SqlRowSet « Database « Spring Q&A

1. Serializable SqlRowSet    forum.springsource.org

I've seen that the only RowSet that is Serializable is the CachedRowSet. I know that the Spring SqlRowSet wrapps a CachedRowSet but itself is not serializable. This is a problem if ...

2. Use SqlRowSet with RowCallbackHandler    forum.springsource.org

Is thre a way to use the SqlRowSet with a RowCallbackHandler? Since SqlRowSet does not implement RowSet (because it would have to throw checked exceptions) I can't use it with the ...

3. SqlRowSet Messing My Column Names    forum.springsource.org

Hi , I am using a spring (2.0.2) SqlRowSet to query a ms sqlserver table which has column name like "9060_SubsId". When I get the SqlRowSet and query the SqlRowSetMetaData the ...

4. sqlRowSet to XML    forum.springsource.org

Hello: I am using jdbcTemplate to execute a query. I want to convert the SqlResultSet object to XML format. Can't seem to be an easy task to me... Please Advise. Thank ...