variable « Binding « Spring Q&A

1. Using bind variables in Spring

Using bind variables in Spring I'm doing some testing that involves database access using spring framework. I understand that I can create a query using a single bind variable using the ...

2. onclick event and spring bind variables

onclick event and spring bind variables Is there a way to have an on click event fire within a spring bind variable. My problem is I want to format a phone ...

3. err:Found 2 candidate variable names but only one candidate binding slot when ...

full error: "Found 2 candidate variable names but only one candidate binding slot when matching primitive args" code: Code: @AfterReturning("execution(somefunction(long, MyType[])) && " + "args(number, instanceOfMyType)") public void auctionFeedbacked(long number, MyType ...

4. binding nested list variable.

I am not able to bind the nested list variable . i have written the following code:

5. Content Negotiation (3.0 M2) extension not stripped before path variable binding

Content Negotiation (3.0 M2) extension not stripped before path variable binding Hi all, I have another problem. I am using the new PathVariable support in addition to the above. So, say ...

6. Empty value for Late binding variable

Empty value for Late binding variable Hi , I tried to get dynamic file name with late binding variables for a specific step. I am getting empty value ref binding variable. ...

7. Querying object from persistence layer before binding FBO & optional path variable?

Querying object from persistence layer before binding FBO & optional path variable? Hi, Default behaviour of Roo-generated controllers is to instantiate a new command object prior to binding. I want ...

8. Named Bind Variables

Named Bind Variables I'm going to post an issue in JIRA, but it appears down. Thought I'd post here to get some feelers. When I first started using the SqlQuery objects, ...