method « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. How to hide method from the Spring bean?

I have a bean which extends other Java file. When I create a Spring bean all public methods (from my and from extended files) are exposed. How can I hide not ...

2. Calling an arbitrary method on a bean

Hello, So I have a manager class - it needs to have the peons be registered and i thought this was a perfect place for Spring! the function looks something like ...

3. can I call a bean method outside of ?

can I call a bean method outside of ? I am putting together the config file for a supply chain simulation. As part of the Spring config I need to ...

4. Problem with Enitity Property/Method Visiblilty

Problem with Enitity Property/Method Visiblilty I have created an entity called: AuthenticationMaster It was reversed from a table in the DB. It created all of the appropriate files: Code: @RooJavaBean ...

5. Invoke bean method for value during bean creation

#{appConfigUtil.url} I want a way to insert URL at bean creation time, but ...

6. Wiring method call to a bean property

7. Execute method on bean creation..

Execute method on bean creation.. Hi! I have a bean that is loaded in an application context. When the bean is loaded I need a method to be called in it ...

8. Calling bean method run-time : Possible?

Calling bean method run-time : Possible? Hi All, I've following requirement: Method A1 of Bean A needs to call method B1 of bean B. But this should happen without putting call ...

9. Invoking another method to get property values

Invoking another method to get property values What is the best way to invoke a method (static or non-static) in another object to get a value back for a bean's property? ...

10. Property value set as result of a method?

11. Bean Property Definition Methods

I got the follow error javax.servlet.ServletException: Could not resolve view with name '"homeView"' in servlet with name 'myApp' when I had "homeView" But, it is fine with ...

13. method exclusion in Beans

Is there a way to exclude methods in a Spring bean? I don't want to include all methods in the POJO I use to be available. I want restrict some methods ...

14. Accessing any other spring bean from method interceptor

Is there any way i can access any other bean from the method interceptor? I mean from my interceptor invoke method, i want to access any application specific global settings..

15. Init-method of bean

Hi I have given following configuration on an bean Code: class="............PostContextLoader" init-method="init"> according to documentation given. Init method would be called when all ...

16. StaticPointcut not working on backing bean action method

. . @Override public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName){ if(myPointcut.getClassFilter().matches(bean.getClass())){ ProxyFactory pf = new ProxyFactory(); pf.addAdvisor(advisor); pf.setTarget(bean); return pf.getProxy(); } return bean; } . .

17. How to handle add() methods?

Hello, I'm working with a third party API whose "beans" do not expose setter methods on some of their properties, instead it provides add(Object propertyValue) methods. What is the best approach ...

18. calling spring beans in set method

I have a bean instantiated by spring , Code: public class Test { private string name; public void setName(String name){; } } I am initilizing Test with spring Code:

19. How to execute method using spring beans

I need findItemByPIdEndDate() method of the MngtImpl class to be invoked every 5000ms, but nothing appears to be happening. Am I missing something? Code:

20. how to invoke methods of a bean

hello, i'm new in this line, i have created a JEE-project and have decided to replace a selected few of code with spring framework. So i have constructed a xml file ...