1. Spring queryForLong - Loss of precision stackoverflow.comI have a Spring application running against a MySql database. I have a sales table like:
2. How to manage a large dataset using Spring MySQL and RowCallbackHandler stackoverflow.comI'm trying to go over each row of a table in MySQL using Spring and a JdbcTemplate. If I'm not mistaken this should be as simple as:
3. MySql timeouts - Should I set autoReconnect=true in Spring application? stackoverflow.comAfter periods of inactivity on my website (Using Spring 2.5 and MySql), I get the following error:
4. Getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver Exception stackoverflow.comI am getting Following Exception while configuring the Connection Pool in Tomcat This is Context.xml
5. Streaming large result sets with MySQL stackoverflow.comI'm developing a spring application that uses large MySQL tables. When loading large tables, I get an |
6. Spring Jdbc Template + MySQL = TransientDataAccessResourceException : Invalid Argument Value : Java.io.notSerializationException stackoverflow.comI was using spring jdbc template to insert some data into the database and I was getting this error. Here is my code :
7. jsf 2.0 spring stored procedure stackoverflow.comHello friends I am getting problem when injecting JSF bean into a bean that extends StoredProcedure abstract class... The Bean return null values... |
8. Spring JDBCTemplate other MySQL datasource than apache commons? stackoverflow.comI am using Spring JDBCTemplate to perform SQL operations on an apache commons datasource (org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource) and when the service is up and running to long, i end up getting this exception:
9. MySQL Query fails in my App, but succeeds in MySQL Command Line Tool stackoverflow.comI am running this MySQL query against my db that contains a lot of customer data. the query is giant so I'll cut out parts. We're using 5.1.45-51-log Percona SQL Server ... |
10. Cooking book online.. can I use Springtool and Java? stackoverflow.comI am learning at work how to use SpringTool, Roo, Hibernate, MySQL but I would like to improve a bit. I always wanted to do an online cooking book where people ... |
11. Dealing with mass images, some small - some large, in spring/java application using mysql stackoverflow.comI was wondering what the best pattern was to handle the management of images these days when using spring/java and mysql.
12. spring ibatis mysql intermittent asynchronous problem stackoverflow.comI'm using ibatis in spring to write to mysql. I have an intermittent bug. On each cycle of a process I write two rows to the db. The next cycle I read ... |
13. Connecting to MySQL using Java stackoverflow.comI currently have Spring configured to use HSQL, but I would like to use MySQL. What needs to change?
14. Convert SQL statement into mySQL stored procedure stackoverflow.comI have a piece of SQL that works out the rank of a golfer on the leaderboard. I'm pretty new to Spring and I don't think I can execute this ... |
15. using spring framework's jdbcTemplate for complex filtering stackoverflow.comI am using Spring framework's jdbcTemplate to get a list of records from the db. Now I want to add filtering to it by appending a constraint to the query. For ... |
16. is there any tool which can autogenerate html form from database field stackoverflow.comI have database table and i use netbeans to auto generate POJO from it. Now is it possible that html form can also bve auto generated with input elements with name being ... |
17. How to configure correct timezone in JDBC? stackoverflow.comI've this url to set up the connection in my Italy website, however, when i try to perform some insert action from the site, the date is still not right. (it ... |
18. How to integrate Spring Framework, Eclipse, MySql, Apache Tomcat? stackoverflow.comHow to integrate Spring Framework, Eclipse, MySql, Apache Tomcat??? I want to create development Environment by using(or)integrating above...to develop a web application for Cloud.... Please help me.... |
19. How to retrieve and print the text and image on browser from mysql db using Spring? stackoverflow.comHow to retrieve and print the text and image on browser from mysql db using springs..? |
20. Setting up a server for hosting Java EE apps at home stackoverflow.comI have an old P4 machine that I'd like to user for hosting and demoing my Java EE apps. This is not a "production" server. People don't pay money, businesses don't ... |
21. How to manage read-only DB connections at an application level stackoverflow.comWe are using Java/Spring/Ibatis/MySql. Is there a way with these technologies to manage read-only connections at an application level. I am looking to add an extra layer of safeguarding on top ... |
22. Error at connecting to database using Spring stackoverflow.comI am trying to run a springexample. I have configured my .xml file as follows. I am using mysql as my DB, but I'm getting the error mentioned below
23. Setting up database sharding - no cross-database queries stackoverflow.comI'm developing a web application in which, for each client (a small-large organization), they do not (and should not) be able to query into other client's records. Keeping the data in a ... |
24. Unresponsive Tomcat stackoverflow.comOur Java application (Spring + Struts + MySql(Hibernate)) is installed on Apache Tomcat webserver (with SSL support). After a few minutes (after a couple requests/responses) Tomcat becomes unresponsive and we have ... |
25. Missing MySQL DLL? stackoverflow.comI've recreated the Northwind Spring/NHibernate example that comes with Spring.NET, but with MySQL rather than SQLServer. I've almost got it working I think, but I'm getting this when I try to ... |
26. Spring Jdbc Template returning Int as Long? stackoverflow.comI have 3 columns in my MySQL table, 2 are INTs and one VARCHAR. I am getting class cast exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer. Heres my code:
27. how to properly handle connection idle timeout error stackoverflow.comI'm using Java with SpringFramework to do database programming on Mysql Server using the JdbcTemplate class.
Using |
28. using a sequence connection pool in eclipselink stackoverflow.comI'm using eclipselink and spring in tomcat, mysql enviornment. I want to use a sequence connection pool, so that sequence allocations are done outside of the running transactions with mail pool. But ... |
29. function return (MySQL + Spring) stackoverflow.comI'm having problem in using a function created in MySQL through code that uses the class Spring JdbcTemplate. When I test the function directly in the Workbench works correctly, returning true or ... |
30. Low priority updates on MySQL using JDBC - how to check if they work stackoverflow.comI have a basic setup where the database is read by multiple web applications, and periodically I have a batch application which does a lot of writing. During the writing, the ... |
31. NullPointerException getting connection when deployed on mochahost shared server stackoverflow.comI just moved my Spring application which is running fine on localhost to a shared web hosting server on mochahost, and I'm seeing the below exception (truncated) in the root cause:
32. mysql create procedure with spring framework in java stackoverflow.comI understood how to call a stored procedure with spring. is there a way to create a procedure from within java using spring, executing it and delete it afterwards, or have ... |
33. Tomcat - Spring Framework - MySQL, Load balancing design stackoverflow.comLets say I have Spring Framework App that is running on Tomcat and uses MySQL database:
34. MySQL Pool Connection? forum.springsource.orgHi guys. I'm developing a web application with mysql 5, JPA, Spring 2.5.6 and Hibernate 3.2.1.GA; and my problem is set a correct MySQL Pool connection in application context. I have ... |
35. Stored Procedure MySql forum.springsource.orgStored Procedure MySql I am executing a stored procedure against a MySql Database (Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.53, for Win64) it is not working, stating I have not provided the right number ... |
36. How I can create automatically class from my mysql database forum.springsource.orgHi, I wanto to create automatically from mysql database, the entity class. I use maven, sts toolsuite, spring 3, Hibernate and MySQL. Thanks. |
37. roo1.1.1REALEASE reverse Mysql controll undo!! forum.springsource.orgJan 17th, 2011, 09:04 PM #1 stanhangzhou View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2011 Location china Posts 5 roo1.1.1REALEASE reverse Mysql controll undo!! HI, I ... |
38. Reconnect In Spring use BDCP&Mysql in iBatis forum.springsource.orgHI, Guys: In Spring Data Access Layer, how to set the BDCP to reconnect when the connection instance is closed in pool? In Jakarta documents find the removeAbandoned parameter for DBCP ... |
39. Why the code can work in MySQL and can not work in Oracle forum.springsource.orgWhy the code can work in MySQL and can not work in Oracle The code is following: public static final String DEF_USERS_BY_USERNAME_QUERY = "SELECT LOGINNAME,PASSWORD,ENABLED FROM APP_USER WHERE LOGINNAME = ? ... |
40. jpetstore demo + mySQL does not run out the box on Unix. forum.springsource.orgI had a problem with the aforementioned configuration. It seems that mySQL on linux is case sensitive on certain platforms. see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Na...nsitivity.html The table and column names in the DB schema ... |
41. dbre on macosx and mysql - case sensitivity problems forum.springsource.orgdbre on macosx and mysql - case sensitivity problems I'm running roo 1.1.1 release on macosx snow leopard and mysql 5.5.8 and my database reverse engineer is failing due to the ... |
42. Stuck in switching to MYSQL forum.springsource.org |
43. Can not install mysql jdbc driver on 1.1.2 forum.springsource.orgCan not install mysql jdbc driver on 1.1.2 After upgraded to 1.1.2.RELEASE and tried to do DBRE, but noticed that now I could not install mysql jdbc driver. Is there anything ... |
44. stale connection pooling checks with mysql do not work forum.springsource.orgMar 9th, 2011, 10:57 AM #1 mpiccione99 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Feb 2009 Posts 6 stale connection pooling checks with mysql do not work ... |
45. MySQL DDL forum.springsource.orgI've created the DDL and DML if anyone wants a copy. Not too many changes, tested using the quick start app and everything is running fine. |
46. DBRE with MYSQL - NullPointerException forum.springsource.orgDBRE with MYSQL - NullPointerException I'm using DBRE, but i got this error: NullPointerException at org.springframework.roo.addon.dbre.DbreMetadata.ad dManyToManyFields(DbreMetadata.java:151) my log.roo Code: persistence setup --provider HIBERNATE --database MYSQL --userName root --databaseName visentin osgi ... |
47. Show MySQL Database on web-base forum.springsource.orgI have done showing database on Console application with main method, but I don't know how to show database on Web-page. I have read the link that you posted. But I'm ... |
48. Spring MySql hangs forum.springsource.orgSpring MySql hangs Hi everyone. Well i have strange problem. i can't reproduce this error that i'll tallk about but it happens time to time. The case is this: After some ... |
49. MySql conection pooling in Spring forum.springsource.orgMySql conection pooling in Spring I hv written the following code in mybean.xml(my bean configuration file), pls let me know if it is perfect to implement connection pooloing for MySql Database ... |
50. Mysql + Tomcat Datasource best practice forum.springsource.orgMysql + Tomcat Datasource best practice This is a very basic question but I cannot seem to find a definitive answer. What is the best way to configure a single datasource ... |
51. MySQL: Reserved SQL keyword 'State' forum.springsource.orgI'm trying to recreate an existing application is Roo 1.1. I'm using Hibernate / MySQL for persistence. When I try to create the following entity, I get an exception: Code: entity ... |
52. Handling MySQL LOB from JdbcTemplate forum.springsource.orgHandling MySQL LOB from JdbcTemplate I'm using the JdbcTmplate to query for rows like this: Code: jt = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); List rows = jt.queryForList("select * from Recipes"); This gives me back ... |
53. Return value for insert/update/delete in mysql forum.springsource.orgReturn value for insert/update/delete in mysql Hi, I am new to Spring framework. I tried to find an answer to my question in this part of forum but I couldn't find ... |
54. Reverse Engineering with MySQL forum.springsource.orgReverse Engineering with MySQL Hi; I'm trying to do Reverse Engineering with a MySQL Database, but after run the Reverse Engineering script I get the error related with the MySQl driver ... |
55. Internal error when parsing callable statement metadata - mysql stored procedure forum.springsource.orgInternal error when parsing callable statement metadata - mysql stored procedure I am using spring 2.5.6 on a legacy project to access a MySql Stored Procedure from a class which extends ... |
56. how to get default aspectj tests to test against mysql? forum.springsource.orghow to get default aspectj tests to test against mysql? Goal: to get roo generated aspectj integration tests to test against a mysql db. Steps: 1. create a roo project with ... |
57. Starting MySQL when STS starts forum.springsource.orgStarting MySQL when STS starts Hello All, I'm using STS 2.7.1 and MySQL on an Apple MacBook Pro (Mac OS X version is 10.6.8). I don't want MySQL to start each ... |
58. Newbie spring - mysql update issue forum.springsource.orgNewbie spring - mysql update issue I am following the tutorial at http://static.springsource.org/docs/...tep/part5.html which creates and updates tables. I am using mysql instead of HSQL mentioned there. My code (JdbcProductDaoTests, JdbcProductDao, ... |
59. 1.2M1 pizzashop sample script and MySQL forum.springsource.org1.2M1 pizzashop sample script and MySQL Changing the JPA setup for the generated project from the pizzashop sample project script with "jpa setup --provider HIBERNATE --database MYSQL --databaseName pizzashop --userName sa", ... |
60. MySQL date field coming back as Unix time forum.springsource.orgThis is probably an easy one, but I can't find any docs about it. I'm getting dates out of my MySQL database as Unix timestamps. Formatting controls on my field definition ... |
61. SimpleMessageStore data to be stored in mysql forum.springsource.orgSimpleMessageStore data to be stored in mysql Hi , I am using SimpleMessageStore to store the messages and by default it stores in volatile memory but I want to configure it ... |
62. Getting exception in connectiong to mysql forum.springsource.orgGetting exception in connectiong to mysql Hi all I have just started learning spring and trying to create a login application.But when i tried to run the application in eclipse i ... |
63. Problem with JDBC DAO and MySQL forum.springsource.orgProblem with JDBC DAO and MySQL I have been trying to adapt the 'simplest acegi example webapp' from http://www.fstxblog.com/completely-g...-possible.html to use a JDBC DAO, but have never succeeded. I'm using MySQL ... |
64. mapping java.util.Date to date field of mySql forum.springsource.orgI'm having a strange problem that hopefully someone can help me with. the code is command.setOrderdate(new Date()); i receive the following error: Exception java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.Date thanks in advance. Best Regards, kamal ... |
65. MYSql Autocommi forum.springsource.orgMYSql Autocommi Hi There, Have tried the Hibernate forum on this but no avail. I am trying the following. e.g. public void saveProduct(Product p) { getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(p); } Hibernate Mapping File Sample ... |
66. mysql and subselect fetching forum.springsource.orgDisclaimer: I know this problem is Hibernate specific but I didn't find any reponse on the forum (there is topic reported since May in there unanswered : http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic...asc&highlight=) Conf: Spring 1.2.2, ... |
67. Spring, JDBC and MySQL forum.springsource.orgSpring, JDBC and MySQL I am having several strange problems with SqlUpdate and my MySql database. I have not yet implemented transactions, so I have an ordinary datasource declared and use ... |
68. mysql 'unknown error' forum.springsource.orgmysql 'unknown error' Is there any way to see the actual query that's being sent to the database server? I'm occasionally getting an 'unknown error' from mysql. Looking at the debug ... |
69. Set query timeout with MySQL connection forum.springsource.org1. if you are using Hibernate you can put the timeout directly on the criteria/query objects (setTimeout). 2. you can set the timeout on your database connection through jdbc driver parameters. ... |
70. com.mysql.jdbc.NotImplemented forum.springsource.orgcom.mysql.jdbc.NotImplemented Hello there! I have mysql 4.1 with InnoDB tables. I'm trying to test a few persistent classes but this exception is thrown. Here's some of my config files: |
71. Eager Loading with Spring and MySQL forum.springsource.orgEager Loading with Spring and MySQL I am a newbie to Spring and currently developing a small program to eager load data using Spring framework and Mysql 5.0. DB Side - ... |
72. MySql 5.0 forum.springsource.orgI'm using mysql-connector-java-3.1.11-bin.jar with tables that are InnoDB. This version has not presented any issues for me... Seems to work perfectly... Hope this helps.... |
73. [mysql]Problem with mysql driver forum.springsource.org[mysql]Problem with mysql driver Hello I'm trying to access mysql database instead of hsqldb in the example "Step by Step" But when I try to launch the application, I get this ... |
74. DBUnit test fails, MySQL server hates me forum.springsource.orgDBUnit test fails, MySQL server hates me Hi I know this isn't primarila a Spring issue, so please bear with me, but I haven'r been able to find answers. Using DBUnit ... |
75. java.lang.IllegalStateException / java.net.BindException Could not load com.mysql.jdb forum.springsource.orgjava.lang.IllegalStateException / java.net.BindException Could not load com.mysql.jdb Code: 4832 [ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]] INFO org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.TableMetadata - foreign keys: [] 4832 [ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]] INFO org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.TableMetadata - indexes: [primary] 4833 [ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]] INFO org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate - schema update complete ... |
76. Sample SQL for MySql 4.0? forum.springsource.orgDear member, Look on the zip file of the following post: http://forum.springframework.org/showthread.php?t=26184 you will find on folder db a mysql script and clay model, at least it works for Mysql 5.0, ... |
77. Mapping (MySQL) Stored Procedure results to domain object forum.springsource.orgMapping (MySQL) Stored Procedure results to domain object Hi, I'm temporarily using MySQL and am trying to execute a select Stored Procedure which returns a resultset(actually it's a VARCHAR). I want ... |
78. Noticable slower performance of MySQL over SQL Server forum.springsource.orgNoticable slower performance of MySQL over SQL Server Hi all, I have the following configuration for SQL Server: |
79. Mysql GeneratedKeyHolder question forum.springsource.orgMysql GeneratedKeyHolder question Hello, I am working with Spring and JdbcDaoSupport classes. Database=5.0 mysql, driver is connectorJ and is a JDBC 3.0 compliant driver. I am trying to get around using ... |
80. GeneratedKeyHolder with MySql forum.springsource.orgGeneratedKeyHolder with MySql Hello, I am trying to figure out the proper use of GeneratedKeyHolder with MySQL. My question is as follows: Is this to be used when the database is ... |
81. Framework "Pet Clinic" code sample and MySQL... forum.springsource.orgFramework "Pet Clinic" code sample and MySQL... I've been programming for quite some time, but I'm new to J2EE and set on learning Spring for a new job. Thus I tried ... |
82. CannotGetJbbcConnectionExcpetion in MySQL forum.springsource.orgCannotGetJbbcConnectionExcpetion in MySQL Hai guys, I just have started learning Spring.... and being a newbie, i was stranded in a Spring specific Exception.... i wrote a program that executes a simple ... |
83. "No dataSource Specified" error using Spring JDBC with MySql forum.springsource.org"No dataSource Specified" error using Spring JDBC with MySql I am trying to use the update method of JdbcTemplate, but I am getting the following error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No DataSource specified at ... |
84. Connection to DB and MySQL driver forum.springsource.orgHi, I would do it in this way without Spring: Code: Connection connection; try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); connection = null; } try { connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, ... |
85. Failed to connect to Mysql database forum.springsource.orgFailed to connect to Mysql database Hi Guys, I am using MySQL as one of my data source, but I am not able to get the connection right. This is what ... |
86. WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:49 with mysql forum.springsource.orgHello guys i have in linux mysql version: 4.1.13-standard and i work with Hibernate with this property Code: |
87. new ACL package issues with mysql forum.springsource.orgnew ACL package issues with mysql I'm finding problems adopting the new acl package. I'm trying to test the new package with mysql (i.e.:the db i'll use in my project) and ... |
88. Where is the mysql SQL compatible schema ? forum.springsource.orgHi all,I want to change the hsqldb to mysql 5.Can u help me to find a mysql sql schema for acegi-security-sample-contacts-filter.war (ver. 1.0.3)? Thank u very much. |
89. storing byte[] into mysql with spring jdbc forum.springsource.orgstoring byte[] into mysql with spring jdbc I am in the process of writing an application that would get a byte[] data taken from a fingerprint device and store that data ... |
90. Strange mySQL query forum.springsource.orgStrange mySQL query Hi all. I'm having troubles with hibernate. From a simple query like (hbtpl is a HibernateTemplate class) String parametros[] = {usuario.getLogin(), usuario.getPassword()}; Code: List resultado = hbtpl.find("from Estudiante ... |
91. iBATIS/MySQL: error in syntax? forum.springsource.orgiBATIS/MySQL: error in syntax? I'm trying to make BLOB insertion using Spring / iBATIS / MySQL work. Here's what I got so far the sqlmap: Code: |
92. Mysql stored proc and Spring forum.springsource.orgMysql stored proc and Spring How to use Spring to call Mysql stored proc. firstly, how to let Mysql stored proc to return a result set. Code: DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE ... |
93. Spring FrameWork With Mysql forum.springsource.orgHai I have setup the Mysql Replication In The Database.I need to Know how if the master downs slave should automatically Started .We are Using Spring Framework And Hibernate.Is there any ... |
94. Keep loosing connection to mysql5 forum.springsource.orgNov 19th, 2007, 03:11 AM #1 amnon View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Oct 2007 Posts 33 Keep loosing connection to mysql5 I'm loosing connection on my ... |
95. Troubles migrating Contacts example to MySQL forum.springsource.orgTroubles migrating Contacts example to MySQL Hi , Still new and inexperienced with the framework I would like to ask a specific question about the Contacts example. What I am trying ... |
96. Retrieve MySQL id with TopLinkTemplate forum.springsource.org// Note: Hibernate3's merge operation does not reassociate the object // with the current Hibernate Session. Instead, it will always copy the ... |
97. mysql is not connected forum.springsource.orgmysql is not connected I am working on a simpleformcontroller using spring framework. Everytime i try to run the project it gives me an error. Right now my error is this ... |
98. ACLs Mysql not inserting data forum.springsource.orgHello, I want to integrate the spring security into my application with mysql as backend, i managed to fix few issues with new acls and mysql but however it is not ... |
99. Can't select date range. getSimpleJdbcTemplate/mySQL forum.springsource.orgCan't select date range. getSimpleJdbcTemplate/mySQL Hi I've got a table in mySQL that has a date field. I can select from the table directly using mySQL with the following: Code: SELECT ... |
100. Problems with mysql schema definition forum.springsource.orgLooks like TIMESTAMP in mysql will cannot be set to null by default (see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/timestamp.html). So without the NULL qualifier M5 definitions of JOB_EXECUTION and STEP_EXECUTION END_TIME will always be populated. ... |