field « Binding « Spring Q&A

1. Binding a field with spring:bind ist not catching an error when field is null

spring doesn't catch an error, that is created after validation, to a specific field when the one is null. After debugging and modifying the object to a not nullable value (after ...

2. Binding Numeric ID Field

Binding Numeric ID Field I'm getting a bind error on my SimpleFormController. It's occuring on my property "id" which is a Long in my domain object. I'm getting this error upon ...

3. Help binding field to Date object

Help binding field to Date object I'm used spring roo to create my project. In it I have created this form backing object Code: package edu.unlv.cs.rebelhotel.form; @RooJavaBean @RooToString public class FormWorkEffortQuery ...

4. Binding a field with spring:bind ist not catching an error when field is null

spring doesn't catch an error, that is created after validation, to a specific field when the one is null. After debugging and modifying the object to a not nullable value (after ...

5. Binding the "submit" field

Binding the "submit" field I have a simple form with two buttons that submit the form. (using ) Although the form handling should be the same regardless, I ...

6. Pre binding fields on a command object

Pre binding fields on a command object I'm using a SimpleFormController. I use the same form to edit or create a new hibernate command object that's saved to the database afterwards. ...

7. Binding multivalue fields to a command object

Binding multivalue fields to a command object I've searched the form and haven't found an answer to this question. Let's say that a SimpleFormController receives a POST that looks like this: ...

8. Binding to existing fields

(Utterly newbie question) I want to bind my domain object (pojo, hibernate) to an existing form built using JFormDesigner. I would basically want to to something like bind("myTextField", "myPojo.field"); Can this ...

9. disabled fields and spring:bind

disabled fields and spring:bind I am able to bind bean variables to my html problem comes when they are being submitted. Some bean variables are initialized with 0 and they are ...

10. Comma in field after binding

Comma in field after binding If I have multiple request parameters using the same name binding them to a string property results in a CSV string.... i.e: // setup mock request ...

11. Binding Composite Date Fields

I have a form with 3 select boxes (day, month & year). I need to bind these fields to a single Date field in my command object. What is the best ...

12. binding float field with grouping

I'd like to allow for the use of ',' in a float field. So, I have the following code in the initBinder() method ... Code: NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); nf.setGroupingUsed(true); binder.registerCustomEditor(Float.class, ...

13. spring:bind readonly field doesn't work??

spring:bind readonly field doesn't work?? Hi, I have a simple myObject and a field errorDesc for the object the field is changed when a user trigger a javascript function call, but ...

14. Spring binding BigDecimal fields.

Spring binding BigDecimal fields. My command object has a BigDecimal property 'unitAmount'. The user can change the field by clicking a dropdown ( with all possible values). Once the user selects ...

15. Error on binding an int field

I get the following error when submitting my form. Code: Failed to convert property value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [int] for property 'alerts[0].alertHour'; nested exception is java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input ...

16. weird inconsistency in binding hidden fields

I am not able to find the reason for following behavior, can someone shed some light? Some hidden fields work fine like following. Code:

17. conditional field binding

Hi, Annotated @InitBinder method lets me disallow some fields before binding and validation. Is there any way to force binding field A inside annotated @InitBinder method and based on this value ...