Statement « Database « Spring Q&A

1. In Spring JDBC, how to set RESULT SET HOLDABILITY on statements?

I would like to prepare statements with resultSetHoldability parameter set to esultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT:

PreparedStatement stmnt = conn.prepareStatement(sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT)
...and the same for prepareCall. I am currently using Spring's JdbcTemplate and SimpleJdbcCall, because ...

2. return statement not working with try catch in DAO java spring

I have this function in userDAO

public List<Country> findAllCountries() {

         try {


3. I want to shut statement automatically

I want to close statement automatically. I want to achieve it by the technology of the following conditions.

  • java1.5
  • spring framework2.5
It seems not to close automatically in the setting of default though I ...

4. JDBC Queries and statements

5. Multiple Statements in single Connection support

Multiple Statements in single Connection support I have started looking through Spring about a month ago. The JDBC support is excellent, the IoC container amazingly useful ... I have one question ...

6. JDBC - IN statements

Hi, I was wondering the proper way to do IN statements using the jdbc template. Right now, I have List accessions = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"A0A1F3","A0A314","A0A317","A0A318"}); Object[] params = new Object[] { ...

7. Re-execute a jdbc statement

Re-execute a jdbc statement Hi: I am using Oracle and the jdbc spring package. Sometimes we need to compile pl/sql packages during the day in a production environment. Experience shows that ...

8. [Database] Tabella non trovata in statement [INSERT INTO prodotti]

[Database] Tabella non trovata in statement [INSERT INTO prodotti] I have a problem, my file create_products.sql is CREATE TABLE prodotti ( Id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, description varchar(255), price ...

9. concurrent invokation of one select-statement against 6 databases with same schema

concurrent invokation of one select-statement against 6 databases with same schema We have 6 databases with exactly the same db-schema for different regions in our company. I want to create a ...

10. How to pass the parameters to a query statement?

Hi there, I have a query statement -- sql = select * from t_user where name in ?. Assuming I want to select row with the name in John, Tom, Cathy. ...

11. Using a map of a string and an object in a query of a select statement

Using a map of a string and an object in a query of a select statement In my xml where I have my SQL statements map, I have a map that ...

12. DB Error:Trying to FETCH on IDLE statement

Hi, I am getting the follwoing db error randomly,can any of you assist me in resolving this: