Debug « Development « Spring Q&A

I can't think of a good way to debug why the ...

1. Dettaching Nunit from VS debug mode takes too long

I am using VS2008 and Nunit. My application uses Spring.NET Framework for dependency injection. I attached Nunit to VS to debug. Loading Nunit takes time and even worse after the test ...

2. Rhino Mocks - using AssertWasCalled on Common.Logging ILog.Debug

I'm having trouble using Rhino Mocks to assert that a method was called (and ideally with a particular parameter). The Method is ILog.Debug(FormatMessageHandler) in Common.Logging 2.0 using the ...

3. Where is the debug class path in netbeans / where does the spring config XML file go?

I have a java desktop app (main project) and another project with a series of packages in NetBeans. Some of the packages use spring for JDBC and IOC. I am getting ...

4. How do I debug a "No Mapping found for HTTP Request"?

I'm trying to map a Controller with Spring 3.0 without success. I've the following error: 2011-07-17 20:01:16,536 [http-8080-exec-5] WARN org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound - No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/sherd/cp/index] in ...

5. how to debug a mavenized Java and flex integrated code

I am trying to debug a flex code integrated with java as a backend. It is a mavenized project and I am using eclipse . I tried going through similar question ...

6. How to enable hot swapping in debug mode with gradle and jetty?

I'm using jettyRun for running my simple spring application. I wanted to enable hot swapping with Intellij debuger, but looks like jetty doesn't catch the changes.
On I seen ...

7. Mulltipart file fails on 2nd upload, but works if log4j is in debug mode

Mulltipart file fails on 2nd upload, but works if log4j is in debug mode Hi, I am working with spring 3.0.1 (The latest had spring security bugs (documented) and I had ...

8. How can I see the "params" "request" and "response" vars in my debug view?

Hi, I'm using SpringSource Tool Suite 2.5 with a Grails (1.2.1) project. When I run my app in the debug view, I'm not able to see the "request", "params", or "response" ...

9. Possible to run a script prior to running from the debug menu?

Hi, I'm using SpringSource tool suite 2.5 with a Grails (1.2.1) project. Is there a way, when launching something from the debug menu (, to run a script prior to the ...

10. Debug flag enabled

In Spring Framework reference - part 3. The IoC container, in Constructor argument name section is written: "...your code must be compiled with the debug flag enabled so that Spring can ...

11. Confusion about expressions panel when debugging

Hi, I'm using STS 2.5.2. I'm debugging a Grails (1.2.1) project and had a question about the expressions panel ( Is it possible to do on-the-fly evaluations of variables or expressions ...

12. Debugging CGLIB enhanced code in WSAD

We're using Spring and Hibernate in WSAD 5.1.1. When we attempt to set a breakpoint on one of our Spring "managed" beans (ProductDAO), we get the following error: Attempting to install ...

13. How to debug/trace Spring framework itself?

How to debug/trace Spring framework itself? Hello! Anyone know how to trace/debug Spring framework itself? I know in my application I got many instances of MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter created when I expect only ...

14. How to debug Spring framework

Hi everyone, I am quite new to Spring framework and don't know how to debug the program written in Spring. It is really an annoying problem since I must detect the ...

15. Debugging spring applications

Once we spring enable the application, how do we debug the problems. Does spring app write to any log files about the session management/transaction management. I'm sorry if it's trivial. Thanks! ...

16. Debugging and Spring

Debugging and Spring As i am learning spring, i get more fascinated by it's layered architecture. But one question arises that i would like to share with this forum. How do ...

17. Spring Framework DEBUG logging with Log4J

How do I get debug log statements from Spring using Log4j? This is my properties file: Code: log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, stdout log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{HH:mm:ss} %5p [%t] (%F:%L) - %m%n I've tried everything ...

18. Debugging output

I'm getting a lot of DEBUG output and can't figure out how to turn it off. I'm trying to set the logging level to ERROR using log4j but I'm having trouble ...

19. digester DEBUG output

digester DEBUG output Each time I redeploy my webapp, I get countless messages from a "Digester": Code: 2005-02-10 17:10:49,016 DEBUG [org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.sax] - 2005-02-10 17:10:49,016 DEBUG [org.apache.commons.digester.Digester] - < match='taglib/tag/attribute'> 2005-02-10 ...

20. Spring debugging question : IoC

Spring debugging question : IoC Hi, I am new to Spring, I have use Spring last month for a small JDBC project to test its features and Spring helped me well ...

21. How I can debug a data bind error with a limited information

How I can debug a data bind error with a limited information I get the following error message: [] processFormSubmission:218 - Data binding errors: 2 The UserFormController is a child class ...

22. Enable library debug statements

How can I enable spring to print debug statements in its own code. I am having a problem with using the TransactionProxyFactoryBean class and want to see what Spring is doing ...

23. Spring-app on WAS Server in Debug mode problem

Jun 1st, 2005, 12:37 PM #1 lovkiys View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date May 2005 Posts 42 Spring-app on WAS Server in Debug mode problem I have ...

24. Debug feature in the ide

Hi, When debugging my spring app, I have to go through all the aop framework to debug my classes. It would be great to have some feature in the plugin to ...

25. Setting logging level to Debug in Spring

Setting logging level to Debug in Spring I just don't seem to be able to! This is my file, in WEB-INF: Code: # Global logging configuration log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, stdout # SqlMap ...

26. Newbie question: How to get spring debug logging on?

I know, I know... it's a "stupid" question. However I can't find it in the docs, and I've tried setting DEBUG in etc. but it's just not making any difference ...

27. Debug eclipse warning

Debug eclipse warning Good, My doubt is the following one: I have a called Bean request, this bean instance a called class, the case is that this class handles the ...

28. How do I turn OFF the Spring debug/INFO Statement

How do I turn OFF the Spring debug/INFO Statement Hello Everyone, Currently I am developing a proto-type web application using RIA + Spring + Hibernate, application server as JBOSS 4.0.1sp1. Application ...

29. How to debug ThemeResolver?

I've been working on getting my theme to show up in my pages all night with no luck. Is there some way that I can get some kind of debug output ...

30. How to use Velocity Debug console?

Hello, I have just found out about the Velocity Debug Console, which I also already know from the PHP Template engine Smarty. Unfortunatelly the request Object isn't passed to the ...

31. Debugging Spring project

I am trying to follow the Spring Live code and I can't figure out how to debug the code. How to figure out why the project passes all the test but ...

32. how to configure remote debugging between jboss+jdeveloper+spring

how to configure remote debugging between jboss+jdeveloper+spring; debugger is connected between jboss and jdeveloper but when i put breakpoints in controller it did stop there.

33. Setup of Spring Debug Log

I am trying to debug an issue I am having with the ClassPathXmlApplicationContext. It has been suggested that I use Spring's Debug Log. Can someone please point me towards a setup/tutorial ...

34. How do you debug @Configurable code in Eclipse?

How do you debug @Configurable code in Eclipse? I'm developing a web app in Eclipse and wanted to use @Configurable to inject non-spring beans. I current have to tell Eclipse to ...

35. How to debug spring application efficiently

hi, I use spring along with struts. The problem is that whenever I make a change in a class after the application was invoked I need to reload the whole application ...

36. debug spring through tomcat

debug spring through tomcat I tried to debug into spring while starting tomcat, yet debug didn't stop where the breakpoints were set. [IMG]C:\debug.JPG[/IMG] I'm using myeclipse GA 5.0, eclipse 3.2 ,tomcat ...

37. Help Debugging a simple WebFlow Example.

Help Debugging a simple WebFlow Example. Hi all, I'm doing my first programs with Spring Web Flow. I have chosen an example that I had found in an article, and I ...

38. Need FormDebugPanel-type debug option for TableFormBuilder

In JGoodies, we have the FormDebugPanel we can use to help debug our panel layouts. It would be nice if we could set a boolean someplace that turns on a similar ...

39. WSAD Debug issues

WSAD Debug issues Hi, I'm having problems being able to debug Spring 2.0.6 (also tried v1.2.9) in WSAD 5.1 The really bizzare thing is that it works fine if i run ...

40. BADLY Need help debugging Spring

I've just joined a new corporation with an extensive spring framework. I've recieved the large Spring app, and plugged it into Tomcat and Eclipse. The problem is when things go wrong ...

41. Cglib debugging

I use spring AOP (v2.0) and I have a problem with debugging aspect target classes. When I try debugging these classes I get this message from eclipse: "Unable to install breakpoint ...

42. Spring Logs DEBUG despite level set to ERROR

Spring Logs DEBUG despite level set to ERROR I'm getting DEBUG level output from org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc even though in my log4j.xml I've set spring logger at ERROR. I'm on Tomcat 6.0.13. In ...

43. Invalid submit detected: - How do I debug invalid submits?

Invalid submit detected: - How do I debug invalid submits? - Invalid submit detected: Form object not found in session (in session-form mode) I have two tabs in the JSP. ...

44. How to debug authz:accesscontrollist

How to debug authz:accesscontrollist I have the following statement in a jsp page: Code:

45. Webpshere not starting in debug mode with Spring 2.5

Webpshere not starting in debug mode with Spring 2.5 Webspere fails to starts in debug mode using Rational Application Developer,Java 1.4.2 and Spring 2.5 when hot method replace is enabled. ...

46. Difficulties in changing info to debug level of Log4j

Hi, I had changed log4j.rootLogger=info,stdout to log4j.rootLogger=debug,stdout and g in the (src/main/resources/ but I didn't got debug statement. According to my obervation, it is not using the values for this ...

47. DEBUG 2008-01-25 10:13:15,490 [main] [net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager] Attempting to crea

DEBUG 2008-01-25 10:13:15,490 [main] [net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager] Attempting to crea Hi, When the spring container is trying to instantiate , a bean . Iam getting the following reapeated message on my console . ...

48. Displaying request and response in debug logging mode

Hi, Until now, when I put logging in debug mode, Spring-WS would display the request and response xml. Suddenly, it doen't anymore. Now, it displays something like : Received response [SaajSoapMessage ...

49. Accessing simple DWR debug page?!?

Accessing simple DWR debug page?!? Hello, as a first step to integrate DWR I just want to access the debug examples. I am using Spring 2.5 and DWR 2. In my ...

50. Stepping into interceptor while debugging

Hello, is there an easy way to step into an interceptor while debugging with eclipse? Manually setting a breakpoint in each interceptor is very time and brain consuming. Thanks, Gedas

51. debug or error?

Class: Method: processEndpointException This method log exceptions throw by endpoint's. The log level is "debug". I think is better if the level is "error" because runtime exceptions doesn't appear in ...

52. Debug mode - Java Dump

Debug mode - Java Dump When i run the batch job in the run mode it works fine. However, using debug mode gives the following error. What could be the possible ...

53. Error only in debug mode of app

Error only in debug mode of app Hi. I'm trying to run a application with spring. When i run in run mode on my server it seems to work. But when ...

54. Debugging OSgi in Spring IDE

Debugging OSgi in Spring IDE Spring DM 1.1.1 Really trying to ramp up as fast as possible with spring DM code. What I would like to be able to do is ...

55. Debugging Container Launched via AbstractOsgiTests

Debugging Container Launched via AbstractOsgiTests Hi all, Is there any way to get better debugging output from the container that is launched with AbstractOsgiTests? I'm not very familiar with the OSGi ...

56. Injection not happening when debugging unit tests

57. Debugging hangs

Debugging hangs Hi, I'm having difficulty with debugging an integration test. Problem description: I'm having a table lock when I'm debugging with a junit integration test. The reason I'm getting a ...

58. Interactive debugging in Eclipse

What's the best way to do this? Is there a call to mvn which will put tomcat into debugging mode or have I just missed something in the documentation? Thanks.

59. Creating a debug environment for portlet.

Creating a debug environment for portlet. Hi, Newbie with Spring and Spring portlet MVC. I installed STS and has been working fine with Spring MVC. Started to work with Spring portlet ...

60. Debugging portlets

Debugging portlets Hi All, I am trying to set up a development environment to test Spring Portlet MVC for development of JSR 168 conforming portlets. I have the latest STS installed, ...

61. Portlet debugging survey

Hi all, I am trying to understand how different people debug their spring mvc portlets? Do you use the eclipse debugging function? Do you just prepare a war file and throw ...

62. JSP debugging

I'm trying to make the JSP engine, I'm using as views for Spring MVC, more verbose so that I get some error messages when it fails. For example I do not ...

63. Binder sometimes not called except when debugging

Binder sometimes not called except when debugging Hi, Using a SimpleFormController. I have a property editor which is not always called (seemingly) despite the fact that the correct information is in ...

64. Debugging Grails

Debugging Grails I'm really happy that Grails support in Eclipse is finally reaching a "professional" level. Better Eclipse support is absolutely necessary for Grails to grow beyond a niche. The Groovy/Grails ...

65. MultipartFile is null even though debug shows file is uploaded

Mar 16th, 2010, 12:37 AM #1 mystic View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date May 2009 Posts 246 MultipartFile is null even though debug shows file is ...

66. jsp web page is displayed but not the other. How to debug?

One jsp web page is displayed but not the other. Pressing that web page and press enter nothing appear in the browser (not even error message). No error message appear in ...

67. Best way to fast-deploy app when debugging?

Hello all, I am creating a Spring Web MVC project, and debugging it in a Tomcat 6.0 server which I have added to my Servers tag. It has all the libraries ...

68. Debug View - Breakpoints

Question about STS 2.3.2 - I'm having an issue where I can't check variable values while stepping through breakpoints because they aren't listed, the only available variable is it, which is ...

69. Debug mode of Tomcat under Spring DM

Hello, I need to launch the debug mode of the tomcat web container under spring dm server. Is that really possible? I really need to get to that mode because it's ...

70. memory overflow, debugging does not work in application

Oct 22nd, 2010, 11:55 AM #1 jolsys View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2010 Location Poland Posts 23 memory overflow, debugging does not work in ...

71. Rapid grails debugging?

Rapid grails debugging? Hi, I have just upgraded from STS 2.3.2 to STS 2.5.1, installed grails and groovy plugins and have everything working so far. When I start my grails (1.3.3) ...

72. log4j debug level

Hi I'm using spring 3.0.5 and spring security 3.0.5 with log4j for logging. How can i set the level of debugging of spring to DEBUG? I set in my ...

73. Spring 3 debug problem

Hi every one, I faced a problem, I hav an webapplication built on Spring 3, but when I try to debug it via attaching to server from Netbeans i always get ...