requiredType taking a single String argument and using reflection ...

49. Instantiate Generics (parametrized classes)

Hello, I wonder if it is possible to instantiate a parametrized Class by the use of the XML-bean factory like the following one: Code: class GenericServiceImpl { ...

50. Parameterized and Generic

51. generic custom editor

Hi, Is it possible in Spring 2.0.X to configure a custom editor for properties of generic types? What I want to do is configure an editor for properties of type java.util.Set. ...

52. does remoting not work with generics?

Hello, I'm using spring remoting 2.0.6 and have somer problems with a service. If a super interface: Code: interface IBusinessObjectService { List findAll(); T findById(U id); void aggregate(T entity); void ...

53. Generic Spring Main?

Generic Spring Main? Hi all, I am just getting into spring. All of the examples I have seen use a java main file to get started creating application contexts and such. ...

54. Generic binary file view

Generic binary file view Hello, I'm trying to create a View (based on AbstractView) for my binary files which are stored on my DB. But I can't get it working nor ...

55. constructor-arg and generic List problem

constructor-arg and generic List problem I have a bean whose constructors look like this: Foo() { super(); } Foo(final List list) { this(); this.setList(list); } It also has a public getter/setter ...

56. Injecting generics parameter type

Injecting generics parameter type Hi, I have been reading about generics and Spring but I can't get a clear picture, so I expose a simplified case and hopefully I'll be enlighted. ...

57. spring-agent load time weaver too late if generic

spring-agent load time weaver too late if generic I have encountered a problem when writing tests dependent upon @Configurable based injection. We use Load Time Weaving within our development environment using ...

58. Generic persistence spec question

Generic persistence spec question Code: public class Photo implements Serializable { private Long id; private byte[] bytes; private Integer photoSize; @Basic(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) public byte[] getBytes() { return bytes; } public void setBytes(byte[] ...

59. Problem with Spring and Generics

Problem with Spring and Generics Hi all, I have a Problem with Spring and Java Generics on AIX with an IBM-JRE. Everthing works fine on Solaris with the Sun-JRE. Error description: ...

60. Best practice with generic views

Best practice with generic views Hi all, I'm trying to design a generic view with Spring MVC and I find myself scratching my head as for how things should work... Let's ...

61. Generic type not support when determining expected type

Jan 20th, 2009, 05:00 AM #1 Hicyo View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2008 Location Madrid, Spain Posts 12 Generic type not support when determining ...

62. Generic merging (with wildcarts?)

Generic merging (with wildcarts?) Hi All, I want to merge several lists into one. Problem is I never want to name the specific lists in detail. I work with several layers ...

63. Injections and generic types in Spring (2.5)

Injections and generic types in Spring (2.5) Hello, I just struggled with Spring and understanding why it can't determine a generic type during injection. Please, have a look at this simple ...

64. AbstractAclVoter incorrectly determines the type of generic arguments

In AbstractAclVoter in the getDomainObjectInstance method there is the following line used to get the type of the reflected method arguments: Code: params = invocation.getMethod().getParameterTypes(); which is fine except where the ...

65. Using DI with Generics

Hi, I am new to the Spring Framework. I want to know, how can I inject a generic (Map) to the class. I have a VerificationManager class with following constructor - ...

66. Generics

Hi, I have read that as of Spring 2.5 generics is supported, but I cannot find any documentation showing how to use it. I would like to inject an ArrayList property ...

67. Spring + Generic - Question

Spring + Generic - Question Hi All, I am quite newbie here & has some problems in doing stuff. I have an interface & base class as shown below Code: public ...

68. Why doesn't SmartApplicationListener support generics in the interface declaration?

Title says it all. I just ran across SmartApplicationListener, newly added in Spring 3.0. It looks like a much better approach than the reflection-based decision logic around regular ApplicationListeners. I don't ...

69. Autowiring Generic components

Assume I have a base class similar to the one below Code: public abstract class AbstractEntityCrudAction { /* * This is just an example class. * _service needs to injected ...

70. Generic Java Type

Hi, I'm developing an addon to Roo, and I'm trying to generate classes with Generic Types. I managed to generate Generic JavaType (List) with extended constructor. But when Roo parses this ...

71. Generic @RequestMapping

Hi! For a group of requests I want to use a fallback handler method. So I'm using the pattern request mapping like in the following example: Code: @RequestMapping("/display*.do") public ModelMap defaultDisplayPageHandler() ...

72. gsp generic template

when I create a gsp I get a blank page where can I create a generic gsp template in the sts 2.3 editor? also , if I type a tag and ...

73. Generic and Dynamic Classes

It looks like you need some sort of processor that once registered, it reads your custom factory configuration and then translates this into the Spring bean metadata. There are several ways ...

74. OT question on Java Generics

OT question on Java Generics Hi all, first of all I apologize for submitting a problem that is not directly related to Spring but to Java. My only excuse is that ...

75. @PreAutorize hasPermission(#item, 'create') issues with Generics

@PreAutorize hasPermission(#item, 'create') issues with Generics Hi, I can't get this working: @PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#item, 'create')") public T create(T item) { return; } It seems the default Spring implementation cannot handle generic ...

76. JdbcCall and generics aware executeObject

Hi. Why do the executeObject has to be passed object class as a first parameter when the resulting class could be taken from method return value? Currently the executeObject signature is: ...

77. Generic web problem, pls help

What do you do on the submit? Persist the values of the form in a database table and then retrieve them again on the next page? Or do you just put ...

78. Useless use of generics in OsgiBundleApplicationContextListener?

Instances of this class can be registered to receive OsgiBundleApplicationContextEvents (different events are represented by different subclasses). Somewhere between Spring DM 1.2 and 2.0 the OsgiBundleApplicationContextListener class appears to have been ...