empty « Binding « Spring Q&A

1. Binding to an empty list    forum.springsource.org

Binding to an empty list I have a command object that contains a list that may be empty. In fact it is always empty when the object is created, not null ...

2. spring:bind error when converting empty input field to Long    forum.springsource.org

I am using a SimpleFormController with Spring:bind tag on my jsp and a validator object. I have a simple Long property which maps to a simple input field, it validates numbers ...

3. Problem binding empty string to primitive int in command object    forum.springsource.org

Problem binding empty string to primitive int in command object I have a form input which can be submitted with an empty value. This value binds to an int property of ...

4. select option empty string bind behavior differently in spring2.0rc3 than spring1.2    forum.springsource.org

select option empty string bind behavior differently in spring2.0rc3 than spring1.2 hello, I need some help from Spring users/developers with the problem I am seeing after upgrading to spring 2.0rc3 from ...

5. Ignoring binding error from empty space while converting string to long    forum.springsource.org

I have a long id in my object. If the form value for id is empty string I would like to either ignore the binding error or convert it to 0. ...

6. Bind: Convert empty String to NULL    forum.springsource.org

Hi folks, can anybody tell me the best solution to convert an empty String that an user entered in a textfield to a null value. Background is that the object I ...

7. Bind empty string to Null in Spring 3    forum.springsource.org