connection 3 « Database « Spring Q&A

1. Reducing database connection acquisition timeout

Reducing database connection acquisition timeout Hello, I'm using Spring 2.5 + Hibernate 3.3. I've tried both with DBCP and now C3P0 and I can't seem to reduce the time it takes ...

2. Cannot Open Connection

Cannot Open Connection My app is working fine during most of the service calls. They typically call my DAOs a few times during the course of one transaction tied to a ...

3. Re-establishing connections after database crash

hi all, i'm using jndi to configure the datasource connections Code: true ${jndi.dataSource} but ...

4. How to catch failing connections in classes that implement AbstractCursorItemReader?

How to catch failing connections in a StoredProcedureItemReader? edit: hmpf can't edit the nonsensical thread title I am using a StoredProcedureItemReader to read data from an Oracle stored procedure. The problem ...

5. JMS: Too many connections:

JMS: Too many connections: We got this exception: javax.jms.ResourceAllocationException: too many open connections. What does this mean? How can we resolve this issue? Code: 2010-04-22 14:25:50,876 ERROR [legacy.channelPoolTaskExecutor-2] handler.LoggingHandler - org.springframework.integration.message.MessageHandlingException: ...

6. JMS: Too many connections, ResourceAllocation Exception

JMS: Too many connections, ResourceAllocation Exception We got this exception: javax.jms.ResourceAllocationException: too many open connections. What does this mean? How can we resolve this issue? Code: 2010-04-22 14:25:50,876 ERROR [legacy.channelPoolTaskExecutor-2] handler.LoggingHandler ...

7. How to make a configuration file for Database connection in Spring 3

How to make a configuration file for Database connection in Spring 3 Hi, We are currently making a web application that connects to a database to retrieve, add, edit, and delete ...

8. throws UnkownHostException when parsing the DTD without internet connection

hi, We are using If the server is not connected to the internet, then the startup of our server fails, because the parser cannot reach the ibatis file has ...

9. How to recreate connection(created by CachingConnectionFactory) when interrupted

How to recreate connection(created by CachingConnectionFactory) when interrupted I create jms inbound adapter which create connection using CachingConnectionFactory, environment: spring 2.5.6, si 1.0.2: Code: ...

11. Interaction Spring Managed DS/Connection and Rogue Useage

Interaction Spring Managed DS/Connection and Rogue Useage Hello, I'm currently attempting to rewrite a large application to utilize Spring. However, there will be a product roll out where some of the ...

12. Partial Data Commit on Close Connection during commit

Partial Data Commit on Close Connection during commit We have some data issue when there is a closed connection during Spring +Hibernate transaction commit . We are using HibernateTemplate with HibernateTransactionManager ...

13. jms:listener-container - not showing connection exceptions

jms:listener-container - not showing connection exceptions I have an app that listens to msgs on a durable Tibco topic that works fine in DEV but isn't receiving the msgs when configured ...