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1. Invoking methods using expression language

In my spring's config I need invoke method "get" (java.lang.ThreadLocal's instance object). How I can do it without creating new class with "correct" method's naming (smt like "getValue" instead of "get")? Thanks. ...

2. Spring expression language (SpEL) in a console

Is there something somewhere with a swing console with a shell for Spring Expression Language?

3. Does Spring Expression Language support IN operator?

Does Spring Expression Language support IN operator? Similar to SQL IN clause.

public class Security {
 private secTyp1;
 public Security (String aSecTyp1) {
  secTyp1 = aSecTyp1;

Security security = new Security("BOND");
StandardEvaluationContext ...

4. Elvis operator in Spring Expression Language (SpEL)

6.5.14 The Elvis Operator I'm seeing some trange behaviour using the elvis operator in SpEL. If I don't surround the elvis expression in brackets "()" then the result of ...

5. expression language: how to do ifNotGranted and ifAllGranted

i know you can use hasRole('ROLE_XXX') and hasAnyRole('ROLE_XXX', 'ROLE_YYY'); in security:authorize access= ... but i want to deny a page if user has certain role(s). whats the best way to do ...

6. SPEL - Spring expression Language problem

Hello, I could see SPEL reserves some token like 'NE' 'EQ' etc for expression processing. HOwever if a object map has any data attribute with the above names then it fails ...

7. Spring Expression Language (spel) and variable name with dot (.)

Hi, I didn't find a specific forum for spel so I'm posting here. I'm using spel to evaluate expression, but I've problem with this case: Case success (It returns true): Code: ...

8. Runtime expression in sec:authorize failing

Runtime expression in sec:authorize failing I am trying to use an EL expression within a sec:authorize tag in my jsp: Code:

  • ">
  • In this ...

    9. Predefined Spring Expression (SpEL) Variables

    Hi, Recently I was playing with Spring Social and noticed the following expression: This seems to suggest that request variable is some how available in the evaluation context. ...

    10. Spring EL Expression problem

    Spring EL Expression problem Hi , I am facing issue when i am trying to use EL Expression in tag In the above tag i need to ...

    11. strategy for testing SpEL expressions?

    I have @Value annotation with a SpEL expression that sets a boolean based on the value of an environment variable. I'd like to write a test to verify this behavior. How ...

    12. Problem building a custom implementation of an SpEL expression handler

    Problem building a custom implementation of an SpEL expression handler Hello, I've been battling with this one for a few weeks now and don't seem to be able to resolve it. ...

    13. spring 3.0 expression parser(SpEL) : Advantages and Disadvantages

    Why and where should we use Spring 3.0 expression parser ? As a part of the documentation, i found that it is capable of storing multiple object. But please explain why ...

    14. rdEvaluationContext.setRootObject

    Spring-expression-3-0-6-RELEASE. Should it not be like this public void setRootObject(Object rootObject) { if (rootObject == null) { this.rootObject = TypedValue.NULL; } else { this.rootObject = new TypedValue(rootObject);//, TypeDescriptor.forObject(rootObject)); } } instead ...

    15. c:forEach items does not accept any expression?

    c:forEach items does not accept any expression? hey guys small issue here SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet dealclick threw exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/views/consumers/show.jspx(30,53) According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute ...

    16. a suggested improvement for the hasPermission() SpEL expression

    Hi Folks, We are integrating Spring Security into a new application and have implemented permission-based authorisation at the service layer. We are not using Roles or ACLs, but instead provide our ...

    17. Spel expression conflict with T() operator and Spel reserved keyword

    Spel expression conflict with T() operator and Spel reserved keyword How can I use the T() operator to get a type reference of a class whose package structure contains a spel ...

    18. how to evaluate variable in expression?

    19. Using Custom class method in the expression attribute

    Hi Everyone, I want to use a custom method to be invoked in the expression attribute .Let me elaborate Consider the below snippet of code Code: ...

    20. Simple Regular expression problem

    Simple Regular expression problem hello, I've written an interceptor for caching, and try to assigned it to some of my service methods, I want to do that with the least xml ...

    21. ${status.expression} does not work

    ${status.expression} does not work I hope no one feels offended if I post that much newbie questions but I'm at a point where I don't get any further without help. In ...

    22. HibernateTemplates and complex expressions

    I'm using HibernateTemplates to speed up data access and I've hit a snag. I'd like to do an "in" expression in my query, for example: from eg.DomesticCat cat where not ...

    23. Malformed regular expression

    Malformed regular expression why am i getting java.lang.IllegalArgumentException with the following? org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException: Failed to convert property value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [net.sf.acegisecurity.intercept.web.FilterInvocatio nDefinitionSource] for property 'filterInvocationDefinitionSource'; nested exception is ...

    24. Expression Language not supported in compile time attribute value

    Expression Language not supported in compile time attribute value Hello Group, I am very new to Spring Framework. I am trying to use 'Developing a Spring Framework MVC application step-by-step' guide. ...

    25. Expression springMacroRequestContext is undefined

    Expression springMacroRequestContext is undefined I have a very simple Spring MVC/Freemarker configuration setup, but I can't seem to use the spring marcos. I have a template that looks like this: HTML ...

    26. Expression support in Spring

    I know Spring supports compound properties name like But, what if I have to access a compound bean property and assign to another bean property? Using EL I ...

    27. status.expression

    status.expression What exactly is 'status.expression' for? I have a JSP in which a collection of objects is displayed. To display the objects a textarea element is used amongst others. I am ...

    28. Loading regular expression from config fails.

    For our project we need to check the validaty of an emailaddress (and phonenumber etc.). First we had different validators doing almost the same, the only difference was the regular expression ...

    29. EL expressions and escaping..

    Hi folks. I was reading Pro Java Development with Spring published by Wrox. There is a section on P501 where it says.. (See attachment) Sorry but that's the exact same bit ...

    30. Get result of a Reg expression

    Hi all, again, I have a pointcut like this Code: "(" + "execution(public*.*(..))" +"||" + "execution(public java.util.Collection+*.*(..))" + ")" how can I know the results, i mean the ...

    31. [spring Faces] Problem with a regular expression

    Hi, according to this site, Java does not support non ASCII word characters using \w. If you have only a few, you might want to write it out using [a-zA-Z....] but ...

    32. Spring 3M2-expression: support for eq, gt, le ...

    I was very happy to see method support in 3.0M2 org.springframework.expression (i.e. "#{abean.createAList().size() "). However support for xml friendly operators is missing ('gt' vs '>'). What is the view on adding ...

    33. Spring 3.0 Expression

    Spring 3.0 Expression Hi All, Just some thought about new EL expression in Spring 3.0. I kinda wonder if it is possible to do if-else thing in spring config xml on ...

    34. Spring Expression Language - No ExpressionFactory?

    Hi Does anyone know why there is no implementation of an ExpressionFactory, (javax.el.ExpressionFactory), in Spring 3.0? I am trying to get Spring Web Flow to use the new Spring EL but ...

    35. org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelException: EL1009E

    Sep 13th, 2009, 05:27 PM #1 dfrankow View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Sep 2009 Posts 7 org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelException: EL1009E I am trying to implement Spring security. ...

    36. showPassword Doesn't Accept Expression as Value?

    showPassword Doesn't Accept Expression as Value? Spring 3.0.0-RC2 Sun Java JDK 6.0_17 Tomcat 6.0.20 I have a Spring/Web form with a field defined as follows: Code: If I ...

    37. What is Spring Expression Language (SpEL) good for?

    Spring Expression Language (SpEL) Code: The Spring Expression Language (SpEL for short) is a powerful expression language that supports querying and manipulating an object graph at runtime. The language syntax is ...

    38. expression language issue between Spring 2.5 and 3

    expression language issue between Spring 2.5 and 3 Were working off the trunk. I have this reader: Code:

    42. Problem with spring:eval expression

    Problem with spring:eval expression Hello, First of all, before talking about problems and solutions, I would like to say a few words about ROO. I have been working with it a ...

    43. spring Expression language and Lists

    spring Expression language and Lists Hi, I'm trying use spEL for list selection. The data structure is, a list of lists. When I'm trying to access the list using the spEL ...

    44. Custom voters and web expressions

    Custom voters and web expressions I'm working on designing a security framework for a new site using the grails spring security plugin. The requirements for this site call for permissions that ...

    45. Issue with Expression parsing using SpEL

    Issue with Expression parsing using SpEL My requirement is to use the SpEL with custom variable format #{VarName} in the expression without rootObject in the evaluation context. It works when i ...

    46. using speing expressions

    I having trouble using the spring expressions I want to use spring expression for the bean below Code: ...

    47. What is use of Spring Expression language

    What is use of Spring Expression language I started learning Spring 3 and came accross SpEL. I understand following @Value("#{ systemProperties }") private Properties systemProperties; @Value("#{ systemProperties['user.region'] }") private String userRegion; ...

    48. Spring Expression Language Primer

    49. hasIpAddress expression help???

    I am not using namespace configuration and wish to use Spring EL expressions to secure individual URLs, specifically the hasIpAddress expression of .WebSecurityExpressionRoot. In the documentation the only way I ...