constructor « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Can you copy property or constructor-arg valuse from objects in Spring.NET XML?

I believe I came across this a couple months ago, but now I'm having trouble finding the answer. Perhaps someone can just point me to the right section in the ...

2. How to XML configure Spring bean for constructor injection when bean has varargs constructor

Is there a way to write a Spring bean in XML so that it uses constructor injection when that constructor has a varargs parameter type? IE, is there a way to ...

3. Spring Calls Object Constructor Before Setting Properties

I have an abstract class, Foo, that has a non-abstract method called Bar. I have a class Baz that extends Foo and has its own unique constructor. By default, ...

4. Spring: constructor injection of primitive values (properties) with annotation based configuration

I'm trying to configure a class with Annotation based configuration in Spring 3, which takes primitive values as its constructor arguments:

class MyBean {
  MyBean(String arg1, String arg2) {

5. What happens if a bean attempts to load the Spring application context in its constructor?

Given the following Spring application context and class A, what happens when you run class A? applicationContext.xml (in classpath):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

6. Autowiring a collection via the constructor with Spring

I have what seems to be a simple problem, as stated in the title. Here is the kind of class I have :

public class Foo {

7. How to inject a value to bean constructor using annotations

My spring bean have a constructor with an unique mandatory argument, and I managed to initialize it with the xml configuration :

<bean name="interfaceParameters#ota" class="">

8. How to inject constructor parameters from properties in Spring 3.0 with the @Named annotation?

I'm having trouble putting it all together:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

9. constructor-arg and property together in bean definition

<bean id="cObject" scope="request" class="x.y.z.CClass"/>
<bean id="bObject" scope="request" class="x.y.z.BClass"/>
<bean id="aObject" scope="request" class="x.y.z.AClass">
    <constructor-arg ref="bObject" />
    <property name="cRef" ref="cObject" />
aObject.cRef is not getting set for some reason. Note ...

10. constructor injection with value provided by another bean

I want to pass value to constructor(type string) with value provided by another bean. Class BeanOne () { BeanOne (String message) { ... } } Below declaration will work

<bean id="beanOne"

11. How to provide current BeanFactory as constructor argument

I have a singleton class which I would like to be created using Spring's IoC. This class needs to instantiate a dynamic number of other objects using IoC as well. Thus, ...

12. How to pass a constructor arg of one bean to a nested bean

I have two classes A and B. A holds B as a class field b. A has two arguments in its constructor : public A(C c, D d){}. B has two arguments in ...

13. @Autowired bean is null when referenced in the constructor of another bean

Shown below is a snippet of code where I try and reference my ApplicationProperties bean. When I reference it from the constructor it is null, but when referenced from another method ...

14. How to auto-wire constructors AND properties in Spring

The following example did not behave as expected. How can I auto-wire the constructor AND properties? I can create my Wizard bean with a robe or a wand, but not both ...

15. Anyway to @Autowire a bean that requires constructor arguments?

I'm using Spring 3.0.5 and am using @Autowire annotation for my class members as much as possible. One of the beans that I need to autowire requires arguments to its ...

16. Passing a dir into a bean constructor

I have the following bean setup

    <bean id="server-engine"
    <constructor-arg index="0" value="package.rulesengine.log" />
However I get the error:
Constructor threw exception; nested exception ...

17. spring: how to add a property of a bean as a constructor arg

I have a bean (bean1) which has a method called getProperties() I need to pass the value of getProperties() as a constructor arg of another bean Something like:

<constructor-arg ref=""/>
which does now work. How can ...

18. Java Spring bean with private constructor

Is possible in Spring that class for bean doesn't have public constructor but only private ? Will this private constructor invoked when bean is created? Thanks.

19. Error when creating bean with type [Ambiguous constructor argument types]

I have the following spring bean configuration

  <bean id="fileBean" class="">
    <constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" 

20. @Value Annotation not injecting values from properties file

I'm using @Value annotation to fetch properties & it is happening successfully in Normal method but not in Class constructor.Can anyone tell what may be the reason?

Class A {


21. Bean constructor parameters

Hi. I am using Spring for my Swing application. And I came across a small problem. I have a bean than extends JDialog class. Code:

22. how to autowire a bean without default constructor

how to autowire a bean without default constructor How to use @Autowired on a field whose constructor need argument? if the class RelationalDataSource has default constructor, the @Autowired function properly as ...

23. IoC avaiable at constructor bean?

IoC avaiable at constructor bean? Please, i'm trying to develop a jsf/spring aplication using IoC. I've followed some tutorials and according to those i put the applicationContext.xml under the WEB-INF and, ...

24. How to inject a bean with constructor arguments using @Autowrire

No. Actually, I meant more as a class member: Ex: Code: @Component public class MyConstructorClass{ String var; public MyConstructorClass( String var ){ this.var = var; } ... } @Service public class ...

25. ref a bean produced by a factory bean from constructor-arg

Nov 4th, 2004, 10:11 PM #1 manifoldronin View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Senior Member Join Date Oct 2004 Location Herndon, VA, US Posts 648 ref a bean ...

26. Prototype bean runtime constructor parameters

Prototype bean runtime constructor parameters Hello Community, Spring novice here, I've been using Spring for less than a week, and I'm trying to integrate it into and existing Java Command And ...

27. How to inject private constructor in bean class

we inject constructors through tag. But I want to inject a private constructor of bean class.How to inject this in spring.cfg.xml file?

28. Proxy around bean that has no default constructor.

Proxy around bean that has no default constructor. This class has no default constructor and uses proxy. Code: @Service @Scope(proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class Foo { private final Bar bar; @Autowired ...

29. Prototype bean constructor/factory runtime args

Prototype bean constructor/factory runtime args I would like to send a runtime argument to a prototype bean. This appears to be in the box for the XMLBeanFactory class, having a getBean(String, ...

30. Setting bean constructor args problems

Setting bean constructor args problems I have class with a simple String property and two constructors. public class GenericAggregator{ privateString resourceName; public GenericAggregator() { } public GenericAggregator(String resourceName) { this.resourceName = ...

31. How to pass a property file value to a bean's constructor?

How to pass a property file value to a bean's constructor? I've tried to find the answer to this and haven't so thanks for the expertise and patience. I'm simply trying ...

32. use a bean with a constructor

Spring is really for static object trees. Its factories have a specific interface so they can have the same semantics as non factory objects. What you'd have to do is create ...

33. Injecting runtime constructor-arg properties

Injecting runtime constructor-arg properties I was working with a friend on a command pattern he wanted to implement. The commands would be spring-managed (so non-singleton of course) and be constructor-injected. The ...

34. Retrieving a value from a running Bean as constructor argum

Retrieving a value from a running Bean as constructor argum Hellu, I am trying to do the following: Get a static value through a static method out of a running bean ...

35. question on Bean creation via constructor

we know ganesh is equivalent to ExampleBean eb= new ExampleBean ("ganesh"); then is the following equivalent to ExampleBean eb= new ExampleBean(); ...

36. Difference between constructor injection and property injection?

Difference between constructor injection and property injection? Hi, I am a newbie in server side programming field. Now I am reading the book "Spring in Action". I have a confusion for ...

37. Is it possible to proxy a bean with constructor argument?

public class Person { private String name; public Person(String name) { = name;} public String getName() { return;} }

38. Non-singleton beans and constructor arguments

Nope.. You can ask Spring for beans, in my previous example you could ask for bean1, or bean2. The fact they use different constructors is not important if you want to ...

39. Bean constructor is a class!!!

Bean constructor is a class!!! Hello , Here is what I am trying to do I have a constructor public PersonDAO(Class persistentClass) { } as you can it's a calss. nwo ...

40. Parent bean, factory and constructor-args

Parent bean, factory and constructor-args We have a factory bean we are writing. Currently, it takes 3 arguments in it's constructor, 2 of which are always the same, and 1 which ...

41. retrieving a bean based on constructor args

retrieving a bean based on constructor args is there a way to directly access a bean based on the given constructor args? for instance: ...

42. Passing in bean factory represented by to a constructor?

Alternatively, how do i import a single instance of a bean defined in another bean definition file, given that i'm trying to reference it from a file loaded via ClassPathXmlApplicationContext? I ...

43. Can't inject property values - but refs and constructor args ok

Can't inject property values - but refs and constructor args ok Hi, I am trying to inject text values into fields in a class using property/value but I get InvalidPropertyException. I'm ...

44. bean, call a constructor

bean, call a constructor hi i try to call the constructor of my class to initialize a variable... my class NumId Code: public class NumId{ public NumId(Long val){ longVal = val; ...

45. Bean of class "DecimalFormat" causes "Ambiguous constructor argument types" Excp.

Hello, I'm trying to define a bean of class "java.text.DecimalFormat" tihs way: Code: When Spring tries to instantiate the bean, the following exception gets ...

46. Error creating bean... No visible constructors...

Error creating bean... No visible constructors... Hi, I am trying to create a MethodInterceptor to intercept a Facade when it's called. The facade is a singleton with a private constructor and ...

47. How to XML configure bean for constructor injection when bean has varargs constructor

Is there a way to write a bean in XML so that it uses constructor injection when that constructor has a varargs parameter type? For instance: class MyClass { MyClass(String... args) ...

48. Ref bean with constructor

Ref bean with constructor How can I do it? Orange Ventura CA TX Class validator{ void test( List common ){ } }

53. How to inject all beans of a certain type into a constructor arg?

How to inject all beans of a certain type into a constructor arg? Hi, I have defined a number of beans in my config xml file all of which are of ...

54. Could not instantiate bean class: No default constructor found

Could not instantiate bean class: No default constructor found Hi, I am having a weird issue and would appreciate if someone can help me. When I start a bundle I am ...

55. Injecting non-spring beans into Constructor

Injecting non-spring beans into Constructor Pardon me if my question is naive, but I was trying to get to the right answer. I am using Spring 2.5 and am stuck at ...

57. how to pass a parameter to constructor of a Bean when getting it from context?

Hi, I have a class called Utils which is start of my application. In this class I am getting UtilHelper from the spring context using getBean method. I have a variable ...