1. same bean id on different xml file, will it merge? stackoverflow.comi'm reading liferay source code and found out that 2 xml files using same bean-id. will all the properties merge together if using this way?
2. ice:inputFile (icefaces) @ liferay portal: Why is there more than one bean (object) instance? stackoverflow.comI use ice:inputFile (icefaces 1.8 component) within a liferay portlet. I followed this instuctions input-file tutorial and all things work fine at first view. During my test i found out, ... |
4. How to get spring bean from Indexer liferay.com |
5. Error spring beans at Tomcat Start. liferay.com |
6. Spring loaded beans fails after moving to 5.2.3 liferay.com |
7. Declare Spring Bean liferay.com |