static « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Configure static properties with spring.NET

What are best practices to configure following class with spring.NET?

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Edu3.DTOModel;

namespace Edu3.Data.SubsonicProvider.RepositoryFramework
    public static class RepositoryFactory

2. Injecting values for static constants in Spring

In one of my classes there is a public static String member and I need set this value in the applicationContext.xml! That is, is it possible for us to inject ...

3. Spring - using static final fields (constants) for bean initialization

is it possible to define a bean with the use of static final fields of CoreProtocolPNames class like this:

<bean id="httpParamBean" class="org.apache.http.params.HttpProtocolParamBean">
     <constructor-arg ref="httpParams"/>

4. Effect of declaring a singleton Spring bean static?

If you have

private static MyDAO myDAO;
And declared in applicationContext as
<bean id="myDAO" scope="singleton" class="my.MyDAO" />
Is there any effect declaring myDAO w/ the static modifier when it is already a singleton? Thanks in advance! ...

5. how to create a Spring bean from a static inner class constructor?

I am trying to use the Spring Framework IoC Container to create an instance of class ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy. In Java, I'd do it this way...

import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionHandler;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
RejectedExecutionHandler rejectedExecutionHandler = new ...

6. Spring static initialization of a bean

Hey, how one should deal with static initializations in Spring ? I mean, my bean has a static initialization

private static final Map<String, String> exceptionMapping = ErrorExceptionMapping.getExceptionMapping();
And I need to take care ...

7. using spring, can I extract some part of a static method to use to set a property on a bean?

I have a static method I have no control over: MyUtils.getServiceURL() which returns a URL. I need to extract just the port from this URL to set a property on a ...

8. Classloader mystery in Tomcat + Spring environment

I have two java static methods for class A:

private static String value;
public static void setValue(String str) {
    value = str;
public static String getValue() {
    return ...

9. How do I configure a property of a static class in Spring.NET?

How do I configure a static class via Spring .NET? Consider the following class:

static class Abc
   public Interface xyz

10. static property instantiation

I need to instantiate via a static property ThirdPartyObject.Instance so I tried but through an exception. I only saw the static factory method approach. Is there ...

11. Static URL properties, dynamic context root?

Static URL properties, dynamic context root? I've defined a number of system-wide properties as servlet context attributes, using Spring's ServletContextAttributeExporter. This works quite well, except with an URL that is based ...

12. Inject bean into static method

Hello All, Can any one have any idea about how to inject a bean into static method.. I have class Config in which methods are static and i need to inject ...

13. Why only static methods allowed on factory-bean?

Why only static methods allowed on factory-bean? Hello, I have a doubt with regard to the new factory-bean factory-method introduced in the 1.1 release. In general i find it a very ...

14. Accessing beans from static methods

Accessing beans from static methods I am converting an existing application and have come across the following scenario. I have an object (Foo) which has a static method on it called ...

15. how to use static method of a bean

i know that when you use getBeanName methods means to create a new object . but i wonder how to use static method in a bean.

16. Set collection value from ref bean static field?

Set collection value from ref bean static field? The following is probably not even correct bean config code, but the intent is to populate a collection with static fields from another ...

17. Is it possible to inject Static Enumerated Properties?

Is it possible to inject Static Enumerated Properties? I am currently injecting properties into a "Car" object. My question below specifically refers to a static enumerated "Direction" type that I also ...

18. How to get static final fields as bean

How to get static final fields as bean Hello all. I have application that consist of several modules. In core I have bean A. In another module I want to use ...

19. static reference to the property

Hi, I have the following question. "test1" "test2" Now, using ClassPathXmlApplicationContext.getBean("b") I get reference to an instance of ClassA. ...

20. Help! Accessing STATIC fields using Spring-beans

Help! Accessing STATIC fields using Spring-beans Maybe this isn't the right forum for this. If that's the case, I apologize... I'm trying to use spring-beans at servlet startup , and everything ...

21. Instantiating a bean from a static factory

Instantiating a bean from a static factory I everyone, I've started learning Spring a few days ago, and I would like to start using it in our of our projects that ...

22. Initializing a property in app context to the value obtained from a static getter

Initializing a property in app context to the value obtained from a static getter Hi, I did a quick search on the Spring forum to see if someone already asked this ...

23. Initialising static property of class through injection on startup

Sep 27th, 2007, 02:23 AM #1 rookie View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Sep 2007 Posts 2 Initialising static property of class through injection on startup ...

24. Static String property inside Bean?

I am sure others have already pass through this issue, but I do NOT see documentation on how in the applicationContext.xml file one can define a static string as a property ...

25. static property Initialization

How to Initialization a static property of a class? I tried below but it not successful public class StatClass { static int h; public static int getH() { return h; } ...

26. property values - static variables

property values - static variables Hi all, I have a property file with all the properties mentioned. I have a class with static variables mapping to the key values. I access ...

27. possible to assign a static variable as bean id?

Say i have a constant: public class X { public static final String SOME_CONSTANT = "xx"; } I can reference the value using . How can I assign this value ...

28. how to clean up the static bean

how to clean up the static bean "destroy-method" won't work if the bean has been assigned to other class "static". Here's the application context looks like:

29. How to inject a static property?

30. Accessing static fields (not methods) in a bean definition file

Hi Guys (and girls), I have a class called Foo that takes a java.util.Locale as a constructor-argument. I want to create a bean for this class in my bean definition file. ...

31. Static property injection

Hi all, I need to set in Spring XML file a property for a bean which has to be "static". I get errors while setting it using "static" in bean file, ...

32. Bean with all static methods

Hi, I have a simple Util class with few static methods. one of the method make use of DAO. so is it possible to convert this class as Spring Bean with ...

33. Init property from static method that takes a param?

Init property from static method that takes a param? I have a property that I'd prefer to init from the Spring context, as opposed to hardcoding in the class, but it ...

34. Can't wire bean from static factory

package com.hardwire.factories; import javax.jdo.JDOHelper; import javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory; public final class PMF { private static final PersistenceManagerFactory pmfInstance = JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory("transactions-optional"); private PMF() {} public static PersistenceManagerFactory get() { return pmfInstance; } }

35. static member variable in a singleton Spring bean

Code: public class MySpringBean { private static MyDIClass myDIClass; // setter for myDIClass static{ // myDIClass is referenced here } } I have a static attribute (myDIClass) in a singleton Spring ...

36. How to inject a static class member into a bean property?

How to inject a static class member into a bean property? I have a bean that has a property -- call it fooList -- that is of type List . I ...

37. How to use ExposablePropertyPaceholderConfigurer for properties with static refereces

How to use ExposablePropertyPaceholderConfigurer for properties with static refereces Hi , I was trying to use the convinient property Configurer that spring produced for initializing a propery table for my application ...

38. Require help on -- loading values for static variables from property files

Hi, I need to know if there is any method to load values for static variables from property files using Spring 3.0 or If there is any best way to do ...

39. How to declare bean properties public static final

If I would like to have a bean with public static final properties, is there a way to declare the property values using xml configuration? Also, is it possible to declare ...

40. Error with static bean

Error with static bean Hi, Am new to spring, am using a static object in a bean and trying to initialize from the application-context.xml, getting the following error, Invalid property 'XXX' ...

41. Bean creation via static factory method

Bean creation via static factory method Hi, I have read the reference document and found a method to create beans using a static factory method but unfortunately I can't seem to ...