table « Binding « Spring Q&A

1. How does a basic table binding work?

How does a basic table binding work? I'm trying to get a handle on how the RCP binding works. Let's say I have a JTable, which I've created like this: Code: ...

2. Automatic binding of table renderers

Automatic binding of table renderers My class Person has - Date date - PersonType type (= tiger-enum) When I show a glazedlists of persons, it formats my date wrong and doesn't ...

3. binding controls as table cell editors

binding controls as table cell editors Hi, I'm am trying to use binding controls as cell editor in a table in which rows are DefaultFormModel instances as follows: Code: public JComponent ...

4. how to bind a table of items in to a list attribute

how to bind a table of items in JSP form to a List attribute I have an object with a List type attribute called parts and a few primitive ones. In ...