Select « Binding « Spring Q&A

1. Binding the value of a selected item from a drop down list

Hi, How could I bind the value of the selected item from a drop down list? Would u plz, add the for this example.

2. binding a select

From samples/jpetstore/war/WEB-INF/jsp/spring/IncludeAccoutnFields.jsp Code:

3. bind problems: list, select

bind problems: list, select Hi, I am having difficulty getting spring:bind to work on a list. My object graph is a little complicated, but if I can get this to work, ...

4. Obtaining selectedIndex from a SELECT bind

Obtaining selectedIndex from a SELECT bind Given the below example, how do I determine which

6. spring:bind on a multi-select list

spring:bind on a multi-select list I have a wizard form controller and on one of the pages, it uses the following tags to select a single item off the list and ...

7. Problem binding the value of a single Select list to Command object

Problem binding the value of a single Select list to Command object Hi everybody I a newbie to Spring and having the following problem binding a Select List(Single Select) value to ...

8.  to a List with a multi-select control

to a List with a multi-select control I am trying to bind my domain objects list member variable using the tag. So for example my domain object: public class ...

9. Problem binding different object resulted from dropdown selection

Problem binding different object resulted from dropdown selection Hi everyone, I have 2 dropdown and some input field on a page. The input fields are binded to the object selected from ...


Bind 'SELECT MULTIPLE' Hello, I'm trying to bind my 'command' properties ,my problem is how to bind "MULTIPLE SELECT" using an array-list: - during session simple property (eg. string , numeric ...

11. select drop dowm spring:bind / transform

select drop dowm spring:bind / transform I have simpleForm jsp which is used for both ADD/EDIT. IT has combox box with 3 user roles: admin, user, guest. I have included referenceData() ...

12. Manipulate multiple-select and bind

13. Select Binder

Select Binder Hello The problem: 1. load the UserCreator page 2. RoleBinder Method "setAsText(String text)" is executed with all Role values 3. submit with a not valid Password. All other fields ...

14. Bind many values to select.option value="?"

15. How do you bind to a Select List w/Multiple true

I am new Spring MVC. The data binding gets a little messy when you define a multi-select listbox. What is the best data bindnig option (Formatter, Converter or CustomCollectionEditor)? Has anyone ...

16. Multiple select value and spring:bind

My question is very simple : how can i use a select with multiple value and spring:bind ? In fact i have a list of users, every user has N role, ...

17. Binding DataGrid Selection to Command Object

Binding DataGrid Selection to Command Object Hi everyone, I am new to Spring. Please bare me and if the following question is silly one. In my project, i am planning to ...