runtime « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Different bean configuration depending on runtime?

I have a bean, say manager, which is used all over my application for remoting. The bean is using httpclient which in turn can be configured with or without proxy. But ...

2. Can I replace a Spring bean definition at runtime?

Consider the following scenario. I have a Spring application context with a bean whose properties should be configurable, think DataSource or MailSender. The mutable application configuration is managed by a separate ...

3. Reading valued from properties file at Runtime

I want to get specific value based on request from the property to do that? I have following spring configuration.i want to set the value for Exprops as per the request ...

4. resolve bean at runtime

resolve bean at runtime Hy, I use Spring 2.5 and I have a web-app with some context file. I have a bean like this: ...

5. how to deal with runtime changes in a bean?

how to deal with runtime changes in a bean? hi friends, my project is having a class which works as a storage area for the project. Inside it is a simple ...

6. Set property values at runtime?

Newbie question: Is there any way to use runtime properties when setting up the Spring configuration file? At a minimum, I'd like to be able to pass in a value on ...

7. Can an individual bean be reloaded during runtime?

Can an individual bean be reloaded during runtime? Hi, As part of the requirements of the project I'm working on they want services hooked up to Spring's BeanFactory be changed during ...

8. Atomic runtime multiple bean definition registration?

Atomic runtime multiple bean definition registration? I've implemented a system which requires runtime register/unregistering of a bean definition. But sometimes we need to register a few inner bean definitions as well. ...

9. spring:bind with property name known only at runtime

spring:bind with property name known only at runtime Hello all, I need to use spring:bind with variable property name at runtime. like in JSTL, you can do this: ...

10. Runtime edit of properties files

11. update spring managed bean at runtime

Thanks jbetancourt, My Spring defined bean has a property of type TreeMap. I want to change the values in this TreeMap at runtime. This treemap contains values which are retrieved from ...

12. runtime bean manipulations

runtime bean manipulations I have a simple web application that requires periodic configuration changes. These changes consist of adding, removing or otherwise altering Spring beans. Currently I accomplish these changes by ...

13. How to set runtime properties?

How to set runtime properties? Hi there, I've been reading a lot of posts regarding this, but I haven't been able to find what I need. I have the following: Code: ...

14. adding new beans in runtime

Hi everyone, I've small application with three beans defined in application.xml file ie. A, B, and C. What I want to do is to add another bean D in runtime. Any ...

15. Setting bean properties at runtime

Is there a way to set a bean's properties at runtime? The application I'm developing allows the user to select a customer and then manage that customer's data. Each customer has ...

16. setting bean properties at run time

setting bean properties at run time I have some interface IMyInterface and a set of implementations of this interface. Every implementation has its own specific properties. At run time a user ...

17. change property at runtime

change property at runtime I have a configuration like the following :

18. configuring bean at runtime

configuring bean at runtime Hi In my application i am configuring hibernate using spring. Code: false 1 org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseDialect false

19. Resolve property in run time

Resolve property in run time hi, i need to resolve a property in run time after the application context is created. I have a custom place holder configured in spring application ...

20. Building beans based on runtime

Building beans based on runtime I'm writing code that will provide our application access to the browser in the different platforms we run in (webstart, windows, mac, Java 1.4-1.6). I'd like ...

21. Configure a bean at runtime

nope, In fact i've a custom propertyplaceholder implementation that load a properties file according to the machine name and the server type (jboss, websphere, tomcat ...), but that doesn't suits the ...

22. Different bean configuration depending on runtime?

Different bean configuration depending on runtime? Hello. I have a bean, say manager, which is used all over my application for remoting. The bean is using httpclient which in turn can ...