IoC « Core « Spring Q&A

1. Internals of Spring Framework and other IoC containers

I've been using spring for some time, but I always wondered how does it work, more specifically, how do they load and weave beans/classes marked only with an interface or @annotation. ...

2. Using Spring IoC to set up enum values

Given the followin enum :

public enum Car
        NANO ("Very Cheap", "India"),
        MERCEDES ("Expensive", "Germany"),

3. Getting Spring IOC to work with the MVP pattern

Im attempting to use the MVP design pattern with a Swing application in conjution with Spring IOC. In MVP the View needs to pass itself into the presenter, and ...

4. Multiple Spring IoC Containers

Is it possible to have two IoC containers in one JVM ? If so, is there a way to use objects created in one container in other using "@Configurable" ? -DKC

5. When to and When not to use IOC/Dependency Injection?

I am working with several Spring MVC web applications and I use the getter/setter dependency injection and configure all my beans in my app-servlet.xml file. I believe that I am following convention ...

6. why do we need the ioc container

Hi: I ask this question not for cheating your attention. Since our team begin to use spring,but I really can not understand why we should use a container,I know it do the object ...

7. Doesn't autowiring limit goal of IoC?

IoC is nice but, used with autowiring (@EJB, @Autowired, @Inject, @SpringBean...), don't you think it limit a goal of IoC? Actually i don't know so much about autowiring systems in different frameworks ...

8. Spring: DRY with . Copy all values from listA to listB

I've configured in Spring listA (see below). It would be nice to have another one that contains all values from listA and expand it.

<bean id="listA" class="java.util.ArrayList">

9. Self injection with Spring

I tried the following code with Spring 3.x which failed with BeanNotFoundException and it should according to the answers of a question which I asked before - Can I inject ...

10. A simple question about Spring IoC

Let's imagine, there are 1000 classes (X1...X1000) which are all defined in a library abc.jar. The X* classes have used some JSR-330 annotations, like:

class X12 {


11. problem with injecting abstract class in spring

I have two abstract classes

class abstract A {
//some methods .

class abstract B extends A {
 private  C  c ;
//other methods
Spring config file :
<bean id="b" class="B" abstract="true">

12. How to auto-detect and wire classes which extends from specific type?

Spring supports to auto-detect classes using annotation @Component and <component-scan>, however, @Component is not @Inherited. I have tried to create a custom inheritable annotation:

public @interface MyInheritableComponent {}
Unfortunately, @MyInheritableComponent doesn't work. Any idea? EDIT File ...

13. Conditions in Spring IoC container

Do I have any known way to inject beans in spring IoC container based on some condition. E.g. I have two beans:

<bean id="aaa" class="My"/>
<bean id="bbb" class="My"/>
... and want inject it in ...

14. Spring 3.0 injection null after initalization

I am trying to inject the datasource object into a servlet. I have the logger to print in the set method. It works ok on pre-inialization. But when I request the ...

15. How to keep track of all the @Autowired stuff while using Spring IoC?

On Spring @Autowired usage question most of the people answer they prefer not using configuration files, if possible. It seems like a good answer at the first glance. However, once you ...

16. Spring: HAS or IS a container?

How is it correct: "Spring is in general a container, which manages objects..." or "Spring uses/contains a container, which manages objects...." I mean, the IoC Container is PART of the Spring Framework, right? Or could ...

17. What are the various ways to achieve IOC in Spring?

What are the various ways to Achieve IOC in Spring? Can anyone throw me an article or example of usage of IOC and various ways to achieve IOC. What are other ...

18. Is there any difference between IOC and Di

Hi All, Could you please let me know is there any difference between DI and IOC. In some books it is stated that there is no difference and in some books ...

19. i am not able to find the use of ioc

what is use of ioc exactly,why we need it. we can also create the object of the class using new operator. Demo obj=new Demo(); why i need to go for

20. Errors getting started with IoC

Jun 22nd, 2011, 04:02 PM #1 notfed View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2011 Posts 25 Errors getting started with IoC Hi, I'm new to ...

21. How to combine decorator pattern and Spring IOC features

How to combine decorator pattern and Spring IOC features Hi.. am just learning spring. I had a code written for decorator pattern example, and wanted to avoid 'new()' part of it ...

22. Why I can't use IOC in my class?!

Why I can't use IOC in my class?! Hi everyone: I want to inject a interface to my class and use it get a dataList. This interface is : Code: public ...

23. Evil Singleton and IOC Container

How to refactor existing singletons (i.e. old school singleton, not Spring's "singleton" beans) so that their instance can be instantiated and configured by Spring IOC container but legacy code can still ...

24. NewbieQ: Additive IoC?

Hello... I'm just getting introduced to Spring IoC. I see that an ApplicationContext can handle multiple config files...which is fantastic! The beans specified in app config file Foo.xml overriding/replacing bans defined ...

25. IOC + Heap

HI all as we know that spring is eager instantiation ,so all the beans which we defined in xml file are avalibale as soon as application is deployed.but the heap memory ...

26. Why IOC couldn't be used in Spring successfully?

Jan 7th, 2005, 10:21 PM #1 liren View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Sep 2004 Posts 84 Why IOC couldn't be used in Spring successfully? Hi friends ...

27. Ioc timing out

Apr 14th, 2005, 10:27 PM #1 syoma View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2005 Posts 11 Ioc timing out Hello, could someone please help me ...

28. How IOC works?

How IOC works? I am very new to Spring. Trying to run first example for IOC using Webwork. Here is the details I have LoginAction an action and LoginBean class (For ...

29. IoC with multiple arguments

IoC with multiple arguments Hi, assume the following class: package simple.test; public class TestClass { private int x; private int y; private int width; private int height; public void setBounds(int x,int ...

30. IoC (DI) Newbe quetion

Please correct me if I am wrong but if I am trying to summerise the functionlity of IoC (DI specific), then it is some clever mechanisim to pass configuration data into ...

31. IOC and parameterized factory

IOC and parameterized factory Hi Just a question on how to use IOC with a parameterized factory Let's say you want to have a parameterized factory that takes runtime parameter(s) obtained ...

32. SimpleRemoteStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean without IOC

SimpleRemoteStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean without IOC Can I used the proxy and RuntimeException benefits provided by the Spring EJB framework without using IOC? I am migrating a shop from pure J2EE to use some ...

33. When should I not use IoC/DI?

I was getting all fired up to use dependency injection with some presentation layer classes, for example, by creating a setLog(Log log) method to inject the class Log (or instead maybe ...

34. HELP IoC problem

HELP IoC problem Hello All, Please advise I cannot access the exchangeCodes properties while I am able to access this one... when I try to get the exchangeCodes I ...

35. How far to go with IOC ?

How far to go with IOC ? I will shortly be putting together a small course on Spring for the developers in my company, and one of the things I was ...

36. How to solve Spring IoC during Inheritance

How to solve Spring IoC during Inheritance Hi, I have a classs SpringManager, it extends another class BaseManger. I have another class Basemanger. Entries in the Spring context file are : ...

37. IoC Good practice

IoC Good practice Hi, Can any experienced IoC/Spring developers give advice on when it would be ok to get the application context to get beans? I keep hearing it's ok if ...

38. Can I apply IOC in this scenario?

Can I apply IOC in this scenario? Hi, I am a new comer here. And I am programming a mid-sized program. Currently, I feel a little bit uncomfortable for the archetecture. ...

39. Spring IoC Question ...

Spring IoC Question ... Hi, I want to use Spring IoC into my web application to have more abstraction between the layers. So I defined some Singletons in the xml that ...

40. Setter error creating charts with jfreechart and IOC

Sep 6th, 2006, 12:05 PM #1 Pvblivs View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2005 Location Berlin, DE Posts 6 Setter error creating charts with jfreechart ...

41. How do I handle transient fields with IoC?

Hi all, I just used the FindBugs app on the source from the Spring MVC Step by Step tutorial and it found a couple of easily fixed bugs/problems and one problem ...

42. Can we use Spring without IOC or Dependency of Injection?

Well Spring is modular by design, you can use as little or as much as you like. If you want to just the new operator to create objects instead of letting ...

43. IoC Container initializes my app twice

IoC Container initializes my app twice I've noticed that when I start my application, initialization is happening twice. This is causing me problems with singletons that are getting ahold of resources ...

44. Spring IoC and DI

Hi, I am new to Spring Framework and started learning it now. Can anyone please explain me briefly, what is Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection. Any help is highly appreciated. ...

45. IoC questions

IoC questions I have a couple of conceptual questions I like to ask about IoC. Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks 1. IoC allows setting of configuration for specified ...

46. Factory vs Ioc

A Factory is an object that is responsible for Object creation. Dependency Injection is a technique to remove the responsibility of creating dependencies (objects) and place it outside the object. So ...

47. New to the Spring framework, IOC mechanism

Hi Friends, I am new to Spring framework, I want to know the flow of spring start from front end to back end with brief coding(web Module in struts, IOC,factory design ...

48. How to dynamically inject different implementation for the same interface using IoC?

How to dynamically inject different implementation for the same interface using IoC? Hello, Here is what I want to do I have one interface and two implementations for this interface Interface ...

49. Strange IOC bug?

Strange IOC bug? I have an application which is running fine for some time I added few classes and when I was trying to wire them up I got property is ...

50. Ioc

For an introduction to IoC/DI, read Martin Fowler's article: And then you'll probably want to read the excellent documentation on how IoC exists in Spring: Sorry for a seemingly ...

51. Spring IOC Container not loading custom editors

Spring IOC Container not loading custom editors I have a class called ProxyList with a corresponding ProxyListEditor (both are in the org.jasig.cas.client.validation package). There's also a Cas20ProxyTicketValidator class that has a ...

52. I still don't get why IoC is important...

I've followed the Google Guice project. I've read why their project is important. Yet I still never really saw the major benefit outside of unit testing. Lately, I've been working with ...

53. IoC vs Poliformism

IoC vs Poliformism Hi all ! I have just started approaching Spring. From what I understand one of the main benefits of this container is Inversion of Control pattern which allows ...

54. problem with simple IoC

problem with simple IoC im trying to deploy a simple web application and i have some problems, i think with IoC. heres my code BEAN1 package toJson; import services.*; public class ...

55. How can I establish this injection with Spring IoC

Before: Class A, Class B (implements Interface C). Bean definitions: a(A), b(B). Result: Bean a can only be injected into C's child beans. When client code requesting b, Spring IoC will ...

56. About IOC with Spring

57. IoC w/o @Autowired w/ POJOs (putting the pieces together)

IoC w/o @Autowired w/ POJOs (putting the pieces together) Well hi there, i'm having some trouble applying the IoC in a real live app and hope somebody of you can give ...

58. Ioc

59. Understanding IoC or DI in spring

Understanding IoC or DI in spring Trying to understand the concepts and advantages of Inversion of Control container ... Here's a code snippet applicationContext.xml Code: ...

60. IOC Definition

Is this ok? Definition of IOC : Inversion of control is based on the phenomenon that says when ever dependency between two classes (say class A and class B) now if ...

61. IOC basic issue : need help

IOC basic issue : need help Hi All, I am working on a job scheduling assignment. I am caught up in an issue relating to IOC, i am not very sure ...

62. Class Level IOC

Class Level IOC Hello all im using spring 2.5 I have a data access source (id = carDAO) as a bean and want to use the quartz timer constructor which takes ...


spring IOC DOUBT UNDERSTOOD BUT HAS SOME DOUBTS What is Spring IOC? As far as my Undestanding,(Please Correct if iam wrong) Say there r 2 classes Class X, Class Y. Now ...

64. Code Weaving and IoC in the Core container

Does the IoC mechanism uses code weaving for its operations ? I am currently developing a system, and one of teh constraints that I have is that I can't use any ...

65. Instantiate the Spring IoC Container?

I've recently started learning the Spring Framework, and I'm bit unclear about: 1. When do I need instantiate the container? 2. Where do I need to instantiate the container? Is there ...

66. IoC when dependencies are not constants

IoC when dependencies are not constants I'm new in spring world and I don't grasp some concepts. I realize the utility of the container when I need to manage beans built ...

67. spring IOC container starting twice

Why does spring start twice when the contextLoadListener and disbatcher servlet are both configured in the web.xml? More importantly, is there a way I can configure the disbatcher servlet to start ...

68. IOC containers

Here is a tutorial... Benefits of IOC (Dependency Injection)... Minimizes the amount of code in your application. With IOC containers you do not care about how services are created and how ...

69. How to use only IoC container?

We develop application that is very exacting to disk space. Also we need to use Spring IoC container functionality. Therefore we find the way to use just IoC container from full ...

70. How to setup spring to use IoC

How to setup spring to use IoC Hello everyone, This is probably a simple thing and the answer is probably sitting right in front of me, but I cannot find it ...

71. DI vs IOC and Patterns

DI vs IOC and Patterns I need help resolving 2 issues. After sending this link to a colleague and after pointing out the posts by Martin Fowler himself, this colleague ...

72. IOC and "Managed"

IOC and "Managed" I have a question about how we are configuring the application to use the Ginjector. Can someone please explain whey we have the client.managed package and why it ...

73. Spring IoC