configuration « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. spring beans configuration

I'm using Spring's dependency injection but I'm running into difficulty loading a resource in my spring config file. The resource is an XML file and its in a jar file on ...

2. Spring - configuring a class not as a bean though

I have a Spring-managed bean (Application-scoped, or a singleton in the Spring world) that has properties within it that are a list of objects. I'd like to configure those objects in XML ...

3. Change spring bean properties at configuration time

In a spring servlet xml file, I'm using org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean to regularly fire a set of triggers.

<bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean">
    <property name="triggers">

4. @Bean inside class with @Configuration and witout it

There is a @Bean annotation in Spring 3.0. It allows to define a Spring bean directly in a Java code. While browsing Spring reference I found two different ways of using ...

5. Spring Bean Configuration: How to mark beans as mandatory/optional?

I am making heavy use of Springs XML Configuration for Java Beans. Is there a best practice to mark a property of a bean as optional or required? I am currently ...

6. Spring incremental configuration using PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

I'm trying to find a way to re-use a spring configuration. The component I want to reuse is working like that: The component is assembled inside the Spring context using a 'configBuilder'. The config ...

7. spring configuration with system property

I have a question. Currently i start jboss with -P property that links to file with properties. In this property file i have property - mongo.server.list= In Spring configuration i try to ...

8. Configuring System property in Spring

I have file channel adapter which need to listen to a directory in specfied intervals. And I have the following code.

<file:inbound-channel-adapter id="fileAdapter"
         directory="file:${}/finalize/" ...

9. BeanNameGenerator not work for @Bean in @Configuration class?

I was looking to use the BeanNameGenerator for the @Bean methods in my @Configuration classes, but looking at the source of ConfigurationClassBeanDefinitionReader it appears to not support BeanNameGenerator. Is this correct? ...

10. Configuration selection through properties

Code: live

11. Bean Configuration

Hi, how can I configure the following dependencies with Spring? Code: Queue queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue(10); Alpha alpha = new Alpha(queue); Beta beta = new Beta(queue); Gateway gateway = new Gateway(alpha, ...

12. Bean Configuration

Hi, how can I configure the following dependencies with Spring? Code: Queue queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue(10); Alpha alpha = new Alpha(queue); Beta beta = new Beta(queue); Gateway gateway = new Gateway(alpha, ...

13. How do I get Beans Support to work for @Configuration files?

How do I get Beans Support to work for @Configuration files? I'm trying to convert some pieces of our XML contexts to Java based contexts, but the Eclipse editor keeps throwing ...

14. (Advanced) Bean Configuration

I would like to use the BeanFactory for a class implementing this interface (I know it wouldn't be a Bean): interface MyInterface { public void setName(String name) ; public void add(DataSource ...

15. @Configurable bean doesn't get 'unregistered'?

@Configurable bean doesn't get 'unregistered'? I have an external component that is autowired using the AspectJ @Configurable weaving because I need one instance per session and its from an external framework. ...

16. Mixed configuration - too late bean creation

Hi, I have to type of configuration: 1) base on annotations: Code: @Bean(destroyMethod="close") public DataSource dataSource() { BasicDataSource dataSource = new BasicDataSource(); dataSource.setDriverClassName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); dataSource.setUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test"); dataSource.setUsername("mysql"); dataSource.setPassword(""); return dataSource; } 2) xml ...

17. Configuring beans per layer

Hi, What is the best approach to creating 1 configuration file per application layer? For example: web-layer.config business-layer.config data-layer.config I would like to inject data-layer beans into business-layer beans. I'm trying ...

18. meta-property beans for ui configuration.

19. Bean Configuration Syntax

Bean Configuration Syntax In one of the beam configurations, a property is "". And it is stated in the applicationContext.xml as I get an ...

20. Configuring with ../relative/or/${param}/

Configuring with ../relative/or/${param}/ Hello, how can I resolve a relative resource in the ApplicationContext of a web application? Consider the following directory layout to provide configurations for several mandants: WEB-INF/config//properties WEB-INF/config//spring ...

21. how: elegant beans configuration

how: elegant beans configuration I am new to spring and have following problem... The setup is very similar to servlet filters as I have one FooProcessor which would have to execute ...

22. Beans Configuration Classification

Thank You very much for your response. I was hoping that there was some solution within Spring to load environment specific configuration. We need to deploy our application in 5 different ...

23. partial configuration of beans?

hi.. is it possible to configure a bean on spring file and then when i that refence that bean from another bean, set an additional property like so?

24. Configuring beans

Presently my beans are configured by standard setterProperty method : Now, we want to change it that I do not want to hard code the value in sprint-config.xml ...

25. How to refresh Spring bean configuration

How to refresh Spring bean configuration Hi guys I searched Google and this forum for this topic already, but did not find something helpful. My application is split up into two ...

26. PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer with Commons Configuration

I have an instance of commons configurator which holds my application configuration. I would like to have the instances of PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in my application be driven by the instance of the ...

27. Problem mixin compiled aspects and @Configurable beans

Problem mixin compiled aspects and @Configurable beans Hi ! I have a few aspectsj classes, using @Aspect annotation (no .aj files, all .java). I would like to inject dependencies into them, ...

28. Configuring beans outside the app

Configuring beans outside the app I'm using the following: Code: ctx = new GenericApplicationContext(); XmlBeanDefinitionReader xmlReader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(ctx); xmlReader.loadBeanDefinitions(new ClassPathResource("file1.xml")); xmlReader.loadBeanDefinitions(new ClassPathResource("file2.xml")); String file3 = System.getProperty("file3location"); xmlReader.loadBeanDefinitions(new FileSystemResource(file3)); ctx.refresh(); Where ...

29. Bean configuration

Hi, I would really appreciate some help. After having installed Spring in Eclipse, I am able to create Spring projects and everything seems to be fine except bean configuration.

30. Bean configuration

Bean configuration Hi! i am very new with spring. I have to use eclipse EE version with spring and JSF. To setup spring into eclipse EE env i have done following ...

31. Improve Bean Configuration of repeated blocks of beans commonly used

Improve Bean Configuration of repeated blocks of beans commonly used I have a problem when configuring my beans. I have blocks of configured beans that I need to be almost exactly ...

32. way to initialise from spring-configuration

hi, i use the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to read properties from file and making them available to my beans. another nice feature would be to tell spring to inject these properties to my ...

33. how to set properties in configuration file

hi to all, I am very new to spring. I am stuck on a problem that can be very easy for all of you. I have a bean with following interface. ...

34. Use bean property within configuration file

Hi, Is it possible to reference a property of a bean file as if it were a property, e.g. xxx ...

35. System property in spring configurations file.

Use a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer. This allows you to keep your enviroment-specific properties defined separately, yet use them in the main Spring configuration. The ${propertyKeyword} construct allows you to specify the property defined ...

36. Configuring the remember-me beans

Hi, I am running into a quite simple problem. I am using the ns based config and would like to change the validity of the token. From looking at the code ...

37. Big problem with bean configuration

Big problem with bean configuration Hey everybody... I have a big problem with the bean config for the following code: public class KPI16InputController_DIVrYtd extends MaintainDataController_generated { protected KPIInputMDH kpiMdh; public KPI16InputController_DIVrYtd() ...

38. Configuring a Bean for a Download URL

Can a bean be configured to accept a filename URL leading to a controller that downloads a file? What I have in mind is a URL like: I tried writing ...

39. bean configuring problem

bean configuring problem Right now I'm having trouble injecting an EntityManagerFactory into a bean With XML configuration my application works fine: Code: However ...

40. Configuring one PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer with another

Configuring one PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer with another Hi, I have a need to deploy a single war into the same Tomcat container with two different configurations. I thought I found a way to ...

41. Configuring properties of a timerTask targetObject (TimerFactoryBean)

Configuring properties of a timerTask targetObject (TimerFactoryBean) Hi All I am trying to figure out how to have a general bean that can take config inside of the targetObject property of ...

42. Duplicate @Configuration @Bean's being created

Duplicate @Configuration @Bean's being created Hi, I was looking at the reference (section 3.11.5 ) and according to the code @Configurations could call their own methods and still properly resolve ...

43. Adding configuration to an already configured bean

Adding configuration to an already configured bean I have a question regarding configuring a bean. I would like to do the following:

44. PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer configuring another PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

Hi, I need a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer bean to replace placeholders on another PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer. Is it possible? It seems spring tries to instantiate all BeanFactoryPostProcessor at once leaving my second PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer with unresolved ...

45. Question on Non spring bean configuration

Question on Non spring bean configuration Hi, To configure a bean which is instantiated outside spring context, I did the following. @Configurable("xyzBean") public class xyz{ String abc; //setter method. } in ...

46. Externalizing configuration properties

If property of PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer bean has more than one external files to load properties. Suppose, 2 files contains same property name say "" Spring evaluates ${} to the value which ...

47. Problem Getting Intergration Tests to Recognize @Bean configurations

Problem Getting Intergration Tests to Recognize @Bean configurations I am using @ContextConfiguration integration tests where I am pointing to the application context xml files. In the ApplicationContext, I am performing component-scanning ...