expression « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Relative References in Expressions in XML bean definitions in Spring 3.0

This is the example from the spring 3.0 reference:

<bean id="numberGuess" class="org.spring.samples.NumberGuess">
    <property name="randomNumber" value="#{ T(java.lang.Math).random() * 100.0 }"/>

<bean id="shapeGuess" class="org.spring.samples.ShapeGuess">
    <property name="initialShapeSeed" value="#{ numberGuess.randomNumber }"/>
But ...

2. How does Spring 3 expression language interact with property placeholders?

Spring 3 has introduced a new expression language (SpEL) which can be used in bean definitions. The syntax itself is fairly well specified. What isn't clear is how, if at ...

3. Performing arithmetic using Spring Expression Language and PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer values

I'm trying to set a bean property that I need to be the addition of two integers, read in from a properties element. So something like this:

<context:property-placeholder properties-ref="props"/>

<util:properties id="props">

4. Grails Property Expression instead of Domain Object in Web Flow?

We are currently trying to build some stuff with Grails Web Flows. We are setting an object in the Flow (using flow.objectName = objectInstance), but when we try to access it in ...

5. How make a Spring aop comparasion on expression?

I need to get the value of property name logLvl of bean id logConfig and make a comparasion on expression.

<bean id="logConfig"
    <property name="logDetails" value="STANDARD" ...

6. Setting a bean property or constructor arg from a property expression

Setting a bean property or constructor arg from a property expression Hey guys ... I have some queries about "Setting a bean property or constructor arg from a property expression" Bellow ...

7. Property placeholders with spring-el expression in intercept-url element

Property placeholders with spring-el expression in intercept-url element Hi, I am trying to use a property placeholder within security so I can do something like the following:

10. Why do we need to instantiate an expression handler bean in 3.0.0M2?

Why do we need to instantiate an expression handler bean in 3.0.0M2? I kept getting a warning saying no expression handler was set... and I looked in your code and you ...

11. how to use osgi properties and camel expressions

how to use osgi properties and camel expressions I posted this at ( at first but I suppose this is the better place... I need to use osgi properties which ...

12. Spring expression language with dot in bean name

We are migration Spring 2.0 application into Spring 3.0 We want to achieve following using spring expression language @Bean(name="Service.Employee") public Employee ServiceEmployee(){ Employee emp = new Employee(); emp.setName("amitg"); String str1 = ...