1. Spring init and destroy methods stackoverflow.com
2. Spring: Is there any advantage of using spring's lifecyle callback 'destroy-method' over regular finalize() method? stackoverflow.comI understand that spring's lifecycle callback |
3. Why are methods in FileWritingMessageHandler handler private and not protected forum.springsource.orgWhy are methods in FileWritingMessageHandler handler private and not protected I am trying to extend FileWritingMessageHandler to modify the handleRequestMessage method to change the behavior on how the files are written ... |
4. method lookup forum.springsource.orgmethod lookup currently I'm doing some XML bindung stuff with jakarta commons digester. If you haven't heard of it maybe you know XStream. The point is "digesting" my XML bindings consumes ... |
5. AutoProxyCreator, lookup-method and overloaded methods forum.springsource.orgI have a class that has a overloaded method. This class is cglib proxied by AutoProxyCreator so it participates in Hibernate transactions. In the bean tag I define a lookup method: ... |
6. Can't find destroy-method forum.springsource.orgCode: [junit] 2004-10-20 16:54:43,284 [main] ERROR factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory - Couldn't find a method named 'stop' on bean with name 'csaIncomingConnectionFactory' To verify, right before my unit testing code closes the context, I ... |
7. destroy-method="close" creates problem forum.springsource.orgdestroy-method="close" creates problem I have a Quartz scheduler, in which a job uses the database connection. Below is the Datasource bean details. Code: |
8. destroy-method not called forum.springsource.orgdestroy-method not called I am having a problem getting the method specified by the "destroy-method" attribute to be called when the application context is destroyed. My bean config file is as ... |
9. Has something changed with lookup-method for 1.2.2? forum.springsource.orgHas something changed with lookup-method for 1.2.2? I've just upgraded to 1.2.2 and most of my functional tests fail. The reason is because a bean that is defined as lazy-init and ... |
10. Make a private method protected? forum.springsource.orgMake a private method protected? It would be very sueful or me, and possibly others, to have the private method net.sf.acegisecurity.vote.BasicAclEntryVoter.getDo mainObjectInstance be protected. I find that that class is extremely ... |
11. Destroy method invocation forum.springsource.orgIs it possible to define a bean's destroy-method to invoke a static method on a different class (i.e. other than the bean's class)? I know Spring has extensive support for static ... |
12. Couldn't invoke destroy method 'close' forum.springsource.orgCouldn't invoke destroy method 'close' I get the following logged from my application on the production site but not when run locally: DEBUG DefaultListableBeanFactory - Invoking custom destroy method on bean ... |
13. Destroy method invocation forum.springsource.orgHi spring users, I have a doubt about the invocation of the destroy-method in the following scenario: Suppose beans A and B. A makes a call to method "methodB" from B. ... |
14. Method Timer forum.springsource.orgMethod Timer New to AOP... What I want to do is to add Advice that will time all methods of a class. Problem: The process method makes several calls to private ... |
15. Dynamic lookup method forum.springsource.orgHi, I've got a factory object that uses lookup method injection to create instances. Code: |
16. lookup-method Problem forum.springsource.orgApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring/test.xml"); ClassB b = (ClassB)context.getBean("b"); System.out.println(b.sayHello()); |
17. Advicing a Private method forum.springsource.orgDear Members, I am trying to Advice a private method of a class. When ever that method is called I need to perform som Locking & Unlocking. I am able to ... |
18. Problem with destroy-method sequence forum.springsource.orgProblem with destroy-method sequence My Application contains two beans, parent and child. The parent bean is abstract and has a protected member variable var and child bean extends parent and use ... |
19. DispachAction and Internal methods? forum.springsource.orgThere is an object A. It has two methods foo() and bar(). If in foo() this.bar() is called it's an internal method call and no proxy-based AOP gets applied. Jrg |
20. Can protected methods be intercepted or advised? forum.springsource.orgHave tried unsuccessfully to intercept protected methods using both Dynamic and CGLIB proxies. I didn't expect Dynamic proxy to work because methods were not implemented from interfaces. However, I thought CGLIB ... |
21. can private method be intercepted or advised? forum.springsource.orgcan private method be intercepted or advised? I have tried unsuccessfully to intercept private methods using CGLIB proxies. I didn't expect Dynamic proxy to work because methods were not implemented from ... |
22. Spring2.0 "destroy-method" seems not invoking the right method. forum.springsource.orgSpring2.0 "destroy-method" seems not invoking the right method. Followed the example in chapter2 of Spring in Action, I declared the destroy-method="cleanInstrument" in the xml file and cleanInstrument method should print out ... |
23. Overloaded Methods - can argument type be specified? forum.springsource.orgOverloaded Methods - can argument type be specified? I'm running into an issue with an overloaded set method. The class is: org.springframework.mail.javamail.MimeMessageHelpe r The method is: setFrom() Three versions of the ... |
24. calling internal methods is not working forum.springsource.orgKeep in mind: Spring AOP is Proxy based (uses Java Dynamic Proxies) which in your case means that when you retrieve an instance of ExternalSystemDataLayer (interface) what you actually get back ... |
25. Runtime / Method Logger forum.springsource.org |
26. Adviced Methods call the internal methods too forum.springsource.org |
27. I find a Bug: destroy-method can't work under SpringDM forum.springsource.orgI find a Bug: destroy-method can't work under SpringDM Hi, All, maybe it's a bug, when I stop my bundle, the destroy-method can't work. Here is my confi file: |
28. Spring destroy-method forum.springsource.orgI have a bean , which creates a connection to open-office. Now on server shutdown I need to call the destroy-method to close connection to open office. The destroy-method does not ... |
29. lookup-method + init param best practices? forum.springsource.orglookup-method + init param best practices? Hello, Here's the scenario: Bean A has a lookup-method that returns a new instance of LookupBean (scope=prototype). But, LookupBean needs to be initialized with variables ... |
30. overloaded transformer method forum.springsource.orgOverloading a transformer method seems to work fine when declared in XML like this: Code: |
31. advising private methods forum.springsource.orgadvising private methods Hi there, I'm having problems using Spring AOP on classes without interface. In my servlet.xml i defined: |
32. Protected methods not seems realy protected forum.springsource.org2009-09-10 18:09:02,703 INFO [org.springframework.security.intercept.method.MapBasedMethodDefinitionSource] - Adding secure method [RegisteredMethod[wapapers.budget.model.Budget; public void wapapers.budget.model.Budget.deletePosition(wapapers.budget.model.BudgetPos)]] with attributes [[ROLE_SUPERVISOR]] |
33. destroy-method is not being called forum.springsource.orgdestroy-method is not being called Hi all, i have just started with Springs and have faced a small issue when writing a spring application my springcon.xml file reads like |
34. lookup-method problems forum.springsource.orghi all! im learing spring and have first problem on my way Im trying to use lookup method injection, but always have an exception beans.xml Code: |
35. lookup-method problem forum.springsource.orglookup-method problem Hi, I am facing a strange problem. I have a class A which has B which in turn has C. I am initializaing everything using spring beans. My requirement ... |
36. JmsMessageDrivenEndpoint start/destroy methods forum.springsource.orgJmsMessageDrivenEndpoint start/destroy methods hi, I am trying to gracefully shutdown my console app that uses Spring integration. I am using 2.0.m7 SI and Spring 3.0.4 So far, i am able to ... |