tag « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. How to inject spring beans into a jsp 2.0 SimpleTag?    stackoverflow.com

Currently my jsp 2.0 tags that need spring beans use this code:

ac = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext( servletContext);
The I just get the first matching bean. This code works fine, but has the undesired drawback that ...

2. is there an elegant way to inject a spring managed bean into a java custom/simple tag    stackoverflow.com

I have a bunch of java custom tags that use spring managed beans.. since i cant find a way to inject into a custom tag, i created a helper class that ...

3. Spring tags/form bind collection in collection    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible do somethng like this:

<form:input ath="xx.yy['${aa.index}'].items['${bb.index}'].unitValue"/> 

4. Declaring a Date object within the prop tag in application context    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to do the following:

<bean id="someBean" class="path.to.some.class">
  <property name="config">
    <prop key="startDate"> a java.sql Date object </prop>
How can I instantiate a Date object within ...

5. How to programmatically resolve property placeholder in Spring    stackoverflow.com

I currently work on a web application based on Spring 3.1.0.M1, annotations based, and I have a problem with resolving property placeholders in one specific place of my application. Here is the ...

6. Referencing another bean without using XML's ref tag    stackoverflow.com

I need to access a bean from another bean in Spring. The obvious solution to this, that I know of, is to use the ref tag in the spring config file. ...

7. multiple tags not picking up all bean ref's    forum.springsource.org

file location a file location b

8. multiple tags not picking up all bean ref's    forum.springsource.org

multiple tags not picking up all bean ref's There appears to be an issue when reading in multiple .cfg files and exposing them using Code: in Karaf using SpringDM. ...

9. How to bind set properties with spring form tag    forum.springsource.org

How to bind set properties with spring form tag I have a bean Code: @Entity @Table(name="app_user") public class AppUser extends BaseEntity{ @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) @Column(name="user_id") private Long userId; @Column(name="user_name",unique=true,nullable=false,length=20) private String userName; ...

10. new xml tags etc - Im confused    forum.springsource.org

new xml tags etc - Im confused Hi , I generated a Spring MVC web app from STS. I see that the xml files use a whole bunch of ...

11. Populating a Java Bean without using Spring tags    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I am trying to populate a Java Bean in a Controller without using any spring tags in the view layer. Could someone please help me? Regards, Bipul Sinha

12. Is it possible to read 'items' in 'options' tag from property file?    forum.springsource.org

Is it possible to read 'items' in 'options' tag from property file? I want to get messages from property file to items in . For example it is a ...

13. collection binding problem using select tags in freemarker    forum.springsource.org

collection binding problem using select tags in freemarker I'm having a strange problem binding items of a collection. Here is how I'm set up. My backing object et. al. Code: public ...

14. Importing a single bean definition using the import tag    forum.springsource.org

As a comment to the original post related to the import tag, I would add that I find the import tag quite useful especially for the fact that it allows the ...

15. "Tagging" beans in XML to get specific bean by class and tag    forum.springsource.org

"Tagging" beans in XML to get specific bean by class and tag Hello, I have big XML config made from several files. I need to get bean implementing specific interface. But ...

16. spring:bind tag with virtual javabean properties    forum.springsource.org

spring:bind tag with virtual javabean properties Hi I have a weird problem - I have a bean with a 'firstName' property backed by a String field. However, since I want to ...

17. Include tag in XML bean definition    forum.springsource.org

Include tag in XML bean definition Greetings, The application I'm currently working on is growing in complexity and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to maintain the XML. Unfortunately I've kind of ...

18. JSP custom UI tags loading beans from spring context    forum.springsource.org

I'm currently arguing about a solution where we should write a custom tag library, which consists of tags that access Spring application context using the request, load some bean based on ...

19. Spring2 select tag - Failed to convert property value of type [java.lang.String]    forum.springsource.org

Spring2 select tag - Failed to convert property value of type [java.lang.String] Hi I'm using the new Spring form taglib to display a drop-down selection of months. The select tag is ...

20. indexed property in new form tags    forum.springsource.org

How I get indexed values (from an array or some such) into a element? I can't use the body nor can I use a value attribute of this tag. Any ...

21. Form checkbox tags and collections    forum.springsource.org

Hi All, I am trying to use the new tag. I have a collection that I want to iterate over and for each object I want to display a checkbox. ...

22. newb authz tag question - accessing complex properties    forum.springsource.org

newb authz tag question - accessing complex properties Using acegi-security-1.0, Spring-2.0RC3 I am trying to stick to using the authz taglib in my jsp (no scriplets) that displays the user's details ...

23. JSTL conditional tag on command bean    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I am setting a form bean as a command. How can I evaluate the bean using JSTL Code: ...

24. Collections in Property-Tag    forum.springsource.org

Hi, The following code-snippet shows a simple property which is implemented as Map. The only problem is that the class which would be used during instantiation the bean is java.util.LinkedHashMap and ...

25. import tags processed before bean tags?    forum.springsource.org

import tags processed before bean tags? In my beans.xml file, I provide an instance of a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer bean so that I can use ${properties} in my beans.xml file. Today I am ...

26. meta tag in bean definition    forum.springsource.org

Code: Maybe I'm missing something completely obvious - how do you extract the keys and info from the meta tags? The ...

27. how to use within tag for collections    forum.springsource.org

how to use within tag for collections hello I would like to use a List of items on a form where a user can type data in. Now the ...

28. Tags to ignore null properties    forum.springsource.org

Tags to ignore null properties Is it possible to get jstl and spring form tags to ignore nested null properties and not throw an exception ? I ask because I have ...

29. Using the
tags in binding JSP to bean; how to test value?    forum.springsource.org

I have a field which is by default -1 as an int. I don't want the value -1 to display in my JSP page form though. Code: Enter Number:

30. Form tag question involving Nested Property which is a Collection!!!    forum.springsource.org

A simplified version of a problem I am trying to solve:- E.g:- Domain Classes Class User { Set Role roles } Class Role{ String name; } Command Class Class UserForm{ User ...

32. How to use place holder variables populated from a property file in tag?    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I have loaded place holders from a .properties file using both the options below: (a) Code: classpath:dev/abc.properties (b) Code:

33. form:checkbox tag, binding a Collection of a custom type    forum.springsource.org

form:checkbox tag, binding a Collection of a custom type Greetings, I have a command object (ProductCO) that has a property of custom type, my ProductCategory class. Code: public class ProductCO { ...

34. form tag with boolean properties    forum.springsource.org

form tag with boolean properties I am having problems with the spring form tag. I have a command object for which I have no access to the original source (it is ...

35. form:options tag cause error : Bean property is not readable or has an invalid getter    forum.springsource.org

form:options tag cause error : Bean property is not readable or has an invalid getter I want to use the form:options provided by Spring to provide choices. My JSP implemented with ...

36. Form Tags and Submitting Indexed Properties    forum.springsource.org

Form Tags and Submitting Indexed Properties I have the following form tag in my jsp: Code: Displaying the form works fine, here is the ...

37. Problem with beans tag    forum.springsource.org

Dear All, I am a new bee in spring. I am trying to use annotations. I have installed all the jar required. I am getting error in xml. Here is the ...

38. Unable to load tag handler class "org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.For mTag "    forum.springsource.org

Oct 1st, 2010, 08:10 AM #1 easyrider View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2010 Posts 2 Unable to load tag handler class "org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.For mTag " ...

39. Inject spring bean to JSP tag    forum.springsource.org

Inject spring bean to JSP tag Hi All, I'm under the pressure injecting spring beans to JSP tags, after surfing the internet, i figured out the AOP way(Use @Configurable etc.) might ...

40. problem in struts 2 tag in jsp calling spring bean    struts.1045723.n5.nabble.com