Advice 1 « Development « Spring Q&A

1. Applying "Before" advice to all methods within a class using

Say I have a class, "FQN.AuthorizeAllOfMe", with a series of methods, say X(), Y(), and Z(). Then let's say I have the following advice already:

public class AuthorizationAdvice: IMethodBeforeAdvice
    public ...

2. Need advice on improving testability

I have developed a stack of web Services based on:

  • Spring ws 2.0 with jaxb2 maven plugin (to ease the pain).
  • Hibernate.
  • PostgResql.
We are ...

3. Throws Advice in Spring

If the business method is catching the exception not re thrown, will the throw advice would be invoked?

4. Advice for Spring Adaptation for an SAP connected intranet site

We have an intranet site that serves 50.000 users at maximum (generally only a couple of people is online at the same time). We use Eclipse, SAP Connector, J2EE 1.4, JSP, ...

5. the rule for precedence between advices !!

Order is as follows: 1. before starts, then exits 2. around starts proceed in around 4. method finishes execution 5. after advice executes 6. back to around 7. around exits ...

6. Advice for channels configuration

Advice for channels configuration I have a quite simple application and I am trying to integrate it with Spring integration. The most important feature is the fine grain control over the ...

7. need some advice

need some advice Dear all, I'm trying to implement business need in Spring Batch and having some problems about transaction management. The business need is, simply, 1) Query a database(#1) with ...

8. How to specify method parameter type in schema-based after-throwing advice

How to specify method parameter type in schema-based after-throwing advice I have two similar methods that catch an exception and throw a new exception. The methods have the same name, but ...

9. Waht can cause "advice defined in StudentAdvisor has not been applied" warning msg??

Hi, I am trying to resolve an issue with the AOP part of my source code. The issue is I am getting the above warning message and thus my aspects are ...

10. Error while getting JoinPoint.EnclosingStaticPart for Around advice.

Error while getting JoinPoint.EnclosingStaticPart for Around advice. I am getting a "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: error at ::0 formal unbound in pointcut" error when I add the "enclosingStaticPart" to argNames for Around advice. I ...

11. Two almost identical @Before advices and only one is executed. Why?

How is it posible that the first advice is never excuted while the second one do is. No mather what method I declare in 'execution' instead of 'getId'. I know that ...

12. Advice on best performance strategy

Advice on best performance strategy I have a scenario where I have to match records within a table on a FIFO basis. The table structure looks like below - id, request_type, ...

13. Pass one or more parameter from one advice to another

Pass one or more parameter from one advice to another Hi all I'm using spring 3.0.5 I'ld like to know if it's possible to do the following thing: let's suppose I ...

14. Strange problem with @Before advice...

Strange problem with @Before advice... Hi all, i have a working myBatis DAO layer i now i'm trying to implement some crosscutting logic using @Before advice. I'm trying to intercept all ...

15. Advice: approach for one to one mapping in a web layer env

Advice: approach for one to one mapping in a web layer env I'm using spring/hibernate and the suggestion seems to lean towards passing the domain objects back to the UI layer. ...

16. Passing hardcoded spring value to advice method as parameter

Passing hardcoded spring value to advice method as parameter Hi, I am trying AOP parametrization for the first time. I would really appreciate if somebody could help me clear the following ...

17. Help! Cannot get advice to "fire"

Help! Cannot get advice to "fire" Here's the setup servlet-context.xml: Code:

18. Dynamic advice ??

Dynamic advice ?? For dynamic pointcut the following does not work but works for static pointcuts if I use the RegexpMethodPointcutAdvisor. Any help would be appreciated. :x

19. Throws Advice Problem- At least one handler method must be f

Throws Advice Problem- At least one handler method must be f Hi All, I have defined the throws advice like this - public class ExceptionAdvice implements ThrowsAdvice { private static final ...

20. Applying an advice on a recursive method

Applying an advice on a recursive method I have the following problem: I want to have an advice that gets applied every time that method x() is called. Method x() is ...

21. Metod Advice + inner object method invokes Question

Metod Advice + inner object method invokes Question Hi Alls, I have 3 methods in my class Code: public void startRuleSet() { System.out.println("Start Rule Set"); makeRule1(); makeRule2(); } public void makeRule1() ...

22. advice code never entered when using cglib

advice code never entered when using cglib I have an integration test in which I attempt to add advice to a bean in the ApplicationContext. The body of the advice is ...

23. How to apply advice to interface and implementation

How to apply advice to interface and implementation Hello, I would like to apply the around advice (MethodInteceptor) to both the interface and the implementation and I am not sure of ...

24. Method Tracing Advice

Method Tracing Advice Hi, I am having problems testing AOP in Spring. I implemented simple before & after advices. The code executes fine, but the tracing does not print anything. Any ...

25. May I advice a Servlet?

Hi everybody! I am interested - is it possible to advice a Servlet? I already know that I cannot advice SLSB. If I cannot advice a Servlet is it based on ...

26. Adding DI to Advice Objects.

Adding DI to Advice Objects. Hi, I am still new to AOP and Spring. I've searched the archive and I can't seem to locate an answer to the following problem. In ...

27. Around Advice on HttpInvokerProxy?

Around Advice on HttpInvokerProxy? I'd like to put an around advice on all the methods of my client-side service proxies. I'm currently using HttpInvokerProxyFactoryBean to create those service proxies. I've created ...

28. before and after advices in a single class?

I created a class that implements both before and after advices: public class SimpleTracer implements AfterReturningAdvice, MethodBeforeAdvice {...} However when I register it as an interceptor with ProxyFactoryBean, it only functions ...

29. applicationContext & advices

hello all, i want to write a BeforeAdvice which needs to use another bean from applicationContext. Question: how do i get applicationContext from advice? do i have to implement the interface ...

30. Performance Differences + Around advice

Sep 6th, 2005, 10:45 AM #1 RameshMandaleeka View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Junior Member Join Date Sep 2005 Posts 8 Performance Differences + Around advice I am ...

31. Mutiple around advice on a method

I have an interceptor which I am applying to my business methods in a web application, also there is a set of acegi security method interceptors which are also applying to ...

32. unittest advice class

unittest advice class We are using "advice" to our service classes to provide logging of exceptions. (My team believes it is the responsibillity of the service layer to log its exceptions) ...

33. Advice not used .. what is wrong? pleas help me :)

Advice not used .. what is wrong? pleas help me :) Hi, I am trying to get AOP to work, but didnt had success yet. Its just about a simple logging ...

34. Configure Advice at method level

Configure Advice at method level I have a bean containing 3 methods - create/retrieve/transfer. I want to configure an Around Advice on 2 methods - create and transfer. How do i ...

35. Advisor or Advice and Classpath issue

Advisor or Advice and Classpath issue Hi All, I have the following exception when I tried to add security thanks to security interceptor: net.sf.acegisecurity.intercept.method.aopalliance. MethodSecurityInterceptor; Can only include Advisor or Advice ...

36. Throws advice problem:

Throws advice problem: I am trying to handle exceptions by using ThrowsAdvice. The problem is I get a IllegalArgumentException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: At least one handler method must be found in class [class ...

37. Which Advice to use to change parameters

Which Advice to use to change parameters We have an application that, when deployed into production, will need to use an encrypted password. This encrypted password will be in the ...

38. Constructor advice?

I have been trying without success to implement tracing functionality that works in constructors by implementing the org.aopalliance.intercept.ConstructorInterceptor interface, creating an adapter, and registering with the DefaultAdvisorAdapterRegistry. I found an example ...

39. Advice on updating very old RCP to current

Advice on updating very old RCP to current We've been on a VERY old beta of RCP from over a year ago. We've been in an "if it ain't broke, don't ...

40. Arguments of "before" advice method

The method signature is before(Method m, Object[] args, Object target). what is the third argument in the method ? The only explanation in API is that that parameter can be null. ...

41. Advice on componentisation

Advice on componentisation Hi, firstly apologies if this is the wrong forum, please let me know where it should go. I have been developing my current Spring application over the last ...

42. Advice on Spring remoting..

Advice on Spring remoting.. Hi, Iam a newbie to Spring, pls excuse me for my lame question. I have an unique problem with spring remoting. I have a 3rd party application ...

43. Framework decision: looking for advice and orientation

Jun 23rd, 2006, 07:07 AM #1 Lunikon View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Junior Member Join Date Jun 2006 Location Germany Posts 1 Framework decision: looking for advice ...

44. Advice methods are not getting called

Advice methods are not getting called I am trying to create some advice that would be fired off before and after a method is called, and also when an exception is ...

45. Applying Advice to Anonymous Classes

Applying Advice to Anonymous Classes I have a service class that's basically just a wrapper around the JavaMailSender. I have some ValidationAdvice (implements AfterReturningAdvice) that I want to apply to the ...

46. Foxtrot advice

Foxtrot advice Hello, I'm currently using Spring 2rc2 with Hibernate and a Swing client. Everything runs inside the same JVM. What I'd like to do is use an around advice when ...

47. how to trace advices, Spring 2.0

Hello, I would like to trace every advice executed. I have sth like this: Code: @Around("execution(public * com.siemens.smarthome.aspects.*.*.*(..))") public Object traceAdvice(ProceedingJoinPoint jp) throws Throwable { //log stuff But that doesn't seem ...

48. Save Data Need Advice

Save Data Need Advice Hello, I have the following situation: table 'cat' cat_id PK (auto) cat_name (string) format_id FK table 'format' format_id PK (auto) format_name (string) When I gather data, I ...

49. Advice on approach to building app

Advice on approach to building app Hi All, as i get ready to start my new project, I've been looking around the forum for pointers. Plenty of good advice and was ...

50. [newbie] matched=true, but no advice?

I am trying to get a simple AOP example working, but I am confused with some of the logging output from Cglib2AOPProxy. The expected app output is Hello, AOP But, instead, ...

51. Advice

Advice Hi, It's been a while since I've started using the ACEGI. Very good framework and worked as a charm for my needs so far. I use Spring+Struts+Hibernate. Struts the MVC ...

52. before advice with parameters

before advice with parameters I want to use an aspect to do some processing on the request object before the handleRequest method in the Controller executes. I've tried using both the ...

53. How to make sur tx:advice is really applied

How to make sur tx:advice is really applied Heya there i'm playing with the new anotation to apply txn. Code:

66. Applying before advice with MethodSecurityInterceptor

Applying before advice with MethodSecurityInterceptor I need to make a change to a method argument based on roles before the method is invoked and I do not see how to do ...

67. Problem, not executing around advice

Problem, not executing around advice Hi, I really don't know what's the problem in following code and why code in around advice is not executed. Code: public class GetLoggedUserAroundAdvice implements MethodInterceptor ...

68. applying advice to classes defined outside app ctx

applying advice to classes defined outside app ctx Hi, My application consists of tapestry pages backed by spring beans. The tap pages are not defined as spring beans. I want to ...

69. Advice Parameters

I try to get the advice parameter in @Aspect annotated classes,but it allways throws Exception(error at ::0 formal unbound in pointcut) , Can anyone help me? appreciated for your help. pointcut ...

70. Applying existing advices to domain objects

Applying existing advices to domain objects Hi, I'm experimenting with the new Spring AOP 2.0 feature. Basically, I try to apply an existing advice, the Spring DebugInterceptor, to domain objects not ...

71. before and after advice as opposed to around advice - any suggestions?

The general recommendation is to use the simplest advice that will get job done. The reason is clear semantics and simplified use (no worry about calling proceed()). However, performance is not ...

72. Advice on starting a JUG or SUG

There was a previous thread which talked about starting Spring user groups. I'm quite interested in the idea, but as there isn't a Java user group in the area I'm interested ...

73. Not of Type "Advice"???

Not of Type "Advice"??? I am getting following error: Code: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException: Bean named 'debuggingAspect' must be of type [org.aopalliance.aop.Advice], but was actually of type [] at at at ...

74. Simple Example : Advice doen'st work

Simple Example : Advice doen'st work package be.test; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import org.springframework.aop.AfterReturningAdvice; import org.springframework.aop.MethodBeforeAdvice; import org.springframework.aop.ThrowsAdvice; public class MyAdvice implements MethodBeforeAdvice, AfterReturningAdvice,ThrowsAdvice { public MyAdvice() { } public void before(Method arg0, ...

75. Simple Advice

Simple Advice Yeah, simple! I have an form that extends SimpleFormController. I would like verify that there is a legitimate user agent before any of its methods are called. I have ...

76. Looking for advice for good style

Looking for advice for good style Hello, I am developing my first application that uses web services for a stundent's project at the moment. Thanks to spring-ws everything works fine so ...

77. How to pass literal parameter to advice method

How to pass literal parameter to advice method Hello, I am new to AOP. I need to be able to pass a string literal as a value to an AOP advice ...

78. PropertiesPlaceholderConfigurer + PropertyFactoryBean / or other config mgmt advice?

PropertiesPlaceholderConfigurer + PropertyFactoryBean / or other config mgmt advice? Greetings, I have a couple questions regarding the best way to go about handling different configuration options between dev and our deployed ...

79. My advice is not getting called.

Code: package bus; import; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.*; import javax.sql.*; import java.sql.*; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate.HibernateTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; public class ProductManager implements ProductInterface, Serializable { public ...

80. Problem with JDK 1.4 and tx:advice

Problem with JDK 1.4 and tx:advice We're running into some odd problems when trying to build a simple transactional app using Spring 2.0.5 and JDK 1.4.2. We're trying to use the ...

81. Spring + JBossWS advice request

Spring + JBossWS advice request Hi, I'm using Spring 2.0 + JBoss 4.0.5 (with EJB3) + JBossWS. My system offers and consumes web services. At the beginning I implemented my web ...

82. Internal Advice

Internal Advice Hey All, How do I set any advice on a method that's being called internally by a public method. When a call to getResource() is done I wanted to ...

83. how to turn on/off advice?

how to turn on/off advice? Hi all! I'm trying to write a logging aspect. My problem is that i want to make it possible to turn off/on some of the advices ...

84. tx:advice problem

tx:advice problem Hi All: As soon as I drop 'tx:advice' element on Beans.xml, I get error message at run time: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found ...

85. Advice for a method on Manager layer

Advice for a method on Manager layer Hi All, IAm using Spring-AOP and advising a method in manager layer(afterReturning advice) . Advice should be called only when the transaction in which ...

86. Unknown attribute "id" in "tx:advice" tag

Unknown attribute "id" in "tx:advice" tag Hi, I want to use declarative transactions, and I have a problem compiling the XML context. I get "unknown attribute id" of tx:advice tag... I ...

87. Advice executed twice

Advice executed twice For one of the methods in our service layer, we would like to implement: - Declarative transaction management - Email notification upon successful execution of the method We ...

88. Injecting Advice into DispatchServlet...

Injecting Advice into DispatchServlet... I want to inject a MethodInterceptor into DispatchServlet so that I can wrap the whole of the doGet method. I use Controllers derived from AbstractCommandController and was ...

89. After advice never called.

@Aspect public class PictureUpdateAspect { @After("execution(public void dao.PictureDao.*(model.Picture)) and this(picture)") public void onPictureAddDelete(Picture picture) { System.out.println("test"); } }

90. Advice on choosing best approach for xml over http

Hi, I need to build a client that exchanges xml messages directly over http to a server process. The remoting api options I have considered for this are: Commons HttpClient Apache ...

91. Advice not getting called

Hi, I am having problems with a very simple advice which is not getting called at all. I am using annotations and have two mettods in the class (annotated @Aspect) with ...

92. Pls. Help Problem with before advice

Pls. Help Problem with before advice Hi, I have configured an MethodBeforeAdvice on a method of a particular class as below :

93. Execute advice once, then remove it

Execute advice once, then remove it I have code that I would like to run one or more times any time a method in my DAO class is called. This sounds ...

94. Executing one advice OR the other

Hi all, I am trying to use AOP to perform a particular type of authorization on certain methods of a service layer. These methods are identified by pointcuts based on the ...

95. ProceedingJoinPoint is only supported for around advice

Nov 30th, 2007, 07:08 AM #1 PascalAlberty View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Member Join Date May 2007 Location Les Boscailles - Egheze - Belgium Posts 54 ProceedingJoinPoint ...

96. ProceedingJoinPoint is only supported for around advice

Nov 30th, 2007, 08:00 AM #1 PascalAlberty View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Member Join Date May 2007 Location Les Boscailles - Egheze - Belgium Posts 54 ProceedingJoinPoint ...

97. why did these advices/interceptors can't work?

why did these advices/interceptors can't work? introduce: development tool: Eclispe 3.3 Platform: window xp jars: the lastest version of hibernate/spring Framework in my project, i designed many advice / interceptor for ...

98. Interceptor / Advice doesn't seem to work

Interceptor / Advice doesn't seem to work Hi there! Like stated in the title, I have a problem with an Interceptor / Advice that doesn't seem to work. The relevant piece ...

99. By passing interceptor Advice

Hello all I have put an new pointcut "before execeution ..." on method, but if I call it within introcpection (java.lang.reflect) way, my advice didn't reached !!! (with normal call it's ...

100. Different advice for different interfaces

Folks, I have a proxy target object which implements several different interfaces. I'd like the proxy to have different Advice for each of these interfaces. However, I can't find an appropriate ...