webflow « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Accessing a bean with a dot(.) in its ID    stackoverflow.com

In a flow definition, I am trying to access a bean that has a dot in its ID (example: <evaluate expression="bus.MyServiceFacade.someAction()" /> However, it does not work. SWF tries to find a bean ...

2. c:foreach using List: Must evaluate to a Collection, Map, Array, or null    stackoverflow.com

So I'm trying to loop over a List<MyClass> for display in the view of my spring webflow application. However I get the error Must evaluate to a Collection, Map, Array, ...

3. When using Spring Web Flow 1, how do I add an object to a list in a bean?    stackoverflow.com

I have a a web flow where I need to capture data on one of the screens. This data is stored in an object which will be held in a list in ...

4. Cannot get bean from flowScope    stackoverflow.com

I have a problem with my bean saved in flowScope, it doesn't recognize it-i receive null in my service class function, what could be the problem? And I ask this because with ...

5. Can Spring Webflow define beans within flow.xml definitions?    stackoverflow.com

I'm defining a lot of flows and each of my flows has a lot of actions within its states. The namespace seems to be getting fairly crowded now, so I'm wondering if ...

6. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when Moving Spring libraries from WEB-INF/lib to server/default/lib on JBoss AS 6    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to speedup my build process by moving Spring libraries from WEB-INF/lib to server/default/lib, but unfortunately i get this exception:

Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of ...

7. 404 when adding beans in the applicationContext xml file    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to learn Spring, Hibernate and Webflow. Why is it that when I add beans to my applicationContext i get a 404 when I run the project. Here's my context config:

<?xml version="1.0" ...

8. Eclipse: Autocompletion for Spring beans in Spring WebFlow?    stackoverflow.com

I am using Spring Web Flow 1.0 and Spring 2.0 (beans are defined in XMLs). In eclipse (Indigo 3.7), I'd like to enable autocompletion for my beans when writing web flows. I ...

9. spring webflow: handling flowscoped list property elment removal    stackoverflow.com

I am using Spring webflow 2.3 along with spring 3.0.5 to build wizzard style application. On one of the steps user is supposed to fill-in some information on cars he/she owns. After ...

10. WebFlow action bean needs AOP    forum.springsource.org

WebFlow action bean needs AOP In my Project i use Spring WebFlow. I have a bean defined in one of my flow.xml files Code: ...

11. Bean Validation Framework and Spring Web Flow    forum.springsource.org