CommandClass « Core « Spring Q&A

1. some questions about CommandClass

2. I need to keep the values of my commandClass

I need to keep the values of my commandClass hi 4 u all, I'm dealing with a big problem... I have a simpleFormController, and it receives a command, then through the ...

3. is multi commandClass possible?

how i bind two domain objects in one form submit?

Domain Object 1: Domain Object 2:
how can i populate ...

4. defalut values for commandclass

hello all, i want set the default values for my commandclass via bean configuration i.e. -servelet.xml. plz post sample code. regards sharath

5. mutliactioncontroller and commandclass

what could be the possible requirements regarding configuration if i use multiaction controller with commandclass i know methodNameResolver.... is there any extra property need to set that is not required in ...

6. Commandclass

7. commandClass and commandName

Can anyone explain me what is the difference between commandClass and commandName. priceIncrease bus.PriceIncrease

8. commandClass and innner classes

Hello Would it make sense to write a commandClass as an inner class of a class that extends SimpleFormController? How would I go about configuring the XML around it? Basically, I'd ...

9. Cannot create command without commandClass being set - either set commandClass or (i

Cannot create command without commandClass being set - either set commandClass or (i Hi All, plz help me , while iam getting this error using ajax, when a call to ajax ...