location « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Display properties file location in client code    stackoverflow.com

I have a bean declared in my applicationContext file like this:

<util:properties id="myProperties" scope="prototype" location="file:${catalina.home}/webapps/myProperties.properties"/>
in my client code I use this bean to retrieve the properties file like this:
Properties props = context.getBean("myProperties", ...

2. PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and placeholders in location    forum.springsource.org

PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and placeholders in location Hi, there are quite a few postings to this topic. There are some new things in newest Spring versions, so I would like to ask if ...

3. PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer - problem with specification of location?    forum.springsource.org

Seems to be the same to me. The only issue I can think of, is that leading/trailing whitespace might be relevant when using the tags (though not sure about this). ...

4. Setting the location of a properties file via PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer    forum.springsource.org

Setting the location of a properties file via PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer I am running inside of JBoss and my application is contained within a war file. I would like to have a properties ...

5. location property of PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer for different environements    forum.springsource.org

location property of PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer for different environements Hi, I need to configure "location" property of PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer differently for various environemts. for example in dev environment we have windows box and it ...