Configuration 3 « Core « Spring Q&A

1. Spring configured - @Configurable - build time weaving

Does anyone know of a sample application, or a complete tutorial of how to set this up? I have been looking at it now for 3 days without success... What Im ...

2. Where do you keep your environment-related configuration?

Where do you keep your environment-related configuration? Hi, When developing a JEE web-app which is deployed as a WAR, where do you keep your environment-related configuration (e.g. database URL, various login ...

3. Configurations ...

Configurations ... Hi, i'm new to spring osgi and have a few questions to get into it. i'm trying to find the best way of getting changing configs to an osgi ...

4. Commons Configuration Help

Commons Configuration Help Hi All, I am trying to externalize the properties outside of a war file as this is an absolute necessity for our application. I found a way in ...

5. Configuring bundles from filesystem

Configuring bundles from filesystem I'd like to be able to configure some bundles using config files on the filesystem. Is it possible to have a bundle reference the filesystem in its ...

6. @Configurable not working

@Configurable not working Hello to all. I've the following problem. I've a ConfigurableRowMapper class that I want to make @Configurable. I marked it with the annotation and I put a protected ...

7. @Configurable question

@Configurable question Hi there! I need to inject a few dependencies into my data model object (hibernate entities) and I want to use ltw. So my dm class looks like this: ...

8. Namespaces in programmatic configuration

Hi all, I've been looking at the Grails BeanBuilder class (grails.spring.BeanBuilder), and I think it was written before Spring 2.0, so there doesn't appear to be any namespace support for it. ...

9. convention over configuration

10. Spring 3.0M1 EL configuration

Spring 3.0M1 EL configuration Hello, Is there any examples yet of the Spring 3.0 EL configuration? I have seen the same slides from Jurgen's talk at SpringOne, but is there an ...

11. Spring test project configuration

Why does it have to be a separate project? It is a good practice to have the test cases in the same project... A solution (which works from within eclipse) put ...

12. How to enable SwitchUserProcessingFilter with namespace configuration?

As far as I know the SwitchUserProcessingFilter is not covered in the security namespace. I read but cannot figure out how to translate this to the new namespace style configuration. ...

13. Convention over configuration

Convention over configuration I am designing the dao/service layer plus remoting layer of our app; trying to adhere to the DRY principle by using convention over configuration. I can already automatically ...

14. How to override the default afterInvocationManager in a namespace configuration ?

Code: public class CompoundAfterInvocationProvider implements AfterInvocationProvider { private List providers; @Override public Object decide(Authentication auth, Object securedObject, ConfigAttributeDefinition config, Object res) throws AccessDeniedException { Object modifiedRes = res; for (AfterInvocationProvider provider ...

15. @Configurable and Spring Agent 2.5.5

Hi I recently upgraded the spring-agent from 2.5.4 to 2.5.5 and when trying to run my code I get the following exception: Code: Error occurred during initialization of VM agent library ...

16. Overriding configuration in command line

I use the following configuration to read some properties from several files properties files: Code: It works ok, but I'd like to override those properties if they are ...

17. Spring OSWorkflow configuration.

I can run the sample application given in Spring Module project for OSWorkflow. It uses by default memory persistance.Can anyone have source code as how to integrate the same with Hibernate ...

18. Load-Time Weaving and @Configurable Sometimes Seems Flaky

Hello out there, I'm new to this forum so say hello to everyone. I need this initial post because I want to give code snippets containing the at character for annotations, ...

19. Run-as configuration via namespace?

Run-as configuration via namespace? I've been searching the forum and google and haven't found an answer for how to configure Run-As Authentication Replacement with the namespace configuration or if it's possible. ...

20. Getting @Configurable to work

Getting @Configurable to work I tried using the @Configurable annotation in the Spring petclinic example, but it's not working for me. In application-context-jdbc.xml, I added these lines: ...

21. Help configuring MethodSecurityInterceptor

Help configuring MethodSecurityInterceptor Dear all, I'm configuring MethodSecurityInterceptor the old way instead of using namespace configurations. I have configured the MethodSecurityInterceptor but have a doubt whether it will be notified automatically ...

22. How about a simplified syntax (implicit channel configuration)

How about a simplified syntax (implicit channel configuration) Hi there, when looking at the XML syntax of Spring Integration, I wonder if there couldn't be more conventions used to simplify pipeline ...

23. Which part of configuration related with "preInstantiateSingletons:398'

... Caused by: org.apache.tiles.TilesException: No bean named '<...>' is defined ... Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named '<...> is defined ...

24. How to troubleshoot @Configurable

How to troubleshoot @Configurable I've read documentation "6.8.1. Using AspectJ to dependency inject domain objects with Spring" I've marked my domain classes with @Configurable(dependencyCheck = true), added @Resource annotations to the ...

25. @Configurable is to complex

Hi together, I just searched for a solution for Dependency Injection in non managed Objects (created by the new operator). This has two reasons: I don't want to overuse DI You ...

26. configurable vs component

configurable vs component When using aspectj, why use @Component over @Configurable. I've got spring and aspectj setup for @Transactional support, aspects on self-invocation, and injection into JPA entities. This works great. ...

27. how to set trustResolver in configuration

how to set trustResolver in configuration I have users ROLE_CHECKOUT, ROLE_USER in my web application. ROLE_CHECKOUT can visit page pageNormal. To access pageAccount need be ROLE_USER. After logged in as ROLE_CHECKOUT, ...

28. MethodSecurityInterceptor Configuration?

Hi, Does anyone know how to configure the objectDefinitionSource reference on a MethodSecurityInterceptor? I'm assuming that there is a way to obtain an instance that has the security attributes based on ...

29. Loggers that use getClass causing confusion and configuration problem

Loggers that use getClass causing confusion and configuration problem I have a class, call it MyController, that extends the spring MultiActionController class. MultiActionController through a long hierarchy extends ApplicationObjectSupport which defines ...

30. OCI driver configuration?

OCI driver configuration? All I am wondering how to configure the Oracle OCI driver. Our goal is to eliminate the need to specify url, username, password in our config files -- ...

31. WSDLException: faultCode=CONFIGURATION_ERROR:

Jul 2nd, 2009, 10:34 AM #1 sateeshkk View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2009 Posts 1 WSDLException: faultCode=CONFIGURATION_ERROR: Hi, I am getting the following Exception(with ...

32. Configuration of singletons

Configuration of singletons Hello, We are using spring dm with very good results. It is a great product. However, we notice that the approach of configuring a singleton bean is not ...

33. Configuration Issues

Configuration Issues Hi everyone, I am new to Spring Frameworks and am using eclipse IDE to run it. I tried a simple program....which seems to be giving some runtime exceptions when ...

34. Best practice for configuration

Best practice for configuration Dear all, I'm wondering about the best way to configure jobs + other spring beans (datasource, etc.) in integration environment (that is, not in unit testing). 1) ...

35. Spring Modules Configuration

Spring Modules Configuration I am currently working on a web application (based on spring MVC). It has 3 modules - service module (does the data access), controller module (contains controller, web ...

36. Configurable Injection fails within test suite

Configurable Injection fails within test suite Hi I've posted an issue on Jira related to failure of injection into Configurable classes when tests are run as a suite. I've had no ...

37. Backoff policy configuration with namespace?

Hello, I have been using Batch 1.1.4.RELEASE and looking into upgrading to 2.0.3.RELEASE. I got all excited about the new batch namespace, however, there doesn't seem to be a way to ...

38. Configuring 2 dispatchers

Hi, Is it possible to configure two instances of spring request dispatcher in one app. For example in web.xml I want to rout all requests coming from "/old/*" to springServlet1 and ...

39. Configuration explain

Configuration explain Hello. Background We are at the moment looking at a resource leakeage in a backendsystem using Spring/Hibernate. The leak was discovered doing performance tests over long periods and has ...

40. TilesConfigurer spring configuration formatting

Seems to be a bug with BaseLocaleUrlDefinitionDAO used by TilesConfigurer when using auto code formatting in eclipse. The following code has tab / new line characters that are not stripped off ...

41. LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint redirectStrategy is not configurable

LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint redirectStrategy is not configurable Is the intention of LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint redirectStrategy being private with no accessor/mutator that you need to inherit from this class to adjust the strategy? From Note ...

42. Configuring custom PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider

Configuring custom PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider I am new to spring security. I want to integrate auto login to the application when request parameter has user. I tried following implementing AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter and AuthenticationUserDetailsService and ...

43. Missing feature in namespace configuration

Missing feature in namespace configuration Hi Lads, I want to use taskExecutor for each tasklet. Unfortunatelly step operations are secured and I need to authenticate user before each iterate (each thread ...

44. Configuration

When I start to do the test of my application appears on the console some warnings: No properties path set - looking for in classpath... not found - looking ...

45. ajc and @Configurable

46. Pro&Con of the three spring configurations

Pro&Con of the three spring configurations I have been working with spring framework for many many years. However I have been used exclusively xml based configurations (i.e. spring-webapp.xml..etc). I have found ...

47. default value to be overriden by application configuration

default value to be overriden by application configuration I am trying to achieve the following use case: * Each configuration for a module is located in a default location (e.g. META-INF/foo/project-core-beans.xml) ...

48. Reloading configuration n times at runtime?

Hy, using Spring 2.5 i have definitions of beans including properties. I want to run business logic n times for n customers with different properties (but same bean definitions and ids). ...

49. Problem with in configuration editor

Problem with in configuration editor I have a context configuration file like this ------------------ ...

50. @Configuration

Hi I wonder what's the difference between @Configuration/@Bean and @Component. In my Project, I also use @Component then, using @Resource to inject the object into other java object. Do I need ...

51. How to use a custom Configuration format?

How to use a custom Configuration format? hi, I'm busy adding spring to an existing project. This became necessary, cause we need dependency injection by now. It wasn't necessary before. The ...

52. possible configuration issue with several persistence units

possible configuration issue with several persistence units Hi All, I'm working on a project and we have 2 issues a) We can't use more than one configuration elements. We have ...

53. JCaptcha configuration

Hello, I have integrated JCaptcha with my Spring application. I really want to configure JCaptcha in one place but dont know how. I would like to control the space between the ...

54. Unsupported configuration attributes: [isAuthenticated()] - but EL enabled

Unsupported configuration attributes: [isAuthenticated()] - but EL enabled Hi. I've got this bean definition: Code: ...

55. Repetition of Configuration loading

Repetition of Configuration loading hi, when I run my test cases, I found a long episode of the following in my logs later: Code: INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class ...

56. @Autowired in @Configuration returning Null

@Autowired in @Configuration returning Null I have a @Configuration that randomly stopped wiring one of its' @Autowired fields. I don't get any exception until the only @Bean in the @Configuration tries ...

57. Creating your own Schema-based configuration

Hello guys. Is it possible to create your own Schema-based configuration? Is there documentation about hits somewhere? Basically I have a utility that I use in almost all my spring apps ...

58. Serialization problems with Spring injected dependencies using @Configurable

Serialization problems with Spring injected dependencies using @Configurable I am using Wicket 1.4.2, Spring 2.5.6 and Tomcat 6.0. I am trying to get Spring @Configurable annotation to work with load-time-weaving (LTW) ...

59. Configuring extender timeout via fragment

Configuring extender timeout via fragment Hi, I have some problems configuring dependencies.wait.time by adding a fragment to the spring osgi extender as described in chapter 6.2 of the the reference documentation. ...

60. @Configurable usage during compile time weaving

@Configurable usage during compile time weaving Hello everyone, I am new to AspectJ with Spring and I am reading the chapter of ---> 6.8.1. Using AspectJ to dependency inject domain ...

61. TransactionalConfiguration test with @Configurations not Rolling Back

TransactionalConfiguration test with @Configurations not Rolling Back Hi, I had some issues wiring up a test the other day, had to do some calls on an implementing class while dealing with ...

62. SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor configuration

Apr 20th, 2010, 01:42 AM #1 janapati.siva View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2010 Posts 14 SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor configuration Hi, When i configured the SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor for ...

63. Bug in @Configuration based Circular dependency check

Bug in @Configuration based Circular dependency check Hi, I tried to submit a JIRA but I couldn't find the "create new account" button anywhere. I have a circular dependency that is ...

64. Spring DM and @Configuration

Spring DM and @Configuration I've got an "interesting" problem using shared @Configuration classes - this is a bit complicated, so bear with me! FWIW, we're using Spring DM 2.0.0.M1, and I've ...

65. Spring Explorer support for @Configurable?

Spring Explorer support for @Configurable? I have to use @Configurable all over the place, and mostly, each one of them @Autowires its dependencies. I guess I expected that these would show ...

66. Configuration Error?

May 20th, 2010, 09:15 AM #1 picosam View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2009 Posts 17 Configuration Error? Hello, I have configured my web application ...

67. Problem with retry logic configuration

Problem with retry logic configuration Hi, I configured a job with retry logic. java.lang.Exception But ...

68. Digest auth configuration

Digest auth configuration I am trying to implement digest authentication for my web service. I got the following configuration out of the spring doc and other tutorials: Code: ...

69. Issue configuring the grid-size

Issue configuring the grid-size I am using the Spring Admin spring-batch-admin-sample-1.0.0.M2.war. It uses 2.1.0.M4 version of batch core and batch infrastructure jars. I am uploading a jobs file which has jobs ...

70. Run-As configuration

Run-As configuration Hi Folks! I'm migrating from 2.0.5 to 3.0.2. Encouraged by the documentation, I'm trying to switch my old beans-style configuration to the new namespace-approach. But I'm not able, to ...

71. Configuring new Custom Formatters

Hello, I try to install a new Formatter wich format Boolean with i18n. I've already install a custom Converter with the conversionService but I've red that Formatter is more suitable: Code: ...

72. Java based configuration turning into a nightmare!

Aug 22nd, 2010, 12:32 AM #1 asarkar View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Aug 2010 Posts 23 Java based configuration turning into a nightmare! I am ...

73. Configuring activator with channels within chain

Configuring activator with channels within chain Can someone help me explaining why this doesn't work: Code: ...

74. Configuring ProviderManager's exceptionMappings via namespace?

[Solved] Configuring ProviderManager's exceptionMappings via namespace? Hi all, Pretty straightforward question here. I note that as per SEC-438 one can now easily configure custom exception mappings on the ProviderManager. However, the ...

75. PersistenceContext not injected with @Configurable

PersistenceContext not injected with @Configurable Hi all, I have developed a common library that contains domain objects that are reused in multiple applications. To inject the PersistenceContext I used the @Configurable ...

76. What is wrong with my SS configuration?

What is wrong with my SS configuration? I need to implement a role based customized target pages. The implementation shall be straight forward. I have the default-target-url defined in the login-form ...

77. Namespace configuration problem

Namespace configuration problem Hello! I got problem adding SI 1.0.4 support to my application. Somewhere in config file I got abstract bean's and it's implementator's definitions: Code: ...

78. @Configurable problem and solution

@Configurable problem and solution Hi, as I spent almost 2 days on this and finally found a solution, I would like to share it... The problem I have a distributed application ...

79. factory pid in configuration artifacts

Hi all. How do I specify a factory pid for configuration artifact in my plan file? I have and and I want to publish them to ConfigurationAdmin service with ...

80. Configuration of keystore

Configuration of keystore I am migrating my Mule project into Spring Integration 2.0.0.RELEASE. In Mule there is simple keystore configuration for imaps. Code:

81. @Configurable and @Autowired

@Configurable and @Autowired I have two questions, answer(s) will be appreciated - 1) I was looking into this blog new-improvements-in-domain-object-dependnecy-injection-feature/. It says if a domain object is annotated with @Configurable, then ...

82. configuring Spring

configuring Spring Where in the documentation is this topic discussed? I am using Tapestry for my presentation so I would have to integrate Spring with it as well as Hibernate and ...

83. Where to place global configuration settings?

Where to place global configuration settings? Hi. I'm using Turbine as my legacy web layer, and Spring as service layer framework fetching ApplicationContext using WebApplicationContextUtils class. Anyway, I'm pretty happy with ...