groovy « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Eclipse Spring Builder set properties with Groovy beans

I typically use groovy to construct simple bean but the Spring IDE plugin to eclipse fails to build when I try to set a property that is generated by groovy without ...

2. Lookup Groovy Beans in App Context

I have several Groovy beans defined within my app context file, like so:

<lang:groovy id="bean1">
I would like to get a list of all the groovy beans from the ApplicationContext, ...

3. Refreshable Bean no Last-Modified Header

In my application context file I have a Groovy "refreshable" bean defined. The bean is defined with an http: prefix (see below). The problem I'm having is that our web servers ...

4. Using @Value Spring Annotation with Groovy

I have a groovy class where I wan to autowire a property value. Eg:

public @Value("${valueA}" ) String valueA;
With the addition of the the property-placeholder in my appliction context
<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:spring/" />
The has ...

5. How do I update existing autowired properties when inserting a new bean?

We have component classes that autowire beans of a certain type:

public class MyComponent {
    public IValidators[] validators;
Our application allows the creation of Groovy classes ...

6. How to inject property values into a Spock test?

When using a Spock test, i have hardcoded some properties hardcoded into the spock test. The example is a JDBC url. I tried the @Value annotation together with a propertie file, ...

7. Groovy Script as an Inner Bean BeanDefinitionParsingException

Groovy Script as an Inner Bean BeanDefinitionParsingException Hi, I have the following construct in my appContext (straight from the manual): I get ...

8. Groovy property setting error

Groovy property setting error Hi, I have simple description but I get error: Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationExce ption: Error creating bean with ...

9. AOP with Groovy beans

AOP with Groovy beans Hi In a standard web application in applicationContext.xml I have the following: Code: here When I start up I am getting the ...

10. AOP Issues with non-Spring instantiated Groovy script bean

AOP Issues with non-Spring instantiated Groovy script bean This seems to be somewhat related to I am instantiating a Groovy bean using a GroovyClassLoader, and then handing it to a ...

11. Groovy beans : failed to convert property of type GroovyScriptFactory...

Groovy beans : failed to convert property of type GroovyScriptFactory... Hi, I'm using Spring 2.5 with Groovy 1.5 and failing with a blocker : when I try to create a groovy ...

12. How to get class annotations for Groovy beans

It appears that proxying has nothing to deal with the absense of annotation. I compiled a groovy file with a groovyc compiler and loaded it like a regular java class from ...

13. Groovy + AOP classloader problem?

Groovy + AOP classloader problem? I'm using spring 2.5.6, and it appears the AOP classloader is having problems with groovy beans: Caused by: org.aspectj.weaver.reflect.ReflectionWorld$Reflect ionWorldException: warning can't determine annotations of missing ...

14. Groovy beans

Groovy beans Hi all, just trying to write JSF back-beans in Groovy, so I started with the Chapter 24 of Spring reference and implemented the Messenger interface as shown there. When ...

15. groovy beans using other groovy classes

Hi there, Is there any way to have a refreshable groovy bean which uses some other refreshable non-bean groovy classes and have all of them (the bean as well as the ...

17. AOP problem with Groovy bean

Oct 7th, 2009, 03:39 AM #1 ianlong View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2007 Posts 17 AOP problem with Groovy bean Hi All, I'm using ...

18. Mutilple Groovy beans in single script

I would like to store in a single, refreshable, Groovy Script several Groovy classes (strategy design pattern): Code: package groovy; abstract class AbstractRule implements Rule { } class ConcreteRule1 extends AbstractRule ...

19. Dynamically load groovy beans

Hi, sorry for the noob question but I'm new to spring. I would like to have groovy classes contained in some folder to be dynamically loaded into the container, is there ...

20. any simple way to beans from groovy scripts

is there any simple way to creates beans from groovy scripts ,for every script I have to declare instead is there any bean which just needs a ...

21. Groovy bean factory?

I came accross this page. Yesterday I checked out a fresh version of spring and can not see the groovy stuff. Where can I find it? I have been using ...