maven « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. System properties can't be resolved in Spring XML using Maven

My application needs to know the path to a directory where it can store its data. I tried to set a Java system property and use that variable as a placeholder ...

2. Why does eclipse not find the beans.xml files in a spring based Maven project

I have a maven project under eclipse with m2eclipse. WHen running integration tests the tests fail with the mention that the spring configuration files cannot be found on the classpath, and ...

3. Limiting available beans via Maven

I use Maven to manage my web application using Spring. I do have two main directories - /src/main/java and /src/test/java - where the all testing stuff lies (tests, mocks, etc). The tests ...

4. Netbeans Including XML and Properties when building Spring projects with Maven

I am new to Maven and Spring. I'm using Netbeans 7 as my IDE, and setting up a Spring 3 project using Maven. Everything seemed to set up smoothly, and I ...

5. maven test class files are not getting loaded: NoClassDefFoundError

I am getting following error while running junit test file with maven:

Caused by:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:IllegalName:com/home/app/LoginDetailsTest
all my test class files are located at target\ test-classes and java class files are located ...

6. Importing Spring beans from other Maven modules

I currently have the following maven modules for my app: rules, persistence, server, each of which contain an applicationContext.xml file importing from each other, (ie. server imports rulesAC which imports persistenceAC, ...

7. Refining a Spring Bean in a multi-module Maven project?

I am drawing a blank on this for some reason. I have a multi-module Spring/Maven project. In module1 I define a singleton bean called "info" and it works within ...

8. Spring nullable String Bean

I have a filtered configuration like so (using Maven for filtering):

<bean class="com.whatever.SomeClass">
    <property name="someString" value="${filter.prop.value}"/>
Sometimes that string property needs to be null (for reasons I wont go into ...

9. Spring bean where class is filtered...or how to choose between two beans?

I have several XA datasources I need to configure within a Spring application context that I use for integration testing inside of Maven. They look like this:

<bean id="sbeH2XADataSource" class="org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource">

10. Cannot find the declaration of element 'beans' in internet offline mode

i am using spring 3.0.5, maven 2, eclipse 3.6 here's my declaration of applicationContext.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

11. How to pass active Maven profiles as Spring bean profiles?

How to pass active Maven profiles as Spring bean profiles? Env: Maven 2.x, Spring 3.1.0.RC1 When trying to use Spring bean profiles in my Maven tests via the system property, ...

12. Maven2+Ant+Spring : Classloading problem ?

Mar 3rd, 2008, 10:21 AM #1 mtim View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2007 Posts 6 Maven2+Ant+Spring : Classloading problem ? Hi all, can't instantiate ...

13. Different behaviour for destroying beans running in Eclipse or Maven

Different behaviour for destroying beans running in Eclipse or Maven In a testcase a service component gets a mock delegate instance in each testmethod to force certain conditions. If I use ...

14. Can I inject properties from Maven (settings.xml) into my Spring container?

Can I inject properties from Maven (settings.xml) into my Spring container? Can I inject a password I define in my Maven settings.xml into my Spring IOC container? Hello All, I define ...