db4o « Database « Spring Q&A

1. How can I configure the indexes for using db4o with Spring?    stackoverflow.com

I'm currently evaluating the Spring-db4o integration. I was impressed by the declarative transaction support as well as the ease to provide declarative configuration. Unfortunately, I'm struggling to figure how to create an ...

2. db4o Spring integration updateDepth?    forum.springsource.org

db4o Spring integration updateDepth? Hi, I implement a database which should store object which themself contain objects. Normally I would set the updateDepth so that the DB4O file would contain these ...

3. db4o-spring switch database at runtime?    forum.springsource.org

db4o-spring switch database at runtime? Hi all, I need to switch the db4o ObjectContainer at runtime and am unable to find the "spring way" to do that. More specifically, when the ...

4. db4o integration, threading and connection pooling    forum.springsource.org

db4o integration, threading and connection pooling It seems to me, existing db4o integration is not thread-safe. As we can see in class org.springmodules.db4o.ObjectContainerFactoryBean Javadoc states: * Class used for creating an ...

5. db4o and spring modules    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I'm using spring-modules (0.8) to connect with my db4o database (6.1 java5). To search for items I use generic types like this one: Code: List projects = oc.query(new Predicate() { ...

6. db4o and spring testing    forum.springsource.org

db4o and spring testing I cannot get my factory methods testing working. My base testfactory looks like this: @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration(locations = {"file:src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring_config_testing.xml"}) @TransactionConfiguration(transactionManager="Tran sactionManager", defaultRollback=false) public abstract class BaseTestFactory extends AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests ...

7. db4o integration    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I would like to integrate db4o in my spring-app. Checking the dowloads at: https://db4o-spring.dev.java.net I see that the newest module is dated: Monday, November 13, 2006 which is pretty old. ...