namespace « Core « Spring Q&A

1. Spring RuntimeBeanReference

I have a custom namespace I'm parsing for a Spring project, and I'm having trouble with RuntimeBeanReferences. I have a class MyClass that takes a List. In my beandef file, I ...

2. Tx NameSpace in spring?

I have seen everywhere using tx namespace in springconfig.xml.Can we use tx1 instead of tx? i mean is it kind of hardcoded when xml is processed during parsing?

3. Problems with p-namespace

Problems with p-namespace Hi, I'm using STS Version: 2.5.1.RELEASE (Build Id: 201011111000) and I am having problems in using the ctrl-click to navigate across bean references when the references are specified ...

4. How can I avoid repeating the namespace URI between nested SoapHeaderElements?

How can I avoid repeating the namespace URI between nested SoapHeaderElements? Hi everybody: I am experimenting some WS security with Spring WS 1.5.9 through a small program that I finally got ...

5. Spring 2.5 - Custom Namespace


6. Spring Namespaces and Blueprint

Hi, I am new to DM/OSGI and am in the process of bundling!! the application. Since ours is a Websphere environment, not using DM and instead using only blueprint. I gather ...

7. namespace error

namespace error Hi, I am executing an application, and getting the error that... Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace []...I am also sending you the complete stack trace ...

8. spring namespace and others

spring namespace and others Hello, I am new to spring and hoping to get an answer for this. I've been looking at alot of the examples, and can't find any documentations ...

9. NCName when namespace enabled.

Hello, i m having a problem. I have defined an ID in xml spring file. This ID is not a valid ncname, so an exception is thrown in eclipse, telling me ...

10. [Article] Spring 2.0 & namespaces

11. Custom NameSpace

Custom NameSpace I am trying to create a custom Bean Definition and would like some help. Here is the schema ...

12. Namespaces and autowiring

Namespaces and autowiring After using Spring for a while on a large application (1000+ beans) we have found that autowiring by type is dangerous and difficult for large scale projects as ...

13. p: namespace problem

I've been trying out p namespace for a while, but I've come across a problem using it within a nested bean. For example, this works: But the ...

14. Custom namespace problem

Custom namespace problem Hi, I want to create a new namespace for injecting JDOM Elements in my code. I just need to specify the element name and optionally some attribute values. ...

15. custome Namespace Handler

custome Namespace Handler Hi All, i am a new to spring so i don't know how to solve this issue. i am trying to create a new Namespace Handler to handle ...

16. Where is the p namespace

17. Testing custom namespace extensions

Hi all! We are right now working on a custom namespace for simplifying (even more the usage of Spring [Portlet] MVC. The resulting XML schema and custom parser are quite extensive ...

18. Spring2.0.3 causes "Unable to locate NamespaceHandler for namespace"

Hi all, My project runs well on spring2.0.2. But after I update it to spring2.0.3, I get "Configuration problem: Unable to locate NamespaceHandler for namespace []" So I tried to replace ...

19. Is there any best practice or guideline document on Spring Namespace

Hi, I looking for a best practice or guideline sort of document that tells about when we should define our own namespace and what are the best practices we should follow ...

20. How to use 'import' inside custom namespace

Hi, I want to provide 'import' support inside my custom namespace as follows- Can anyone guide how to do it? Thanks in advance.

21. The p namespace and the -ref suffix

I wonder if anyone else thinks there is a problem with the following situation in Spring 2.0 concerning the p: namespace for setting properties and the associated -ref suffix on property ...

22. p-namespace and ctor-params

23. A quick and basic namespace related question

A quick and basic namespace related question If am creating beans in my applicationContext.xml, the following declartion of dtd as doctype works: ...

24. Article - Authoring Custom Namespaces in Spring 2.0

25. Dependency injection in custom namespace

Hi, Here's my problem, we wrote a namespace for hiding a servlet dispatcher class. For e.g. : This same tag can be a servlet or portlet or jsf dispatcher. ...

26. Namespace declaration removed when SimpleWsdl11Definition is used

Namespace declaration removed when SimpleWsdl11Definition is used Hi, I'm having problems with the SimpleWsdl11Definition. If I set 'transformLocations' to true (using the transformWsdlLocations init parameter in web.xml), I find that my ...

27. Namespace with WebServiceGatewaySupport

Namespace with WebServiceGatewaySupport I've built a web service that I've deployed and I'm trying to get the client to work using WebServiceGatewaySupport. I'm new to web services but it appears to ...

28. NAMESPACE_ERR when using WebServiceClient

NAMESPACE_ERR when using WebServiceClient Hi, I have a spring web service running on Weblogic 8.1 SP5 with JDK 1.4.2. I made sure to upgrade to the correct xerces, xalan and xml-api ...

29. how do i marshel with no namespace in root element

Hi Deno, if you need something quick, just take a transformingInterceptor to plug a stylesheet that writes a root element without namespace and copies the rest inside of it. Apart from ...

30. p namespace move?

Hi, When I added the p namespace intelliJ couldn't find it so I went to confirm the URL and the file isn't at that location: I'm wondering if it's been ...

31. Invalid namespace error

Hello, I am trying to learn Spring Web services I tried to use echo example and wrote "helloworld" example. I am getting error of Invalid Namespace, I tried various things giving ...

32. Inconsistent in Namespace Generation

Inconsistent in Namespace Generation Hi All I got this error. Not very sure if this should go to JIRA. Environment is JDK 1.4.X, Web Server is Tomcat 4.X ( I know ...

33. Two new Spring namespaces?

Arjen mentions two new Spring namespaces available in 1.5 M1 that make configuration easier. Does anyone know where I can find more information? His post is here: Thanks!

34. Spring JAX RPC Client Custom namespace problem

Spring JAX RPC Client Custom namespace problem Hi, I am writing a Spring JAX RPC Client for a WSDL using custom XML namespace to class mappings. I am extending JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean for ...

35. SaajContentHandler namespace declaration repeated

SaajContentHandler namespace declaration repeated Hi We are using PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping and JAXB2Marshaller. When the soap result is generated the namespace declaration is repeated for each element. This results in huge xml

36. Problem using a custom namespace handler

Problem using a custom namespace handler Hi, I've implemented a custom namespace handler that adds several(!) new bean definitions at once to the spring application context - each with a unique ...

37. what is meant by namespace?

38. Remove namespace prefix from XmlBean

Remove namespace prefix from XmlBean I do like in airplane example but XMLBean put namespace prefix and my service client don't work. Does anyone know how to stript out the namespace ...

39. Java 1.4 and Namespace Problems

Java 1.4 and Namespace Problems Hi, I know this topic has already been discussed. I have read the FAQ as well as some threads, but I did not find a working ...

40. Problem importing XSDs with different target namespaces.

Problem importing XSDs with different target namespaces. I have a problem importing an XSD with common types into other XSDs. ("http" and "www" removed from links because it won't let me ...

41. Help - does namespace make things harder...

Help - does namespace make things harder... Everything I am trying to do seems to be thwarted by the security namespace. In theory it is supposed to make things easier, but ...

42. Custom namespace not recognized

Custom namespace not recognized Hi, I'm trying to create my own custom namespace and can't get it to recognized in the XML configuration. I've gone through the following steps prescribed in ...

43. How do I recreate the config that the Namespace does for me?

If I need to add a new LogoutHandler, can I still use the Namespace configuration? If not, is there a way to recreate the Namespace configuration in the more verbose ...

44. Custom Namespace -> Reference Content Assist

Custom Namespace -> Reference Content Assist Hello out there, I implementing an Extension of Spring IDE to support my custom namespace. I have a single XML Element that declares a few ...

45. Namespace in 2.0.0.RC1

Namespace in 2.0.0.RC1 Hi, The sample in the documentation, chapter 3.9 says that I can use Code: ...

49. P-namespace problem,need help!

When reading spring reference, some words puzzled me Please note that the p-namespace is not quite as flexible as the standard XML format - for example particular, the 'special' format used ...

50. DefaultWsdl11Definition and default namespace

Hi everybody, I am using DefaultWsdl11Definition to generate a wsdl from a xsd schema (which works perfectly) but I would like to change the default namespace: Code:

51. How to make spring-powered bundle "wait" for namespace handler?

How to make spring-powered bundle "wait" for namespace handler? Hello, I have 2 Spring-powered bundles. One of them (A) also exposes namespace handler, which is used by the other (B). Both ...

52. Namespaces problem

input xml: Code: 13 #response from spring web services. Code: 0 OK test Two ...

53. creating custom namespace

I am trying to create a custom namespace with custom schema following this link the problem is with registering my schema . Spring documentation says put the two files spring.handlers,spring.schemas ...

54. Namespace Problems...

Namespace Problems... Hi there I'm new to the web service stuff and try to work myself into the Spring Web Services. So i tried to modify a step-by-step tutorial I found ...

55. namespace issue - DOMException: NAMESPACE_ERR

namespace issue - DOMException: NAMESPACE_ERR Hi, we are struggling with CASTOR marcchalling for executing a service request. we are seeing DOMException: NAMESPACE_ERR exception. Let me tell you what i have before ...

56. Spring 3.0.0.RC1 Task namespace

Spring 3.0.0.RC1 Task namespace Hi, Spring 3.0.0.RC1 introduced a new namespace task for handling the TaskAbstraction. An example from the spring docs show is shown below. What I ...

57. p-namespace and list

p-namespace and list Currently I have: transactions-optional I'd like to convert this to ...

58. Empty namespace issue

Hi all, While I am building my request and streaming out is getting modified as and the web service is failing. How do I resolve this issue? Can ...

59. adding namespace to the envelope

Hi all, I thought by using webservicemessagecallback I would be able to add namespace to the envelope like this webServiceTemplate.sendAndReceive(new WebServiceMessageCallback(){ SaajSoapMessage ssm = (SaajSoapMessage)message; ssm.setSoapAction(action); SOAPMessage sm = ssm.getSaajMessage(); SOAPPart ...

60. Adding custom namespace support in spring explorer

Adding custom namespace support in spring explorer How do I add custom namespace support in spring explorer? I found an older (db) example in SVN which implements an eclipse plugin. Is ...

61. NameSpace for timertask in Spring 3 ?

NameSpace for timertask in Spring 3 ? I use the following for timertask. My bean extends java timertask. I remember seeing a namespace for the following , in Spring 3. I ...

62. Custom (or extending core) namespaces

Is it possible to write custom namespaces to be included in applicationContext? E.g. I like the mvc namespace but want to change it slightly to have different defaults. With creating a ...

63. Custom Namespace - Invalid Name Space

Hi, I am new to spring web service. I manged to get the sample echo service to work. But I don't understand many things I wanted to modify the echo service ...

64. Namespace handlers / spring-dm

See the comments. Some of my questions are still unanswered in particular whether the approach proposed there is fully compatible (which is what we aim for) or not and if not, ...

65. Spring "p" namespace - is it popular?

Spring "p" namespace - is it popular? Brand new developer on Spring here. I was starting to setup my first bean configuration file in Eclipse and noticed the "p" namespace. I ...

66. How to define custom DefaultWebInvocationPrivilegeEvaluator when using namespace?

How to define custom DefaultWebInvocationPrivilegeEvaluator when using namespace? Hi All, I am using Spring Security 3.0.2. And I had extends FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource in order to load intercept-url from external source. This work ...

67. Nested Custom Namespace Problems

Hi, I want to create a custom configuration tag which should work like this: if the condition is true, the inner bean configuration should be ...

68. How to generally see what cutom namespaces actually configure?

How to generally see what cutom namespaces actually configure? Hi, I had the same problem for a few times now ... I configue some spring stuff using custom namespaces. I run ...

69. p-namespace and custom namespace handler

70. Custom namespace

Is it possible to extend the Spring Security namespace? I like to do something like: The janrain:login would the be custom namespace inside ...