mvc « Database « Spring Q&A

1. Spring MVC controller HTTP GET query parameters

How do I, without annotations, create and wire a controller that will perform an action based on a query parameter? So maybe I've got a page with a list of items ...

2. How to load themes from the database in Spring MVC?

I'm going to have a single site that needs to be themed a number of ways. I want to pull the theme information from a database to save from having ...

3. MVC Database Image Display spring

In the context of an MVC application (using Spring MVC in this case), given that I have some image paths stored in a DB. How can I display these in the ...

4. Null check in different layers (presentation layer, middle, database)

Our application is developed using Spring framework. Is it good practice to check null condition in all layers (presentation. business, database) ? The flow in our application is Form submission -> jQuery ...

5. java inserting date into database

can someone please tell me the elegant way of inserting a java date instance into database? presently, i am using IBATIS with Spring MVC . i have defined a property in ...

6. How to define Spring datasource in controller?

Is it possible to define a datasource connector in a Spring controller ? I'm working on a tool : synchronize a source table to a target table.
I would define source and ...

7. Serve JSP stored in DB

I want to server a JSP page that is stored in a database as a blob. So if a request comes in at the url I know to ...

8. how to map "a-b" query to a command object in Spring MVC

I used to use "@RequestParam("a-b") String foo" to receive the "a-b" parameter from http query. now I want to switch to Command Object, but I don't how to receive this param, I ...

9. Spring MVC + Oracle LOBs + Streaming

I have to send a binary stream of a blob by means of a ServletOutputStream. I'm using the following technologies and software: Oracle 11, WebSphere 7, Springframework 2.5.5, Hibernate 3.3.SP1. There are ...

10. trigger 404 in spring-mvc controller?

How do I get a spring 3.0 controller to trigger a 404? I have a controller with @RequestMapping(value = "/**", method = RequestMethod.GET) and for some urls accessing the controller I want ...

11. Ordered RequestMapping in spring MVC

I'm working on a Spring MVC project using Annotated Controller. One thing that I'm interested in is about the order which @RequestMapping instruction to be processed. For example, I want all /green/basic/welcome to ...

12. Representing multiple ordering through Spring @RequestParam

My Application currently serves requests for data, and can order the data to the users requirements, using RequestParams

@RequestParam(value = "orderBy", required = false, defaultValue = "severity") String orderBy,
@RequestParam(value = "order", required ...

13. Are there any examples/tutorials of using Spring 3.0 with Cassandra as a backend?

As I had written in title, I am trying to learn Spring 3.0 (I already know Django, Pylons and few simpler MVC frameworks) and try to use Cassandra as a backend ...

14. creating a spring data connection class using ClassPathXmlApplicationContext

I am new to spring and I am currently using ClassPathXmlApplicationContext to getBean inside the controller class. This is a small example application I am building. But what I am trying to ...

15. Spring 3 MVC - how to turn a form into a query string?

I have a simple Spring form that gets bound to a form object on post. The http POST handler does some work, and then needs to redirect to a new URL, ...

16. apache tiles ordering problem

I have a problem with the order of rendering tiles. The menu gets rendered first and then the body of our webpage gets rendered. Each tile has it`s own controller that ...

17. How to pass SQLXML type to view in Spring MVC?

In my webapp controller I'm getting results from the db, which are of type java.sql.SQLXML. I want to pass it to the view to be returned verbatim (as XML). The problem is, the ...

18. Three Column Layout and Spring-MVC

I want to implement ThreeColumnLayout for my web-app. E.g. having NavigationComponent, BookmarkComponent in Left Panel, OnlineUserComponent in Right Panel. There are also some more components, which can be made visual/hidden by ...

19. How can I change the ordering of mapped URLs in Spring MVC?

I'm running Spring MVC 3.x and I have one Controller with RequestMapping annotations (DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping) and I have one ServletForwardingController with some additional mappings via SimpleUrlHandlerMapping. When I boot up my application, ...

20. Send Multiple Data to DB in Spring

I have this scenario in my Spring MVC Apps. User has to choose what hobbies he/she likes. He can choose at least one or many hobbies. My problem is this, If ...

21. Setup Connection Pooling in Spring MVC

Can somebody help me setup connection pooling in Spring MVC. Later next month, I will release my first local intranet website powered by Spring MVC 2.5 and Jquery. This ...

22. With a form class in Spring 3, how do you map a HTML form field called "order_id" to a Java field "orderId"?

Let's say you have a HTML form:

 <input name = "in1" id="in1" type="text" value="one"> 
 <input name = "in2" id="in2" type="text" value="two"> 
 <input name = "in3" id="in3" type="text" value="three"> ...

23. Spring Framework - New object is created in DB instead of updating

I have an application written in Spring 3.0 hooked up using Hibernate to a database. I have a controller to an update form. Whenever the form is submitted, I ...

24. Recommended data model and data source for a Spring MVC website administration / configuration page?

I am interested in having a web configuration/admin page for a website.

  • Is it more common to store a websites configuration in a database, xml, or .properties files?
  • What does the data model (classes) usually look ...

25. Datasource setting saved in properties file not loaded until after reboot

My application source its Datasource settings from a properties file. When I start Tomcat I load the properties file, make changes to it depending on the enviroment Tomcat is running, typically ...

26. Is this architecture definition OK? Multi-tier (Spring / Multi DB)

Here´s the background, maybe some of the terms are incorrect, as I´m not an expert in this area:

I applied several years ago the following architecture, in order for ...

27. JSTL and JSP compatible issue in Oracle app server

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN"      "">

<description>Spring Framework JSP Tag Library</description>
the above is excerpt from spring 2.5 spring.tld file I ...

28. set up a many-to-one relationship spring mvc

im trying to learn some jsp as well as the spring framework. My application has 2 sql tables. 'User' and 'Locations' each Location belongs to a User. The location table has a foreign ...

29. trigger method on future date in java

I am using java spring framework to develop a Webapp. I have a situation where I want to trigger one method at future date( value of the future date is retrieved from ...

30. How To Display Data in Columns Using Spring MVC and JSP?

I want to take some data from the database and arrange it into rows with each row having 4 columns. Tables or css come to mind. By the way, I do ...

31. If I make my login page use 'https' in Spring, how do I avoid Error 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED)?

The homepage for my Spring MVC 3.0 app is:

If I make the login page use HTTPS:
I get this error when I try to navigate to the login page:
Error 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED): Unknown ...

32. Spring setting WebApplicationContext in ServletContextAware bean

I'm converting existing code to Spring 3 JDBC. I've put it into a class (SpringDB.Users) that implements ServletContextAware. In setServletContext(), the following code doesn't work:

public void setServletContext(ServletContext sc)

33. Persist CommonsMultipartFile to database

I am trying to persist a uploaded file to database using JPA. The most "natural" way (to me) is to define domain object as:

class UploadFile {
  public CommonsMultipartFile ...

34. CPU usage of Oracle installed Database machine

I am using oracle 11g and i have an application which is coded in Spring framework. Once i configure the database on Sun fire 4170 installed with Linux the machine's CPU ...

35. spring and iBatis integration AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver$1

I am new to spring and iBatis.I am trying to integrate both and i have placed all the needed jars.But still it is throwing the following exception. I think i miised a ...

37. Spring MVC dynamic datasource routing is giving me null pointer exception

Trying to follow the code at but getting a nasty null pointer exception:

public class TestDAO extends SimpleJdbcDaoSupport {

public List<Map> getDomains() {
String query = "select 1 from dual";
return getSimpleJdbcTemplate().queryForList(query);
public class ...

38. Spring web mvc question on backing of data from the database

actually i am using spring framework with mvc controller, using spring i want to retrieve the data from the database where i stored my data without any hardcoding? only using hibernate ...

39. Column Filter or Column Searcher in DisplayTag is possible?

Is it possible to create a Column Filter Function (searcher in a table) in a list returned by a Spring MVC controller which then completes a DisplayTag in a JSP? I can ...

40. Spring: two database configurations online/offline

Is there a method to have two configurations that automatically use one when online and another when local? I mean two connections saved, one for the online version (when I try my ...

41. how to save the employee details including image in mysql db?

My requirement is to save the employee details(including image) into mysql db.i want to save the image location in db .And actual image(binary formate) should save into server? Iam using spring.Iam ...

42. Filter and template library order/sequence questions in a Spring mvc app

I have a filter in Spring MVC app as documented here. MVC app is configured to use JSTL view. A request made to the url (to be intercepted by ...

43. Can we integrate jqGrid with Spring MVC and Oracle DB?

I am new to jqGrid. I am working on a project which requires much of the jqGrid functionality. I will be using Oracle 10g. I have seen tutorials like Krams ...

44. Java Spring JDBC template problem

public List<Weather> getWeather(int cityId, int days) {"days: " + days);
    return getSimpleJdbcTemplate().query("SELECT,,, " +

45. Checking database availability with Spring MVC to force a redirect

I'm implementing Spring MVC but would like to redirect if one of my database goes offline. Is there any easy way to check this? The application uses several databases (one for ...

46. How do you put info in a ModelMap without it appearing in the query string?

If I add an attribute to a ModelMap:

    model.addAttribute("abc", 123);
and display the view:
@RequestMapping(value = "/foo", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public final String foo(HttpServletRequest request, BindingResult bindResult, ModelMap model) {

47. Where do you store a persistent memory value (non db) over the lifetime of an app?

Let's say I want to set a variable when my Spring app is instantiated:

String timeUp = new Date().toString();
I want to be able to access this value from all of my app's ...

48. Good Java web development books

Possible Duplicate:
Best Java book you have read so far
I've been doing web development for the past 10 years using asp,, .Net MVC, so ...

49. Unicode and performance

I am in the process of migrating a large scale web service to be compatible with international characters. It is a Tomcat/Spring MVC/SQL Server stack. The migration itself was ...

50. How to map URL Query Strings of a request to model map of controller

A Search-web page has a link, when user clicks on that link. Request is dispatched and search parameters are sent in the form of query strings with the URL. I have ...

51. Controling the order pages are invoked

I am developing Web application in Java. I am trying to integrate Spring Web MVC Framework. This is how you invoke new page:

      <table id="table" border="0">

52. Spring: Updata database configuration dynamically

In my application, I want my users to be able to configure their db-properties the first time they launch the application. The db-properties will be stored in a property-file locally and ...

53. Spring: How can I log the PageNotFound exception in a database?

I would like to log when the spring fails to find a request handler because, for instance, a client tries to access our REST service with a misspelled required parameter. What's the ...

54. In Spring MVC 3, how do I bind an object to a query string when the query string parameters don't match up with the object fields?

A 3rd party is sending me part of the data to fill in my domain object via a query string. I need to partially fill in my domain object, and then ...

55. Mocking dataSource during Unit Testing

I would like to unit test my DB independent web layer controllers even if the database is down. But the transactionManager bean instantiation would fail since the connection cannot be achieved ...

56. In Spring MVC 3 how can you map multiple urls with query parameters ("/a" and "/b?xyz") to one handler?

"/b" has been already mapped to another handler. RequestMapping(value = {"/a","/b?xyz"}) does not seem to work.
Thanks for your help.

57. File(resume) upload using spring-mvc

I am uploading a file (a Microsoft office word document) using spring mvc.
For that I am using spring org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile.
I'm able to upload the file but facing problems in storing it in ...

58. Spring 3.1: DataSource not autowired to @Configuration class

I'm using Spring MVC 3.1.0M2 and trying to move my configs to java beans. But I encounter following error:

2011-09-14 18:43:42.301:WARN:/:unavailable org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.transaction.annotation.ProxyTransactionManagementConfiguration#0': Injection of ...

59. getting when trying to insert data in mysql from spring mvc app

I am trying to submit data from spring mvc app to mysql . sometime i get the following error

org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException: StatementCallback; SQL [insert into networkwithusdb(company,firstname,lastname,email,address1,address2,city,state,zipcode,currentemployer,currentjobtitle,primarycareerarea,secondarycareerarea) values('HCA North Texas','dd','af','','','','','KS','','','','Facilities','Facilities')]; Communications link failure due ...

60. Create Spring MVC , ibatis project using Appfuse-

can anyone give some references and help to do this? Currently i am referncing this site

61. example display tag with one column as drop down using spring MVC

The following is i'm trying..ListwithMap is passing using spring mvc. 
But unable to extract Map from the list. it displays empty.!
<display:table name="ListwithMap" >
<display:column sortable="false" titleKey=""  style="width: 15%">

62. How to pass the db connection information and query parameters from controller to JasperReportsMultiFormatView

I am prototyping a web application using Spring MVC 3.0 with JasperReports. I have already done reporting applications using Spring + Jfreechart + iText + Apache POI and been able to use ...

63. Spring MVC adding a row dynamically to JSP. javascript Vs controller

I am designing an intranet application with Spring MVC3. I have to create a JSP page which has a data grid which is populated form the database and user and can ...

64. How to install database with Spring MVC

I've got a Spring MVC project which I've received from another developer. I usually find .sql files there to initialize the DB, but this code doesn't seem to have anything like ...

65. How can I use JBoss connection pooling with Spring MVC?

How can I use JBoss connection pooling with Spring MVC? A tutorial would be most welcome.

66. How to Insert multiple rows from web form into database using java spring framework

I am new to Java Spring Framework and I have a requirement in my new project. Using the Spring framework, I have a POJO class with set and get methods. I also have ...

67. How can I change the default handler order of automatically added spring mvc handler

While implementing my project, I found that <mvc:resources/> was not working after I set up the controller using @RequestMapping(value = "/**") and @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET). It seems that the annotated controller get a higher ...

68. Rendering images from MySQL database

I have the following controller method to show image on the JSP page based on member id:

@RequestMapping(value="/artists/members/photo/{memberId}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public void renderPhoto(
HttpServletResponse response,
@PathVariable("memberId") Integer memberId)
throws IOException {

   Member member = memberService.loadMember(memberId);

69. displaying the pdf content which I am getting into controller from dao layer by returning the ModelAndView object

I am getting the pdf from dao to controller and I am directly displaying the pdf content in the browser by setting content type as "application/pdf" but in my controller I ...

70. Bad SQL Grammer error with MVC tutorial

Bad SQL Grammer error with MVC tutorial I get the following error after following part 4 of the MVC step-by-step tutorial: org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: Bad SQL grammar [SELECT id, description, price from products] ...

71. Spring MVC+iBATIS simple Login App Problem

Mar 9th, 2011, 03:56 AM #1 deepaksd View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Mar 2011 Posts 1 Spring MVC+iBATIS simple Login App Problem Hi I am ...

72. Connection between two spring mvc projects

Hello everyone, I would like to get connection over http request between two spring mvc templates. in the next step i would like to send date from one project to the ...

73. webapplication for userlogin in springmvc using simple jdbc template

hi, i want a form which will fulfill the below requirements, user login from login jsp page with username,password filelds,after enter the username and passwords,that credentials must be checked with the ...

74. Adding order / line items with Spring MVC

Adding order / line items with Spring MVC I feel I'm reinventing the wheel with this one and wonder what others are doing, as it's such a common requirement. I have ...

75. Updating composite objects with spring MVC and jdbc

Are there any examples of using Spring MVC and jdbc to update composite objects. (Objects containing other objects) I can get the objects and child objects to display correctly but I'm ...

76. displayTag + springMVC : hangs randomly at " ...opening JDBC connection"

I have a simple search results shown in the displayTag. I add the results list in the SimpleFormController as Code: List studies =; Map map =errors.getModel(); map.put("study", studies); ModelAndView ...

77. Portlet Exception with Oracle OC4J and Spring Portlet MVC

Nov 5th, 2007, 07:46 AM #1 Paulieb12 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Nov 2007 Posts 14 Portlet Exception with Oracle OC4J and Spring Portlet MVC ...

78. Marrying Oracle ADF stack with Spring MVC

Marrying Oracle ADF stack with Spring MVC Hi All, Long time reader, first time poster. I'm on a project that is about to hit a speed bump in making two applications ...

79. Can somebody show me some best practice of spring 2.0x mvc + ibatis development

AppFuse Light 1.8.1 contains an upgrade to Spring MVC 2.5 (and its annotations) as well as offers an example of using iBATIS for the DAO layer.

80. Which Databases can be used in Spring MVC framework?

Which Databases can be used in Spring MVC framework? (just hsqldb, or some more like Oracle, mySql ect. Does Spring provide some libraries or support for work with these databases?)

81. JasperReports, Spring MVC, jrxml stored in database

Hi everyone, We're using Spring 2.5.1, Jasper 2.0.2 and in our system the reports must be associated with an user or group of users. It won't be possible to use files ...

82. Get Request Query String in spring MVC

Get Request Query String in spring MVC Hi, I am using spring mvc to develop a new web applicaiton. I want to send a get request with one query string parameter ...

83. How to load themes from the database in Spring MVC?

I'm going to have a single site that needs to be themed a number of ways. I want to pull the theme information from a database to save from having to ...

84. Oracle adf and mvc

85. A hybrid app supporting SpringMVC and socket connections?

A hybrid app supporting SpringMVC and socket connections? Following on from my last post I realised I missed a piece of the puzzle. I want a real-time multi-user web-app along the ...

86. Please help me spring mvc with iBAtis problem

Please help me spring mvc with iBAtis problem hai, I am used my project, spring mvc with iBatis.I have been trying to insert array feild in to postgres database.I got two ...

87. Inserting multiple rows in one query with Spring MVC DAO

Inserting multiple rows in one query with Spring MVC DAO I have to insert multiple rows in a table `a`, which can be done in one query using regular SQL. With ...

88. insering dates with spring mvc into a database

Mar 29th, 2010, 09:39 AM #1 ibtissem07 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Mar 2010 Posts 77 insering dates with spring mvc into a database Hello I'm ...

89. Spring MVC + Annotations Pre-Filling Form From DB

Spring MVC + Annotations Pre-Filling Form From DB Hi, In my application I present the user with a form to fill. If the user comes back later I want to be ...

90. Three Column Layout and Spring-MVC

Three Column Layout and Spring-MVC I wanna implement ThreeColumnLayout for my web-app. e.g. having NavigationComponent, BookmarkComponent in Left Panel, OnlineUserComponent in Right Panel. There are also some more components, which can ...

91. spring mvc singleton="false DAO issues?

Dear guys, In spring mvc in my all dao implantation classes set spring scope is singleton="false". Is it correct approach or not? If it is correct ...When we need to set ...

92. Connection reset by peer (Tiles and Spring MVC)