nullpointerexception « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. My spring bean is not injected or created when I use the autowire and component annotations

I'm trying to understand DI, but my spring bean is not injected or created when I use the autowire and component annotations. Instead I get a nullpointer exception because my bean ...

2. Null pointer exception for request scoped bean using AspectJ-style Spring AOP

I'm cross-posting here, hoping to get an answer. Please visit I am running my projects on Windows 7 with Spring 3.1.0.RC1, Maven 3.

3. NullPointerException when bean extends another spring bean

Sep 28th, 2005, 07:31 AM #1 elmpp View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Sep 2005 Posts 1 NullPointerException when bean extends another spring bean Hi there, ...

4. NullPointerException when switching from BeanFactory to ApplicationContext

NullPointerException when switching from BeanFactory to ApplicationContext Hi all, I write apps that use Spring+Hibernate, the following is my Spring configuration: Code:

5. PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer throwing NullPointerException

PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer throwing NullPointerException All, I'm trying to do something very simple. I have a JNDI URL passed in as a SystemProperty at Weblogic startup. -Doprisk.weblogic.jndi.url=t3://localhost:9020 weblogic.Server I'm trying to use this ...

6. CheckBox Tag - NullPointerException - Bound Value Collection having null values

CheckBox Tag - NullPointerException - Bound Value Collection having null values Hi, I recently upgraded my application from 2.0.4 to 2.07. It throws NullPointerException if the bound value for the form:checkbox ...

7. Bean not initalized with DI -- NullPointerException

Bean not initalized with DI -- NullPointerException Hello Folks, I have a problem with the initialization of a bean. I'm implementing a web application with spring MVC, I have made a ...

8. NullpointerException for Autowired Beans in Custom Validator

NullpointerException for Autowired Beans in Custom Validator Hi, I have a User JavaBean for which I have written a custom validator, UserValidator. For some reason the value of autowired userServices bean ...

9. NullPointerException with @Resource property

NullPointerException with @Resource property Folks, I'm pretty new to all this, so I'm sure this is something simple I'm missing. I wanted something similar to the app.config way from .NET to ...

10. Getting a null pointer exception while using Gridify with Spring bean

I have followed the link for creating my spring application(on Spring source Community). I then changed the server from tomcat to jboss. Now I tried to gridify my Spring application ...