PreparedStatement « Database « Spring Q&A

1. What causes a Spring 1.2 NullPointerException when creating prepared statement?

Using Spring 1.2.1 and oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource I sometimes get a stack trace like below. I think it is caused by the connection pool being full. Does anyone know the ...

2. Using prepared statements with JDBCTemplate

I'm using the Jdbc template and want to read from the database using prepared statements. I iterate over many lines in a csv file and on every line I execute some ...

3. PreparedStatement - not binding all the parameters

I'm using Spring-JDBC to execute the SQL and fetch the results.

       SUM(spend) total_sum   

4. Prepared Statement CallBack Error

I get this error

catchorg.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: PreparedStatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [my query here];
SQL state [99999]; error code [17004]; Invalid column type; nested exception is ...

5. Use of LIKE clause in sql prepared statement, spring, SimpleJDBCTemplate

I have the following sql prepared statement: SELECT * FROM video WHERE video_name LIKE ? Im using spring and jdbc. i have a method, where term is a searchterm, sjt is a SimpleJdbcTemplate, VideoMapper ...

6. PreparedStatement.execute() hangs in Spring Unit Test

I'm having some trouble with my unit tests in a Spring MVC application. In full disclosure, there's a good chance I'm designing my unit tests incorrectly given my lack of ...

7. Several close placeholders in postgres prepared statement

I'm using Spring JbdcTemplate with Postgres. Stuck with a problem cause of the Postrgres JDBC internal prepared statement implemetation My query string is:

private static final String SELECT_ALL_PARTIALLY =

8. Is Oracle JDBC driver caching prepared statements?

Hi, I use the following code to execute queries within the app Code: getSimpleJdbcTemplate().getNamedParameterJdbcOperations() .query(SELECT_YADA_YADA_YADA, namedParameters, sampleRowMapper); ..within an Oracle 11g environment. The JDBC driver is an Oracle JDBC driver that ...

9. Any advantage to calling count(*) as a prepared statement?

In the end it already is a PreparedStatement (that is the only way to replace ? with real values) so a part from that it adds extra complexity when you do ...

10. Append parameters to PreparedStatement

Append parameters to PreparedStatement Hello, all! As it is known, the java.sql.PreparedStatement interface requires specifying a parameter index each time a set* method is called. This can sometimes be tedious especially ...

11. Prepared statement problem

private static final String SQL = "SELECT count(*) from myTable where myColumn='?'"; int count = getJdbcTemplate().queryForInt(SQL, new Object[] {myValue});

12. PreparedStatement or JDBCTemplate Java enum translation

PreparedStatement or JDBCTemplate Java enum translation I am using Java. I am using functions like JDBCTemplate.query() and JDBCTemplate.update() with Object[] to hold the parameters referenced in the SQL strings. I have ...

13. PreparedStatements

PreparedStatements I am new to Spring and I was looking at the v1.1.2 JdbcTemplate source and it looks like PreparedStatements are closed after every execution and then recreated the next time ...

14. JDBC - How to print prepared statement SQL if SQLException ?

JDBC - How to print prepared statement SQL if SQLException ? Hello, i would like to know if there is a way to print prepared statement SQL if SQLException occurs. in ...

15. How to use preparedstatement functionality

How to use preparedstatement functionality Hello all, I am still new to using Spring/Hibernate but I am having great success with the Hibernate support portion of the Spring framework, but now ...

16. does SqlUpdate.compile() create PreparedStatement?

does SqlUpdate.compile() create PreparedStatement? I am kind of new to Spring, I am trying to figure out if compile() function of SqlUpdate,SqlFunction,MappingSqlQuery creates PreparedStatement or it is being created only when ...

17. Strange exception thrown when using a prepared statement

May 18th, 2005, 09:09 AM #1 rbrown3 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2005 Posts 1 Strange exception thrown when using a prepared statement Greetings: ...

18. Prepared Statements in a Loop

Prepared Statements in a Loop Hi, I know this is a bit of a newbie question but I could not find any clues on the net or in the reference guide. ...

19. How to run a Prepared Statement in Spring

Aug 18th, 2005, 11:30 AM #1 scsandur View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2005 Location Stamford,CT Posts 6 How to run a Prepared Statement in ...

20. efficient usage of PreparedStatements

efficient usage of PreparedStatements Hi All, I want to get instructions for a proper and most efficient usage of PreparedStatements in Spring. I will explain the problem. Today we are using ...

21. Problem with batch PreparedStatement WHERE IN clause querying

Problem with batch PreparedStatement WHERE IN clause querying Background: I have a scenario where I am given a List of primary keys and need to return the matching rows. I need ...

22. JdbcTemplate doesn't reuse preparedstatement

JdbcTemplate.query(String sql, PreparedStatementSetter pss, ResultSetExtractor rse) creates a new PreparedStatement, and closes it before return. If I need to call this method many times with the same sql, the same preparedstatement ...

23. Spring JDBC - is it possible to reuse a prepared statement?

Hi there, I have an application which executes a lot of select statements in one step. In plain jdbc I would create a prepared statement once and use it in my ...

24. SpringFramework error on Prepared Statement using LIKE clause

SpringFramework error on Prepared Statement using LIKE clause I have a SQL private variable that I am trying to pass into my dataSource. My private variable: private static final String sql ...

25. How to log the prepared statements into the log file?

PHP Code:

26. Reusing Prepared Statement in a Jdbc Template in a Dao

Reusing Prepared Statement in a Jdbc Template in a Dao How to reuse prepared statement of JdbcTemplate within a Dao? We have a Dao class that selects data from a database: ...

27. How to prepared statements in Spring JDBC

How to prepared statements in Spring JDBC Hi, I am pretty new spring based JDBC usage, recently we have started using spring's JDBC template for executing SQL queries. I am stuck ...

28. prepared statement execution

Hi, The following example appears in the Spring documentation: Code: public int countOfActorsByFirstName(String firstName) { String sql = "select count(0) from T_ACTOR where first_name = :first_name"; SqlParameterSource namedParameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("first_name", ...

29. Using prepared statement for unknown number of parameters in an SQL

Using prepared statement for unknown number of parameters in an SQL Quick question. I have an sql query that I would like to execute using JdbcTemplate. The SQL query looks something ...

30. Using PreparedStatement with Sybase ASE

Using PreparedStatement with Sybase ASE I have written some jdbcTemplate code to insert into a table. I'm using a prepared statement with a keyholder to retrieve the auto-generated identity key. However, ...

31. Expanding prepared statements

Expanding prepared statements Hi, Is it possible to configure the Spring JDBC framework such that prepared statements are expanded by the framework before being sent to the database? I generally use ...

32. Merge Prepared Statement

Hi Can anyone give me and example of a Spring JDBC preparedstatment which will MERGE INTO... WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE... WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT... I need to update my table ...

33. Spring prepared statement null problem

Spring prepared statement null problem Greetings.. I guess a newbie question but I have to execute the following sql "update table1 set column1=?, column2=? where id = ? and product = ...

34. PreparedStatement and JdbcCursorInputSource

Hi, I would like to make a select with a clause WHERE parameterizable. The date in the clause WHERE will be knew at Runtime. The JdbcCursorInputSource (m3 snapshot) uses a Statement ...

35. Reusing a PreparedStatement

Reusing a PreparedStatement I realise this is more a question on spring usage then on spring batch usage, but it is caused due to the way spring-batch works so bare with ...

36. JDBC - way to print prepared statement SQL?

JDBC - way to print prepared statement SQL? I'm using Spring JDBC and the prepared statements and was wondering if there was a way to print the exact SQL and the ...

37. JdbcTemplate and prepared statements

38. JdbcTemplate: possible to use a Collection as parameter in PreparedStatement?

JdbcTemplate: possible to use a Collection as parameter in PreparedStatement? Hi, I have this (I think fairly usual) scenario: I have to issue a sql like this: SELECT a FROM table ...

39. Setting a HashSet with PreparedStatement using JdbcTemplate

How can I define a java.util.Set in a PreparedStatement? Code: select * from TABLE " + "where COLUMN in (?) " + "and SOMETHING = '212545587' " + "order by MOD_TMS ...

40. Intermittent prepared statement with handle error on MS SQL server

Intermittent prepared statement with handle error on MS SQL server I'm using hibernate and spring with the HibernateTransactionManager. My application runs well for weeks and then all of a sudden I ...

41. JDBC template. Callback with several prepared statements

Dec 17th, 2008, 07:12 PM #1 Rober2D2 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Dec 2007 Posts 119 JDBC template. Callback with several prepared statements Recently, as ...

42. PreparedStatement's and tracing

PreparedStatement's and tracing We are considering replacing an in-house JDBC framework with Spring JDBC. While the developers LOVE Spring JDBC, our DBA's are worried about supportability. When performing database-level traces, the ...

43. PreparedStatement issue for JdbcTemplate

How could I use preparedstatement like the following SQL for the JdbcTemplate? I try to pass different parameter as the following code , but it can't work! Code: String sql = ...

44. prepared statement: order by ? and select top ?

Is it not possible to use SELECT TOP ? and ORDER BY ? in prepared statements? I have a query that I try to execute trought the jdbcTemplate Code: this.jdbcTemplate.query("Select top ...

45. JDBC multiple preparedstatements, multiple DAOs

JDBC multiple preparedstatements, multiple DAOs Hello I have an application that writes multiple rows to 4 tables, lets call them A,B,C and D. These tables are related and writes all happen ...

46. Spring + simpleJdbcTemplate + MySql 5.1X PreparedStatement related question

Spring + simpleJdbcTemplate + MySql 5.1X PreparedStatement related question Hi, I have installed PetClinic sample using Spring 3.0 and running this app. I was just debugging the DAO layer to see, ...

47. Getting Jdbc template to work with prepared statements

Getting Jdbc template to work with prepared statements Hi. I am using the Jdbc template as my database interface and now I want to read from my database using prepared statements. ...

48. jdbcOperation preparedStatement with int[] argTypes