Resource 1 « Core « Spring Q&A

1. spring resource in WEB-INF

I have a bean that has a property of type File. I want that property to end up pointing to a file under WEB-INF. It seems to me that the ServletContextResourceLoader should ...

2. All @Resource injection before any @PostConstruct again

JSR-250 says all @Resource annotated methods will be called before the @PostConstruct method.. My question is: Does that mean that all @Resource annotated methods on all beans in a context will be called ...

3. Spring Resource is not Available Error

i totally new to spring and i started my first tutorial. So, please bear with me. I have created a project which follow from here but when i ...

4. An equivalent to Spring Framework's Resource abstraction

Spring Framework provides a wonderful abstraction layer for low-level resource access in Java (the Resource and ResourceLoader interfaces). I'm developing a library which should not be dependent on Spring, and am ...

5. iplementation of resource bundle in spring

I am implementing Resource bundle in spring for the project, project is pretty huge and has complex folder structure ,I am confused of the folder strure I would like to know ...

6. Ways to convert String to Spring Resource

I have a class with a resource property of type Resource in spring ( which takes a file object as input.

setResource(Resource resource) 
     this.resource ...

7. Serving static resources does not work properly

Serving static resources does not work properly I got big problem while trying to configure for static context. It never serves them. My spring configuration has following:

8. The requested resource (/ is not available.

The requested resource (/ is not available. Hi dear friends I use MyEclipes as IDE and I created a web program project and add struts capabilities on that, the problem is ...

9. Resource is not Available Error

Resource is not Available Error Hello to all, i totally new to spring and i started my first tutorial. So, please bear with me. I have created a project which follow ...

10. Spring 3.0 and Resource Injection

Spring 3.0 and Resource Injection Hi, I am learning the concepts of Spring 3.0 and how to load a classpath resource. Until Spring 2.5 I used to do something like this ...

11. How to get Resource name with MultiResourcePartitioner and SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor

How to get Resource name with MultiResourcePartitioner and SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor We need to read, process and load multiple files and also we need to log each file statistics based on the content ...

12. Inner Class and @Component/@Resource not being detected. Not Supported?

Hi, Spring 3.0.5 Java 1.6u25 Here's a little example: Code: @Component("daoFactory") public class DaoFactory { @Autowired private ApplicationContext applicationContext; public TestDao getTestDao() { return applicationContext.getBean("test", TestDaoImpl.class); } @Repository("test") public class TestDaoImpl ...

13. NoHandlerFoundException phase 'RESOURCE_PHASE'

NoHandlerFoundException phase 'RESOURCE_PHASE' I have a problem with Spring Portlet 3.0.5 I keep getting this error when I try to run an ajax call: org.springframework.web.portlet.NoHandlerFoundExce ption: No matching handler method found ...

14. Resource problem

Hi, Hope someone can help me with this problem. The problem is that the resources is not found after I add a path variable. It works fine without. Structure: Code: WEB-INF ...

15. ways of casting String to Resource (

Resource is an interface. You can't pass to a setter that requires a Resource an object whose class doesn't implement the interface, and String most certainly doesn't. You could wrap your ...

16. Missing Resource Bundle upon Deployment

Missing Resource Bundle upon Deployment Hey folks, I'm having an issue using Spring's SimpleJaxWsServiceExporter. I have built several (13 to be exact) different Web services and have annotated them correctly. I ...

17. Any good resources on Spring 3.x ?

Hi all, I'm have been out of touch with spring and I want to catch up with spring new features. I've previously worked with 2.5.x in SWF, Spring security and Spring ...

18. The requested resource is not available

Nov 13th, 2004, 09:57 AM #1 ticklishturtletoe View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2004 Posts 17 The requested resource is not available I'm having trouble ...

19. Static Resources Not Loading

Static Resources Not Loading Hi Team, 1>I am new to Spring3.0 and I have configuration in my application context for loading static resources.

20. Adding resource bundle programmaticaly

Hi, Is there an API for adding resource bundles programmaticaly to Spring container ? My application needs to discover resource message files and load them from a servlet during the startup ...

21. @Resource not being injected

@Resource not being injected I'm sorry for posting this if it sound stupid, but I am just getting started with spring batch and this issue is driving me nuts. Let's say ...

22. @Autowired / @Resource issue

@Autowired / @Resource issue Dear Spring Users, I've recently encountered an issue while injecting my beans, I'll try to give a short explaination which will hopefully be enough for your Spring-guru's! ...

23. Invalid relative resource location using import statement

Invalid relative resource location using import statement To all, When using the statement in my beans.xml file (they are both in the same directory), I get the following ...

24. Protecting Web resources using a custom voter

Protecting Web resources using a custom voter I needed to protect access to web resources (project information in this case) to only projects a user was assigned to. I created a ...

25. Multiple Resource Bundles Dynamically Loaded

Multiple Resource Bundles Dynamically Loaded Hello. I'm trying to figure out why I cannot read multiple resource bundles in my Spring app. I'm under the impression that all resources written in ...

26. Resources in WEB-INF Directory

Hello, Could someone provide an example or any pointers on accessing resources from a bean? I am trying to trigger lucene index events in my DAO and would like to create ...

27. TransactionSynchronizationManager resource management

TransactionSynchronizationManager resource management Hi, I have a resource (an L1 cache to be exact) that I want to manage on a transaction boundary basis. However, I see that resources bound through ...

28. accessing protected resource from Excel via WinHTTP

accessing protected resource from Excel via WinHTTP Hi, I am trying to post data from an Excel spreadsheet using VBA to my Web app which is secured using Acegi. I am ...

29. Get Resources

Get Resources I can obtain a XML bean factory independent of ApplicationContext? Example ApplicationContext def.. beans> reports- spring.xml ...

30. Resources for starting a Spring Rich project from scratch.

I am a Spring newbie. I have downloaded and ran petclinic. Besides petclinic, are there any other resources for creating a Spring Rich project from scratch? Something that explains the steps ...

31. Multiple authorities for a resource

Multiple authorities for a resource I'm using Acegi for protecting web resources. It's been going great, though I ran into something that seemed a little odd. Rather, a colleague discovered it, ...

32. Import resource should work like Class.getResource()

Import resource should work like Class.getResource() I have a resource files: /com/domain/app/applicationContext.xml /com/domain/app/applicationContext-dao.xml /com/domain/app/sub/applicationContext-sub.xml Importing a resource should work like Class.getResource() IMHO. In the applicatoinContext.xml I do and this ...

33. Modifiable Resource

Modifiable Resource I recently wrote a piece of code that uses a combination of a Resource (specifically, a FileSystemResource) and an ObjectFactory to provide access to an object which is transparently ...

34. Resource not found error

Resource not found error Hi, i am gettting resource not found error in index.jsp and server console gives following error. Mar 28, 2006 10:02:52 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start SEVERE: Error listenerStart Mar ...

35. Not getting Resource failure

Not getting Resource failure Hi All i am new to spring ...... and I am trying to do a simple stuff with sybase to connect and check for Resource failure , ...

36. locatorFactorySelector resource loading

locatorFactorySelector resource loading I put my beanRefFactory.xml in WEB-INF/spring along with all the other spring configuration files. The other config files load fine using: contextConfigLocation /WEB-INF/spring/ehmdrc-core-servlet.xml I try a ...

37. Resources on Spring

I am invloved in the design of my application using Spring and Hibernate. I need some information link/Good design Books on Spring. I am pretty much ok with Hibernate but not ...

38. loading resource directories in deployment: can Spring help?

loading resource directories in deployment: can Spring help? It's good practice in jar/war deployed applications to access resources through the class loader: InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/myResource.txt"); But what if you want ...

39. Resource not available

Oct 30th, 2006, 03:34 PM #1 Pavel View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2006 Posts 2 Resource not available I got follwing error message "The ...

40. The requested resource () is not available.

The requested resource () is not available. Hi I'm having a problem with URL mappings. Any URL named *.form gets mapped to a controller - and that works fine. However, I ...

41. import resource is failing

I'm importing a valid spring config that resides one level above from my main config, and getting FileNotFoundException. offending config: exception: class path resource [../spring-context-singletons.xml] cannot be opened ...

42. Does Spring support hireachical structure of resource bundles?

Does Spring support hireachical structure of resource bundles? Hi All, I am building a web application that serves several clients. Each client has a list of individual users and the client ...

43. Getting resource bundle

Hello to everybody, I'm trying to get a resource bundle through MessageSource and put into a property of one class, but I can't achieve to read file. This is my ...

44. about resources

As far as my knowledge, we are specifying resources to be secured in config. files (e.g applicationContext.xml) . Is there any way to sepcify resource to secured at runtime , I ...

45. How to reload resource at runtime?

Hi,all I wanna know how to reload resource at runtime. for example: my i18n solution now is and I add it could not use from current context. how could ...

46. accessing resource bundle in formaction

accessing resource bundle in formaction I am having problem with accessing multiple resource bundile my code works fine if i use single resource bundle messages ...

47. Externalising resources

Externalising resources We have an application where the look and feel (images, style sheets and text) varies between implementations, e.g. if we ship to Fred Blogs Loans limited the app gets ...

48. Confusion over Resource loading

I have my configuration files under WEB-INF/config. When I try to use getClass().getClassLoader().getResource it will not find those files. Somehow the Spring framework can find the controller config files during startup. ...

49. use @Resource as DI and JDNI resource together

use @Resource as DI and JDNI resource together I try to use the @resource annotation for 2 purposes: 1- to inject the dependent beans 2- to get JNDI resources. I tried ...

50. Setting up to use @Resource?

I'm not sure if this is a Spring thing or a Eclipse/MyEclipse thing. I'm able to use the @Autowired annotation, but when I try to replace it with @Resource(name=beanName), the IDE ...

51. Am I using @Resource correctly?

In my context file I have the following bean definitions: Code: In my MyBean class I have the following: ...

52. EDRP - Education Resource Planning

53. Scripting and Custom Resources

54. Loading resources relative to appcontext resource

Loading resources relative to appcontext resource I'm trying to figure out a way of loading resources relative to the resource from which the appcontext itself is defined in. For example, I ...

55. @Resource not found

56. Autowired and Resource difference

Well not fully true. @Autowired in combination with @Qualifier also autowires by name. The main difference is is that @Autowired is a spring annotation whereas @Resource is specified by the JSR-250. ...

57. Accessing resources from a rar using SpringContextResourceAdapter

Accessing resources from a rar using SpringContextResourceAdapter Hi, I am currently involved in a project that is using Spring, Hibernate (for JPA) and Weblogic 10. The project is being deployed as ...

58.  and lib

and lib In my application, I have the following: Code: The XML file specified resides in a JAR that is on my classpath: \war\web-inf\lib\fmr-commons-cs203.jar My .springBeans ...

59. AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvents for IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY resources

AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvents for IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY resources I've finally gotten most of my acegi implementation up and running successfully, however, I still have one outstanding issue. For my acegi role mapping I have my ...

60. Resource bundle loading

Hi, I have requirement to load the properties file based on the locale fetched from database.i.e language is fetched from DB : Eg: if lang=en then get text from, if ...

61. How to use @Resource?

How to use @Resource? I am using JDK 1.6.0_05, Spring 2.5.2. At first, my applicationContext.xml doesn't have the Code: xmlns:context="" nor the Code: and my test class which uses JUnit4 ...

62. Delegate pattern with multiple BatchSqlUpdateItemWriter cleans resources prematurely

Delegate pattern with multiple BatchSqlUpdateItemWriter cleans resources prematurely I'm taking over code of another developer that recently left so please excuse my ignorance as this is my first usage of Spring ...

63. can't find resource

can't find resource I have some spring config and a resource in another jar I'm trying to load but it can't find one of the resources. my-spring.xml contains;

64. The requested resource (/) is not available.

Apr 28th, 2008, 10:10 AM #1 revised View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2008 Posts 2 The requested resource (/) is not available. Hey, I'll ...

65. Dynamically setting resource for Resource

Dynamically setting resource for Resource Hello, one of the required fields for the stock StaxEventItemReader is "resource", which is the file to be parsed. However, I do not know the filename ...

66. No support for @Resource ?

I'm using a component-scan to find my beans from project classpath. They all are found by springIDE, but no dependency is discovered, even my beans use @Resource annotation. What's wrong ? ...

67. Alternative to @Resource() for autowiring by name

Alternative to @Resource() for autowiring by name I'm curious if there's an alternative to using the @Resource() annotation for autowiring by name. The reason I'm interested is in some cases it ...

68. How not to fail when input resource doesn't exist ?

Hello ! Something that's look quite simple doh When launching a job with any writer, an IllegalStateException is thrown and batch fails when specified input resource does not exist. So what ...

69. Resource in external package

Resource in external package Hello, We're using apache cxf to call some webservices. In org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPConduit several Resource's are defined but they have default values so they are not required. However, spring ...

70. import resource - How it works ?

Hi, I am aware that we can use one or more instances of the import element to load definitions from one or more other files. However, just wanted to make sure, ...

71. Pathnames for resources in a bundle...

Given a Bundle object, I can call findEntries, as in the following example: Code: Enumeration scriptUrls = bundle.findEntries("META-INF/ids", "*.js", true); The urls returned are relative to the bundle root. Is there ...

72. How to pass resource pattern to MultiResourceItemReader

The example use case of MultiResourceItemReader has the resources pattern "hard-coded" in the job application context configuration (see multiResourceJob.xml). Is there an example on how to pass the pattern as a ...

73. TestContext problem: Could not autowire method??? but i use @Resource

TestContext problem: Could not autowire method??? but i use @Resource hi, after many battles , i finnaly succedded to load the spring context and now it cracks at my test class ...

74. Accessing a resource bundle for a library

Dear all, I'm developing a Spring based mail java library. As it is a library there is no application context. But I still would like to offer i18n for the custom ...

75. multi languages web in spring base on reloading resource?

hi all is there anyway to reload ResourceBundleMessageSource in spring framework in order to develop a multi languages spring web appliation. i did research these days for the examples or docs ...

76. Current Resource of a MultiResourceItemReader?

Current Resource of a MultiResourceItemReader? Is there a way to determine the Resource currently used by a MultiResourceItemReader outside of the MultiResourceItemReader? I have the requirement of reading multiple files from ...

77. Resource.getInputStream() different action with .getFile()

I try to URL file://c:/mydata/test.xml. In windows, Resource.getFile() could return correct file. But Resource.getInputStream() reports "Host 'c" does not found ..." To get InputStream, I have to use new FileInputStream(Resource.getFile()). Does ...

78. wildcards in resource locations?

wildcards in resource locations? Hi, I have declared a messageSource bean as follows (note: the resource bundles are *outside* my webapp's classpath and need to stay that way):

84. nVelocity resource_loader question (can I read it from stream)

nVelocity resource_loader question (can I read it from stream) Hi there, Just started to work with nVelocity. The following lines work well when I tried to read the template file. props.AddProperty(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_LOADER ...

85. Why not @Resource on class declaration?

Why not @Resource on class declaration? From the JSR 250 spec: "The Resource annotation is used to declare a reference to a resource. It can be specified on a class, methods ...

86. Error injecting resource in faces-config

Error injecting resource in faces-config Why doesn't faces-config.xml seem to inject my beans defined in applicationContext.xml when, I think, I have all the configuration set up correctly and Glassfish indicates that ...

87. Prototype Javascript Spring resources

Hi all, I m trying basic CRUD strictly using Prototype Javascript either with Jsp (or) (or) Spring (or) Struts. Is there any resources,samples,projects, sources or apps available for this. thanks srinath.v ...

88. acls for resources

acls for resources Hi All, I've just managed to get the contacts sample working on Postgres. So I understand domain object security mechanism - how to set the acls in the ...

89. getting the resource name from a custom item writer

getting the resource name from a custom item writer Hello, I am new to Spring Batch. My issue may sound so simple. How do I get the resoure in my custom ...

90. Why is ConnectionReleaseMode "OnClose" better in spring resource manage enviornment?

Why is ConnectionReleaseMode "OnClose" better in spring resource manage enviornment? In SpringTransactionFactory, the default release mode is on close. The default is changed to auto since hibernate 3.1, which is AFTER_TRANSACTION ...

91. How to set Resource at runtime?

Hi, I want to set resource at runtime from itemwriter. How can i set this at runtime. I am using spring batch 2.0.0.M3.jar This does not work. note: filename is my ...

92. import resource (not found)

import resource (not found) web.xml context param is configured as follows: Code: Multiple files coordinated to establish the application context contextConfigLocation WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml WEB-INF/gtwSecurityContext.xml WEB-INF/jasperReports-servlet.xml The ...

93. Resource DI

Resource DI Hi, *background information* I am using commons digester as part of my webapp project and I wanted to abstract out the rules to an XML file. I have done ...

94. Spring 3.0 web resources...

Hi I'm pleased to announce the availability of a dedicated area to Spring 3.0 resources at It is under Home > Tags > Tag: Spring 3.0. I'm adding Spring 3.0 ...

95. Resource Parh

Hi Guys, I know this might be a silly question, but I'm gonna ask it anyways because I can't get it right. On my FlatFileItemWriter I need to specify a certain ...

96. Resources relative to a directory ?

Hi, I have some resources relative to a directory, but I don't undestand what is the Best Thing to do to get some ResourcePatternResolver to read them. If I use the ...

97. Injecting a Resource Bundle

Is there any way to inject a ResourceBundle into an object in Spring? I am aware of the use of ResourceBundleMessageSource, but that doesn't seem the best choice for my purposes. ...

98. web resources per bundle

web resources per bundle I described this use case before but I have a new question. To start I'll describe a web application: I have a web application with 20 dependencies ...

99. Injection of resource fields failed

Jun 10th, 2009, 02:47 PM #1 vinicius View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2009 Posts 9 Injection of resource fields failed I will try to ...

100. The requested resource is not available problem

The requested resource is not available problem I am using the Struts2, Spring 2.5, Hibernate and JPA. When I deploy the war file everything seems to be working except that when ...