import « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Import Spring config file based on property in .properties file

In my Spring xml configuration I'm trying to get something like this to work:


   <import resource="${}" />

   <!-- Other bean definitions -->

I want to decide which file ...

2. Spring/Eclipse 'referenced bean not found' warning when using ?

I have just broken up a Spring bean configuration file into smaller external files and have used the the "import" directive to include them in my Spring Test application context XML ...

3. Spring bean name when importing another spring context

Can you enlighten me on this problem I encountered while experimenting with Spring. I have 2 context here. let's name them springA.xml and springB.xml springA.xml

<beans xmlns=""

4. Does the Spring bean container command eliminate duplicate containers?

Does the <import> command of the Spring bean container eliminate duplicate containers? For example, if bean container file A imports B and C and each these ...

5. Property Placeholder for Imports/Bean Refs

Can I use a property loaded from property-placeholder to make a context import dynamic?

<context:property-placeholder location="classpath*:/"/>
<import resource="classpath*:/Fsb${jdbc.ctxType?:Jdbc}-context.xml"/>
Properties File
So this way I could change the type of context file that is loaded based ...

6. Property Placeholder for Imports/Bean Refs

Hi See - you can resolve placeholders in elements (using more property sources in Spring 3.1, Spring 3.0.x allowed only system properties). But I'm afraid you can't use ...

7. Using with a spring bean xml file from an imported bundle

Using with a spring bean xml file from an imported bundle Hi. My question is simple. I have bundleA that defines contextA.xml. I want that another bundle can load that ...

8. specify import, scan package or classname based on property value (not system prop)

specify import, scan package or classname based on property value (not system prop) Hi, is there anyway other than system property to pass values dynamically for the import filename, scan package ...

9. bean def xml file import element error

bean def xml file import element error OK. I feel silly for even posting this but I am getting an error when I use the import element in my xml bean ...

10. Importing Bean Definitions from One File Into Another

Importing Bean Definitions from One File Into Another Hi.. i'm developing an app using spring, and my xxx-servlet.xml is getting bigger and bigger, i'm interested in the spring reference part 3.17. ...

11. Importing bean definitions indirectly via prop files

12. Conditional importing/loading of alternate beans.xml - environment specific beans

Conditional importing/loading of alternate beans.xml - environment specific beans This post directly ask how to do what has been rejected in these issues: i.e. you are not able ...

13. PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to specify imports

PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to specify imports I am trying to use a property to specify the Spring XML included in a beans.xml file, with the intention that in the long run this value ...

14. Is there a way to resolve ${property} in ?

Is there a way to resolve ${property} in ? We have an environment where we need to "deploy" reusable configuration snippets in different environment where effectively we need to import ...

15. import in a property

16. inject/import list of beans

inject/import list of beans Hi, I have my applicationContext.xml in which one of my beans have a property List of beans. The number of beans can grow overtime. But I want ...

17. bean:import resolution question

bean:import resolution question What happens when one has a tree of spring XML configuration where some XML files might import the same spring configuration file using bean:import? To have a concrete ...

18. Bean definition xml import problem.

Bean definition xml import problem. I have two jars in classpath and each of them contains context.xml beans definition file. Now in my application-context.xml I have: When I'm ...

19. pluggable imports with property placeholder configurer - workaround

pluggable imports with property placeholder configurer - workaround So, you can't use PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to conditionalize arguments in an application context. You can use placeholders in imports, but they have to ...