wire « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. How can I wire a Class Type property    forum.springsource.org

It is a simple problem that when there is a type Class property(not an instance) in my class, but I don't know how to write in ApplicationContext.xml for this class to ...

2. noob: How to wire property with underlying Vector    forum.springsource.org

Pretty new to this... Using XML bean configuration and wiring a property that expect a Vector input. I have tried the list, but it seems the default implementation class is ArrayList. ...

3. Programmatically wire beans    forum.springsource.org

Is it possible to wire the bean factory instance to a bean, so that the bean can later use the bean factory to programmatically register other beans? I am thinking of ...

4. Wire a property of a bean into another property    forum.springsource.org

Is it possible to wire a property of a bean into another property? See the following code: Code: AService aService = new AServiceImpl(); BService bService = new BServiceImpl(aService.getCObject()); Would this be ...

5. [wire field beans]    forum.springsource.org

[wire field beans] Hello guys, I've been looking for a way to wire Objects that do not contains Java Bean setters/getters. Looks like the BeanWrapper interface could kind resolve that but ...

6. How to wire a property with a prefix?    forum.springsource.org

How to wire a property with a prefix? I am new to the Spring Framework and have a question for the setter based DI: how to wire a property with a ...