Interceptor 1 « Core « Spring Q&A

1. Custom spring interceptor

I want to convert some of our internal API into a spring bean spring interceptor that we can use in other projects. This API needs some instantiation and other logic which ...

2. Conditionally Apply an Interceptor in Spring

How can I conditionally add myOtherInterceptor below?

<bean id="myService" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean">
   <property name="proxyInterfaces"><value>IMyService</value></property>
   <property name="target">
      <bean parent="baseServiceTarget" class="MyService" />

3. Spring Interceptors not firing

I am attempting to implement logging as described here This is the handler mapping file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

4. How are Spring HandlerInterceptors instantiated?

Is there a new instance of Spring HandlerInterceptors for each request? I have an interceptor in Spring, which has a class field.

public class MyInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter {
    Private boolean ...

5. Registering channel interceptors

6. .Net4.0, Interceptor, and BadFormatException

.Net4.0, Interceptor, and BadFormatException We are attempting to go to VS2010 and .Net4.0. I have a INotifyPropertyChanged mixin that intercepts the setters. These mixins are wrapped around concrete types resulting in ...

7. Multiple Interceptors on one Manager class

Multiple Interceptors on one Manager class Hi, I want to use org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionProxyFactoryBean and Acegi's net.sf.acegisecurity.intercept.method.MethodSecurityInterceptor on one of my Manager classes.(UserManager for instance). I defined TransactionProxyFactoryBean like this: Code:

8. Channel interceptor without subscribers

Channel interceptor without subscribers Hi all. I need to configure a channel with a interceptor without a subscriber, something like this below: If I ...

9. Pre-Interceptor in TransactionProxyFactory

Pre-Interceptor in TransactionProxyFactory Hi I have a bean(say SampleTxnSupportBean) which is retrieved from the TransactionProxyFactory to provide Transaction support for its Methods( sampleMethodOne, sampleMethodTwo and sampleMethodThree). I also have a pre-interceptor(methodnamematcher) ...

10. Interceptor not getting invoked

Jun 1st, 2011, 04:36 PM #1 Adofo View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2011 Posts 1 Interceptor not getting invoked Hi Guys, I am new ...

11. .Net4.0, Interceptor, and BadFormatException

.Net4.0, Interceptor, and BadFormatException We are attempting to go to VS2010 and .Net4.0. I have a INotifyPropertyChanged mixin that intercepts the setters. These mixins are wrapped around concrete types resulting in ...

12. how to add interceptor to mixin class

any body can help me? it's so urgent problem. and for example this is the my sample code from spring test suite *testbean lockableAdvisor ...

13. Issue with Spring Method interceptor

Issue with Spring Method interceptor I'm having an issue with using Spring interceptor in OSGI. I've a CXF service endpoint method which I'm trying a wrap with an interceptor to do ...

14. Interceptor doesn't work

Hi all, I am working with Spring 3.1.0.M2 and I configured controllers by @Controller and @RequestMapping annotations. I want to intercept all client request (*) with an Interceptor which implements HandlerInterceptor ...

15. onSave Web Interceptor

Hi , I'm verry new with Spring and Hibernate. I'm using the Lifecycle interface of Hibernate to do this. What I try to do is to save the user who is ...

16. Interceptor to add argument to method

Does anyone know if it is possible to write a interceptor can help adding argument to a method call transparently? e.g. xxxMethod(Arg 1) finally return, it is xxxMethod(Arg 1, Arg 2) ...

17. My Interceptor does not intercept!

My Interceptor does not intercept! Hello, I have the following class: Code: package; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation; public class HistoryInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor { public Object invoke(MethodInvocation methodInvocation) throws Throwable { ...

18. nesting handlers / global interceptors

nesting handlers / global interceptors Hi all! I want to devide my app into several independent parts and each part should define its own handler mapping. The main handler should then ...

19. outofmemory error related to Interceptor postHandle?

outofmemory error related to Interceptor postHandle? Hi, I am running into the outofmemory error after certain clicks on the table header columns to sort the data on a page, which uses ...

20. Interceptor Issue

Interceptor Issue I am having a problem with developing an interceptor that will control access to a specific set of forms. The problem I am having is with the actual redirection ...

21. Method interceptor invokes toString

I am using a method interceptor and before it invokes my method the Pointcut Advisor invokes the toString method on the method's class. Any ideas why this is happening? Thanks in ...

22. Jamon*Interceptor: decoupling monitoring from tracing

Jamon*Interceptor: decoupling monitoring from tracing hi! (JamonPerformanceMonitorInterceptor has already been discussed in another thread here, but I wanted to propose something different Currently, JamonPerformanceMonitorInterceptor only invokes Jamon performance monitoring if the ...

23. Spring interceptors slowing down performance?

Sep 21st, 2005, 07:46 PM #1 spring04 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Nov 2004 Posts 159 Spring interceptors slowing down performance? Hi All, We have ...

24. Interceptor is invoced 2 times for each method

Interceptor is invoced 2 times for each method testAdvisor ...

25. How a browser can mix up an Interceptor?

How a browser can mix up an Interceptor? I have a signonInterceptor set up in my application in the same way as the PetStore sample in the Spring distribution package. Yesterday, ...

26. Removing interceptors from chain?

Removing interceptors from chain? Hi. I have written a set of security interceptors (implementing MethodInterceptor) to protect access to domain services. As I want to protect certain methods with certain roles, ...

27. Regarding interceptor

Regarding interceptor Hi, i m new to spring. i understand the interceptor in the following manner. if i put the interceptor on views(controller). then every time any request to view will ...

28. AnnotationTransactionAspect with Custom Interceptors

AnnotationTransactionAspect with Custom Interceptors Pre-2.0, I was using a custom transaction interceptor and the @Transactional annotation with the following configuration: Code: ...

29. Newbee interceptor not working

Newbee interceptor not working I cannot get the proxy method to get executed. Program execution directly goes to the implementation method. What am I doing wrong? TIA. Here is my setup. ...

30. Interceptor won't fire

Interceptor won't fire Here is what I have. I cannot understand why my interceptor won't work. I have a breakboint in the profilerAround class but and I se it breack on ...

31. interceptors for method call...

interceptors for method call... I setup a pointcut that intercepts the method calls beginning with create as follow... Code: ...

32. My interceptor doesn't work

My interceptor doesn't work Dear all, I want to show an splash window while the my SWT application is loading. I planned to show that splash until the login window is ...

33. Interceptor for performing lazy loads

Interceptor for performing lazy loads I'm using Spring with iBatis. The iBatis layer is performing the OR mapping in the SQL Maps and retrieving the data from the database. When I ...

34. Regarding Interceptors

Regarding Interceptors Hi, When i restart the server, the interceptor on controller did not called, while application is already running in previous session. my all jsp files have following line on ...

35. dependency injection doesn't work on interceptors

Hay! The following doesn't work for me. I get an exception when creating ApplicationContext that there is no 0 arguments constructor for LoadComponentsAdvice. if I add that constructor it doesn't inject ...

36. Interceptor problems

Interceptor problems Hello I have a problem with the interceptors getting called multiple times. It seem that the more interceptors I add the more times the same interceptor gets called. It ...

37. Using an interceptor for HessianProxyFactoryBean?

Using an interceptor for HessianProxyFactoryBean? Hi, is it possible to use an interceptor for the HessianProxyFactoryBean? I'd like to log all methods which are called on the hessian proxy. Therefore I ...

38. Selective interceptor

Selective interceptor hi, I'm trying to use some HandlerInterceptors, and I couldn't find out if they were a way to make them intercept only selected controllers or views. The only way ...

39. Interceptor around DisposableBean.dispose()

Hello I need to do some processing on bean destruction in transaction (actually to perform checkpoint to database), so I need to have transaction interceptor around DisposableBean.dispose(). Actually dispose-method in bean ...

40. When interceptors don't work

Hello, I am new to Spring and I tried finding answer on the forum but didn't get any satisfactory answer. I want to know under what circumstances code won't get intercepted ...

41. Problem in implementing Interceptor

Problem in implementing Interceptor We are using Spring in our application. Our application is divided into multiple tiers. The flow is as follows : calls Calls Struts Action ---------> Service(POJO)------------->worker(POJO) We ...

42. Using interceptors?

I currently have a page split into 3 frames which uses 3 controllers to populate each frame. As two of these frames are essentially static and don't need to be refreshed ...

43. Interceptor not getting invoked (some silly problem)

Interceptor not getting invoked (some silly problem) Hi, I am not sure what's wrong with my configuration file. I have spent quite few hours trying to get this working, but I ...

44. how to add throwAdvice interceptor to transactionProxyBean ?

how to add throwAdvice interceptor to transactionProxyBean ? Say, I have a service class that is proxied by transactionProxyBean. How can I add throwAdvice to proxied class after that w/o actually ...

45. Interceptors and "Overriding" interface methods

Interceptors and "Overriding" interface methods I have defined a services interface common for all my bussiness objects, let's call it BaseBOServices, that is: Code: public interface BaseBOServices { List list(); ...

46. Multiple Interceptors

Can we have multiple interceptors in an Spring application? I have to intercept a "Controller" and a "DAO" call. But when I implemented it seems that only one of the interceptor ...

47. Interceptor not intercepting

Interceptor not intercepting Hi there, I'm just starting out with spring and have so far got on well using multiaction controllers and views. I'm now have some difficulty however with implementing ...

48. How to Create Method Interceptor in Spring

How to Create Method Interceptor in Spring Hi Guys, I was trying to write a method interceptor for logging purposes such as if my java code call a.getB() there could be ...

49. Interceptor urlMappings

I have my bunch of servlets.xml files where I define my controllers and submit classes. Each package has an XML. how do I define my localeChangeInterceptor so it can map to ...

50. urlMapping interceptor

urlMapping interceptor hi, i have problem regarding the urlMapping in my context file. All my controller pass a an interceptor as defined below. But now i wish for example that the ...

51. Flexible interceptor stacks

Flexible interceptor stacks I'm looking for some advice on how best to go about creating a flexible context structure in which I can easily swap in different interceptor stacks at build ...

52. Can not call interceptor

Can not call interceptor I am a newbie in Spring AOP world. We are using spring 1.2.8. I am trying to write an interceptor but it does not get executed. I ...

53. Inherit interceptors from a TransactionFactoryBean parent

Inherit interceptors from a TransactionFactoryBean parent Hi everybody, I got a simple question for you all: I'm working on a persistence framework based on Spring and Hibernate. I've defined a TransactionProxyFactoryBean ...

54. Interceptor's invoke() called without implementsInterface() check?

Interceptor's invoke() called without implementsInterface() check? Hi all, I'm fairly new to all this, so please don't hate me for asking stupid questions I'm trying to implement the Generic DAO pattern ...

55. why is this interceptor firing ?

why is this interceptor firing ? I have the following interceptor advisor as defined below. Code: myDao.query.*

56. ServletForwardingController and interceptors

ServletForwardingController and interceptors I'm trying to map some URLs to a legacy servlet. My first problem is that the forwarding doesn't seem to be working properly. I get 404 errors but ...

57. Problem configuring interceptors

Hi to all, I'm having a problem configuring my interceptors. I'm getting the following error (which doesn't explain a thing): Code: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class must not be null This is the configuration ...

58. Integrating Interceptor!!!!

I want to define a login interceptor...... which wont be a servlet based .. but i have to check that only logged in user are accessing my services. Thanks

59. Problem In Calling Interceptor

Problem In Calling Interceptor Here are my configurations, in one of the service.xml file , I have defined Code: Service ...

60. Invoking renderParameter from an interceptor

Invoking renderParameter from an interceptor Hi I'm using spring portlet web mvc as a framework via a web portal. I am used to work with httpservlet interceptor, in portlet specifications this ...

61. AbstractWizard and Interceptors

AbstractWizard and Interceptors Hi All, I've searched through the forums, consulted various text books and the net but have unable to determine how to set up interceptors for specifc pages in ...

62. Interceptor only catches "handleRequest()"?

Interceptor only catches "handleRequest()"? Hi there, Using Spring in a Web Container (OC4J) I was hoping to intercept calls to various methods on various controllers and apply bespoke security "rules". However ...

63. Client-side hook for interceptors?

Hi, Where I'm offering WebServices, I use PayloadLoggingInterceptor to log all incoming SOAP requests and their responses. Just add the interceptor to the payload mapping, and you're done. Now I'd like ...

64. Bug in FilterSecurity Interceptor?

Bug in FilterSecurity Interceptor? Hi, I have a question wheather this behaviour is a bug or if I have simple a false configuration. I use the FilterSecurityInterceptor to protect urls. I ...

65. Problem using Method Interceptor with PropertiesMethodNameResolver

Problem using Method Interceptor with PropertiesMethodNameResolver Hi I'm trying to use a MethodInterceptor that will do basic logging. However, I'm having problems using the class with my methodNameResolver, as it isn't ...

66. Dynamic Method Interceptors

Dynamic Method Interceptors Hi, I have a situation in which I would like to specify my method interceptors dynamically at runtime. However, the objects I would like to intercept, I did ...

67. Interceptor problem

Code: public class SecurityHandlerInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter { public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) { System.out.println("Inside Intercepter"); if (request.getSession(true).getAttribute("name") == null) { try { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); } catch (IOException e) { ...

68. Testing with interceptors?

Is there a way to unit test Spring services using interceptors? Currently I have implemented an interceptor to do some setup/initialization work that is common for each web service call. When ...

69. Truncated DOMSource in interceptor + Saaj1.3 vs. Saaj1.2

Jan 9th, 2008, 02:21 AM #1 RikGruwez View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Dec 2007 Posts 6 Truncated DOMSource in interceptor + Saaj1.3 vs. Saaj1.2 I ...

70. Exporting and naming interceptors?

Exporting and naming interceptors? I have some AOP interceptors that I'd like to export. For example, performance monitors, concurrency throttles, etc. I'd like to make these available in JMX. Is there ...

71. interceptor executed too many times - why?

interceptor executed too many times - why? Hi, We have a business logic bean 'simpleBean' We need to add an advice 'simpleAdvice' to this bean - so we added a 'simpleAdvice' ...

72. Nothing done with the interceptor

Nothing done with the interceptor hi i try to use spring interceptor applicationContext.xml Code: ...

73. set value to an interceptor

74. Interceptor for method with "output" parameters

75. Interceptor is called twice

Interceptor is called twice Hi all, I have currently a strange behaviour within an existing spring application where we try to integrate spring integration functionality. Here's the situation: In a spring ...

76. Interceptor not invoked inner call

Interceptor not invoked inner call Hello, i have a service which calls a service method inside another service method. for example: Code: public void saveItem(Item i) { ... updateItemRelatives(i); } public ...

77. Problem with handlerMapping and interceptors

Code: public class UserAccessInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(UserAccessInterceptor.class); public void afterCompletion(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler, Exception ex) throws Exception {"***** afterCompletion"); throw new ...

78. Telling an Interceptor what to intercept?

Telling an Interceptor what to intercept? Hopefully this is a simple question, but I can't find the answer out there - I have two Controllers defined, and one Interceptor. I would ...

79. Problems getting interceptor called

80. Interceptor


81. PostProcessor suppressing interceptor?

PostProcessor suppressing interceptor? Hello friend, I have a data access (DAO) class. An implementation of org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor applied to this DAO logs the entry and exit to the methods in the DAO. ...

82. Difference between an Interceptor and a WebServiceMessageCallback

hello all, I'm a beginner using Spring WS. I was wondering why would one use a ClientInterceptor vs. WebServiceMessageCallback to manipulate a message. Thanks. - Will

83. How to configure an interceptor in M6

84. Cannot create an interceptor

Sep 19th, 2008, 10:22 AM #1 ibisek View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2008 Posts 8 Cannot create an interceptor Dear all, I am trying ...

85. Different interceptors for endpointMapping

Different interceptors for endpointMapping Hi All, I need to use different list of interceptors for endpoints. Something like this: name(/*[1])

86. Interceptors support

I'm a brand new SI user, I just compare the xsd and notice the disappearance of interceptors for the router and service-activator tags (and maybe others). example : Code:

87. Real Scenarios for Handler Interceptors

88. Retry logic using Interceptor

Retry logic using Interceptor I am trying to implement a retry logic using MethodInterceptor. Following is the spring configuration: Code: ...

89. Command interceptor

Command interceptor like spring, like spring's style. After have a look of wher svn code, I know that ActionCommand can add interceptors, But, how Can I config it like this?

90. Multiple Interceptor

Multiple Interceptor Hi I am a newbie to spring. The xml file for configuration is ,..... ...

91. XWSS Interceptor works with IBM JVM

XWSS Interceptor works with IBM JVM Hi All, This post is meant for people who are trying to setup basic authentication using XwsSecurityInterceptor on Websphre 6.1. Even though it is mentioned ...

92. cross site scripting and interceptors

Feb 13th, 2009, 07:15 AM #1 logancillo View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Aug 2007 Posts 7 cross site scripting and interceptors hi people, im trying ...

93. Channel Interceptors

Channel Interceptors Is there a clean way to apply interception? I don't think the writing of interceptor beans is the cleanest way to do this for simple cases. In my use ...

94. How to retrieve ConstraintViolationException withouth Spring's interceptor

Spring 2.5.6 + Apache Orchestra + JSF + Hibernate 3.4 If I have unique constraints on columns in the db, currently there is no direct way to catch this in the ...

95. invocation.proceed() calling the interceptor again?

invocation.proceed() calling the interceptor again? I have an interceptor that works... except that it's being called twice Code: .*fetchItemForUser ...

96. Route reply from interceptor

Route reply from interceptor Hi! I have an endpoint interceptor which looks for a header (wsa:ReplyTo) in the request message and is supposed to route the reply to the JMS queue ...

97. Interceptor for marshallingView not working

Interceptor for marshallingView not working Hi, I am trying to intercept for the class which implements marshalling view. But this is not working. Kindly help me on this ...

98. Interceptor per HandlerMapping

Going through the documentation It seems i can have an interceptor for overall handlerMapping .Is there any way i can specify interceptor per handler .I dont want to intercept each and ...

99. How to disable Interceptors in Spring framework

Hello, I am using a HibernateInterceptor for my audit logging solution using spring framework.I have configured the interceptor on my AnnotationSessionFactoryBean. I am trying to find a solution to switch on/off ...

100. Trasaction interceptor

Trasaction interceptor Hi there, when i'm working on web application in the servlet.xml is possible register interceptor in the handlerMapping e.g. Code: ...